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We (take I are taking) a trip to California this weekend.
2 The flight (arrives I is arriving) now. That's great because the flights in this airport usually
(arrive I are arriving) late.
3 Please drive slower! You (go I are going) too fast!
4 (Does it rain I Is it raining) often in March?
5 Brandon (goes I is going) skiing on his next vacation.
6 We (like I are liking) milk in both coffee and tea.

make the questions
italy/ living/who/now/is/ in
to the cinema/andrea/with/who/did/go

ordena pone el verbo
where do you from? (come)
where the train station?(IS)
how often you read magazines? (do)
where your friends from? (ARE)
why you write to me ? (didnt?
do you often to the movies? (GO)
what this word mean? (does)
what time did arrive? (your friends)
does finish at 8:00? (the class)
where were born? (your)

you a do have car?
older is brother your you than?
this time start does what class?
brazil from is friend your?
lenguages how you many do speak?
she born where was?
last go where you summer did?
father doctor your is a?

Phil lost his luggage on the flight. .................................................................... .
2 They drove too fast. ........................................................................................ .
3 She wrote a letter to her uncle ......................................................................... .
4 They found a wallet on the street. ................................................................... ..
5 Claire's husband spent a lot of money at the mall. ............................................ .

6 Ms. Carter taught her children to play the piano

negative tenses, dont, doesnt, isnt, arent
I work at home. I __________ __________ at home.
You work at home. You __________ __________ at home.
He/She works at home. He/She __________ __________ at home.
We work at home. We __________ __________ at home.
You work at home. You __________ __________ at home.
They work at home. They __________ __________ at home
Jack plays the guitar. Jack __________ __________ the guitar.
They go to the club. They __________ __________ to the club.
Jake and Sue like rock music. Jake and Sue __________ __________ rock music.
She goes to the cinema. She __________ __________ to the cinema.
They play computer games. They __________ __________ computer games.
She lives in London. She __________ __________ in London.
We eat lunch at the restaurant. We __________ __________ lunch at the restaurant.
My mother understands Spanish. My mother __________ __________ Spanish.
Jake and Emma like Chinese takeaways. Jake and Emma __________ ________
My mother at home.
You interested in books.
This hotel cheap.
These shoes comfortable.
The bank open today.
I hungry.
We from Germany.
Ann tall.
This seat free.
My brother and I good football players.

present simple or continuo
Harold Black's a famous pianist. He________________(9: give) two or three concerts
every week. He ________________(10: travel) a lot and this week he's in New York.
He________________(11: stay) at an expensive hotel. He's at his hotel now.
He________________(12: have) his breakfast in the dining−room.
He________________(13: drink) a cup of coffee and he________________(14: read) a
newspaper. Harold's always very busy. He________________(15: play) the piano
regularly. He________________(16: practise) for four hours every day.
He________________(17: go) to bed late and he always ________________(18: get
up) early. But he sometimes________________(19: get) dressed too quickly, and this
morning he________________(20: wear) one blue sock and one red one!

My name
Display virtual keyboard interface (to be) Peter; l
Display virtual keyboard interface (to live) in the suburbs of Boston with my family. Most people
Display virtual keyboard interface (to believe) we
Display virtual keyboard interface (to be) rich because we
Display virtual keyboard interface (to live) in a big house. But our family
Display virtual keyboard interface (to seem) to be like any other one. Have a look:

Maggy, my wife,
Display virtual keyboard interface (to like) cooking. She
Display virtual keyboard interface (to enjoy) being in the kitchen with her friends. At the moment she
Display virtual keyboard interface (to make) a cake and you can't talk to her.

What really
Display virtual keyboard interface (to worry) her is our daughter who
Display virtual keyboard interface (to prefer) to chat in front of her computer instead of cooking with her. Like many teenagers, Jenny
Display virtual keyboard interface (to think) it
Display virtual keyboard interface (to be) easier to get advice from someone you
Display virtual keyboard interface (not + to go to) see later. It's 5 pm. Paul, my son,
Display virtual keyboard interface (to play) basketball in the garden and I
Display virtual keyboard interface (to watch) TV, I
Display virtual keyboard interface (to wait) for this delicious cake that Maggy
Display virtual keyboard interface (to cook) . I told you, a family as yours. '

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Regards; Team

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