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Don't Spend Your Money on Untargeted Consumer Emails From Outsource Mailing Lists
When it comes to building an email marketing business, building your business email lists is critical to your success. Do you want to make money by selling email lists? Sounds strange doesn't it? Let's break it down to its very basic elements to understand what makes a quality business email lists a good buy. This article will help you do just that.

First, quality is paramount over quantity. We all like to make money, but quantity CAN be substituted for quality at times, however rarely. So, please visit our sister site to find out how we go about quality while making a profit:

When it comes to quality, the absolute best money-back guarantee in the business is right here: NEVER EVER purchase ANY business email lists from Internet marketing companies or sales representatives, period! Why? Read on below to find out why.

In my opinion, the largest factor that kills businesses is procrastination. You see, Internet marketers and other business owners believe they can circumvent the decision makers in this world simply by sending emails to anyone who is willing to receive them. They don't realize that most people will NOT open, read, save or forward emails from strangers. What's more, the overwhelming majority of business email lists sold online are sent by folks who have no intention of ever reading their contents, let alone forwarding them on to anyone else.

This brings me to another point that bears repeating: Don't buy business email lists "indiscriminately". Always buy from mailing list providers who have a high approval rating. Approval is often an indication that the folks on these lists have been contacted and appreciate the convenience of receiving electronic communications via snail mail. Remember, we're dealing with people who make their living selling junk email. Give 'em a hand!

Avoid getting sucked into the next hot email-sales craze. It's all too easy to succumb to the lure of today's hottest products, as I did several years ago when I was a junior marketing associate with a large direct marketing company. The company I worked for at the time was aggressively going after B2B email lists... and good for them, because their target market was swarming with hungry buyers. However, for companies with a real track record of providing quality email marketing services, B2B email lists are a waste of money. Why?

Frankly, I was shocked that my former marketing company would sell B2B email lists to big, bulky marketing firms who could hardly even write their own emails. Their sales reps bragged about how easy it was to send direct mail and recommended having their direct marketers go to every single website on the internet and "lure" every Facebook friend they could find by suggesting they visit a business's Facebook page. To me, it seemed like the complete opposite of what I had signed up for-customized marketing from the ground up! After all, if the company selling the list believes in promoting to friends via Facebook, then why not send those same messages to interested parties via LinkedIn? After all, LinkedIn is a social networking site that is wildly popular with professionals throughout the world!

The bottom line is, don't waste your money on targeted consumer emails, no matter where they come from. Instead, invest your resources in proven B2B email marketing services. Remember, your marketing dollars go far beyond email lists, and the only cost is the time you spend finding them. Make sure that those dollars go directly toward your bottom line, and not to the pockets of some outside marketing firm.
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