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Hello friends, :) Thank you all for your well wishes and prayers Ahmed Alfred Alan Kambe is doing great!💕🥳. I never left him alone in hospital even for one night...❤️Given the nurse 💉that will go to prison for accidentally giving medication 💊 that was wrong and killing her patient Instantly, I am glad I slept with one eye 👁 open at Ahmed's bedside and complained when staff at hospital did "inappropriate things" LoL Ahmed called me a "Karen "...😃 that's fine with me because My Ahmed, is Alive and well. Some of his nurses were rock-stars!(BRI-Neuro 6a)☺️ Anyway, In 2018, Ahmed Alfred Alan Kambe, 8 yrs old at the time went to East Africa 🇺🇬❤️Uganda 🇺🇬for the summer, and we visited Children in orphanages. I was going to return to build a sharing library 📚 in the village for the kids that border at my father's property and walk to school. As Ahmed is mom and friend I ,Alice, promised Ahmed after his 1st of 4 surgeries the first being "16 hours" of 🧠 brain tumor removal 🧠 surgery I told him we will travel the 🌎 WORLD 🌎 again. I hope We will go back to my father 👨🏾‍⚕️Dr. Alfred Kambe is Banana 🍌 Plantation 🌳 in his home land of🇺🇬Uganda❤️ 🇺🇬 and help the babies 👶🏽 and children as well. I read to Ahmed every night because Ahmed is double vision 👓👓from the tumor pressing on his cranial nerves caused his right eye nerve damage 👀and he must wear an eye patch 🤕 even after surgery to strengthen eye nerves. now alternating it every 3 hours. He cant walk very far we use a wheelchair ... Ahmed has stiches 🧵🪡up his right leg :( because the doctors borrowed tissue from his leg to fill the space of the tumor they took out..70% 🥳 of the Chordoma Tumor that Ahmed donated to science cancer research. 🇺🇸Since the removal via the nose by endoscopic approach with robotics and camera and "drilling to get to base of skull" 💀💉 was safer for Ahmed ... It has its down sides he cant blow his nose he has gauze shoved way up there to the sinus and bone in back of nose, he cannot use straws or have any sinus pressure . 🤧 This Chordoma 🧠 tumor was there since he was born no one knew and grew slow but viciously wrapped itself around Ahmed carotid arteries and sat on top of his brain 🧠 brain stem, causing life threatening pressure but that has all been removed.!!he could of been paralyzed.. and it was starting to destroy pituitary gland and his right eye nerve when his eye shut on 1/1/22 I rushed around Dr--hunting until in 1/7/22 begged for a scan of his head at random er which showed the mass I thought i was dreaming he only cried once and he super strong Ahmed is amazing 🙏🏾 God is great 🙏🏾 2/25/22. Ahmed ended up being in Ventilator 🫁for 2 days and came off of it with raspy voice and a sore throat only. ❤️His headaches are gone Subhanallah./ 💕our routine of cold wash rags to forehead and lights off sound off no stimulation in Neuro ICU are Not needed.. Glory be to God this boy has a photographic memory still.. just like my father Dr. Kambe ⭐️3/4/22 repeated surgery via nose to remove more tumor left side. The best surgeons in the world worked on him in a team at Pittsburgh hospital UPMC and we only had one scare of air in his brain 3/11/22emergency surgery. So thankful to neurosurgeons Dr Gardner from Presby Hospital for his professionalism and Neurosurgeon Dr Ricardo who made Ahmed smile and comfortable and assured👊🏾🤜🏾him he has "GOT THIS" Ahmed used to have a big drain in the top of his head 💉 that was draining the cerebral spinal fluid in a collection bag .had to be level with Ahmed. But now its out 👏🏾He is now on a medication 💊 to go reduce cerebral spinal fluid(CSF) production because he was creating too much and the drain measured the pressure in his head. That drain is out and Ahmed is o.K Because of Allah is Mercy.

Now Ahmed has stitches 🪡 along his head. Ahmed doesn't complain of pain only takes Tylenol once in a while it is miraculous. Ahmed is on oxygen while he sleeps 🫁 until he receives his cpap 🫁in California when we return because Ahmed has apnea at night and pauses in breathing. I am praying Ahmed can fly by July 2022 to 🇺🇬❤️Uganda🇺🇬.He has physical therapy and occupational therapy to get back to his normal strength. Ahmed has school while in Pittsburgh and they assured me he is mentally adequate for a 5th grader no cognitive deficiencies noted. We are waiting for our surgery post operative visit on 3/29 Tuesday to get word if all his nasal packing in sinus cavities can come out so that Ahmed can fly ✈️home. But we are thinking to drive due to pressure changes in cabin✈️✈️too much ⛽️ "Gas price is way too high"....🎶😀 so we shall see. We are still not fully recovered. 30% residual tumor on the right side too far in cavities to use a camera to extract so I declined opening his head (craniotomy) we with do other treatments. I declined further surgeries my kiddo needs a break to heal and Ahmed 💕has stage 2'cancer and will need radiation ☢️ therapy but we read the research and proton therapy is more specific in killing only cancer cells not the good ones around it so next step is Saint Jude Cancer Research Hospital in Memphis after Ahmed graduation❤️ 👨‍🎓 of 5th grade class 2022 in California. I still get to tuck him in every night, Priaise God, and will never work far..( out of state.). from him again. Thank you all so much for your donations and prayers . God bless Ronald McDonald house for giving us soo much and Christopher's Kitchen for feeding parents who cant even cook let alone shower between icu and neurosurgery .Ahmed is truy blessed and I am lucky to have him as my son. I told him treat others the way you want to be treated . Hello Human kindness .. if Ahmed goes to Carnegie Mellon University robotics program for kids i might come back east otherwise no thanks it snowing here now and will in April 🤧 our allergies can't take this Thanks🙏🏾 ... JZK Ameen 🤲🏾📿Mama Alice 💕XOXOXO
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