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60 BC a military leader named Julius Caesar joined forces with Crassus, a wealthy Roman, and Pompey, a popular general, With their help, Caesar was elected to the Consulin 59 BC The First Triumvirate, formed by Caesar, Crassus and Pompey, ruled Rome for the next ten years Caesar’s Military Accomplishments Caesar served only one year on the Consul and appointed himself the governor of Gaul (present day France) Caesar led his legions( Romanarmy) to a successful campaign, conquering all of Gaul
Caesars’s legions were very loyal to their leader Caesar’s military successes in Gaul made him popular with the people of Rome Caesar’s Rise to Power Pompey feared Caesar’s rising power and popularity, and ordered him to return to Rome without his army On January 10, 49 BC, Caesardefied Pompey’s orders, crossed the Rubicon River and marched into Rome Pompey fled Rome and Caesar’s armies, defeated Pompey’s forces throughout the Roman Empire • 49 BC Caesar returned to Rome where he had the support of the army and the masses The same year the Roman Senate appointed Caesar dictator for life Caesar’s Accomplishments as Leader Caesar ruled as an absolute ruler, one having total power Caesar’s Reforms: Granted citizenship to many people in the provinces Expanded the Senate Created jobs for the poor through construction projects Set up colonies so the landless could own land Increased pay for soldiers Caesar’s Downfall Caesar’s power and popularity were resented by wealthy nobles and members of the Senate Some considered Caesar a tyrant Members of the Senate led by Marcus Brutus and Gaius Crassus plotted Caesar’s assassination March 15, 44 BC (Beware of the Ides of March) Caesar was stabbed to death in the Senate
Chamber After Caesar’s death, civil war broke out and finally order was restored under the leadership of Caesar’s grandnephew
Octavian Et tu, Brute?
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