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1 Orders Of National Task in other words Tekalifi Milliye is the solidarity of the people during the war. In 1921, enemies began to occupy the lands of the Ottoman Empire, which was defeated in the First World War and weakened by the war. The Turkish Nation started a great resistance mobilization against the occupations under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Pasha. In order to fight these attacks, the needs of the army, whose ammunition decreased, were met by the people.

2 After losing the war, the Ottoman Empire had to sign the Mondros Armistice Agreement. The enemies, especially the Greek armies, began to occupy the Ottoman lands. Greece occupied Afyon, Kütahya and Eskişehir. Faced with this situation, Mustafa Kemal Pasha withdrew the Turkish Army and prepared for the attack. The Turkish parliament gave Mustafa Kemal Pasha the commander-in-chief to apply all the powers. Mustafa Kemal passed a law for the food, clothing, ammunition, transportation, communication, and health needs of the Turkish army. The Turkish Nation has contributed to the state behind the front by using all its resources. This strategic decision is the only successful example in the history of the world. These decisions made a great contribution to the success of the National Struggle. This has made a great contribution to the victory of the Turkish national struggle.
Some of the decisions taken are:
The people will hand over their weapons and ammunition to the army.
Forty percent of food and clothing items will be taken
Forty percent of the clothes in the stores will be taken
Twenty percent of the mounts will be taken
Twenty percent of the vehicles will be taken
All unclaimed goods will be taken
All blacksmiths, tailors and carpenters will work for the army.
People's vehicles will provide free military transport.

Of course, people in financial difficulties. The Turkish people thus played a major role in the liberation of their homeland from occupation.

2 Savaşı kaybettikten sonra Osmanlı Devleti Mondros antlasmas'ni imzalamak zorunda kaldı. Düşmanlar, özellikle yunan orduları Osmanlı topraklarını işgal etmeye başladı. Yunanistan, Afyon, Kütahya ve Eskişehir'i işgal etti. Bu durumla karşı karşıya kalan Mustafa Kemal Paşa, Türk Ordusunu geri çekti ve taaruza hazırlandı. Türk meclisi, tüm yetkileri kullanması için Mustafa Kemal Paşa'ya başkomutanlık verdi. Mustafa Kemal Türk ordusunun yiyecek, giyecek, mühimmat, ulaşım, haberleşme, sağlık ihtiyaçları için bir kanun çıkarttı. Türk Milleti tüm kaynaklarını kullanarak cephe arkasından devlete katkılarını sağlamıştır. Bu stratejik karar dünya tarihinde başarıya ulaşmış tek örneğidir. Bu kararlar Milli Mücadele'nin başarıya ulaşmasında büyük katkı sağlamıştır.
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