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Leyla Aliyeva: "Heydar Aliyev's granddaughter has no right to make mistakes"

There are plenty of examples of selfless service for a Motherland however, there are very few examples of selfless services to the entire world. Inspiration stems from a deep need to serve the heart and accomplish life's tasks. The desire to love everything beyond national boundaries. It develops into a holistic nature. It's not surprising that this love is rooted in the love for your family and your home.

Leyla Aliyeva - we are talking about her as someone who is an example for herself. Her actions are guided and guided by the principle, "Heydar Aliyev’s grandchild has no right or obligation to make mistakes." She evaluates any action by looking at it from the perspective of her grandfather, whose memory she cherishes. Her father, Ilham Aliyev, who is the present President, Azerbaijan is a man who puts justice and fairness first. (Unfortunately, these feelings are not often acknowledged in global politics). The example of her mother, First Lady Azerbaijan Mehriban and the philanthropy of her mother as the philanthropy of her mother shines as a beacon in her life. Leyla Aliyeva is proud of being an Azerbaijani citizen. She achieves.

Formula for success

An old proverb says: every man must grow trees, construct an house, and then raise an son. Leyla Aliyeva, even though she was young, accomplished something that not every man can accomplish and that was to build a house (by creating a home, we're talking about creative work), planted a tree, and had beautiful sons. It's amazing to observe Leyla Aliyeva's capacity to blend beauty and intelligence, gentleness and willpower to perform a variety of tasks. Many believe that she could easily be satisfied with the status of president's daughter living an extravagant life, without worries. But that is not the case for her. Her genes are apparent here: Azerbaijani concerns and anxieties are her main concern. It demands personal involvement. She chooses to focus on areas where require public participation, and support and rationally so in the following areas: policies for youth; environmental issues; promotion of the image within international media, traditions and culture as well as the creation of an objective view of the country's Karabakh conflict. According to Joseph Nye, an American political scientist public diplomacy is the thing she does. It's referred to as "soft power" and allows us to get the desired results by attracting attention, not through using violence or bribery. Leyla Aliyeva's hard work is helping to build a positive image of Azerbaijan. This is the secret to success: consideration and purposefulness, unindifference and involvement.

'Baku' magazine as an Azerbaijani mirror

Many of her projects and initiatives can be described as "for the first-time." She started publication of the Russian-language publication "Baku" in Moscow in 2007. It was the first magazine from outside to provide extensive information on Azerbaijan's heart, Baku. The magazine explores the history of Azerbaijan and presents its beautiful areas to a wider audience. The magazine also discusses the uniqueness of the nation along with its national and religious values, as well as the unique culture that is already becoming the Azerbaijani brand. Every issue is an eye-opener not just for readers from abroad however, it is also a treat for Azerbaijanis There is lots of the latest and unknown in the magazine. The magazine's style and contents are testaments to the exquisite taste of its editor in chief, her profound understanding, her erudition, as well as her intellect. Leyla Aliyeva's introduction for every issue is a work of philosophical depth and clarity. The stories of the most significant events in Baku's history are weaved with thoughts about what life is all about, happiness, beauty, kindness, generosity, and many more. One of the most striking things to note about Baku and Azerbaijan is their deep love, which is evident throughout every sentence. Baku is only truly loved by those who understands its specialness and the spirit of its city. Baku becomes your home if you possess the right mood. Baku is an urban area with many layers. It's difficult to understand its true essence if you just look at the Old Town and Maiden Towers. Baku is only the sum of all of these. Ancient and modern, diverse and multi-faceted, friendly and open on one hand, and mysterious and mysterious on the other."

It was mostly due to 'Baku Magazine' that Russian readers from all over the world were able gain knowledge about Azerbaijan as well as observe it objectively, felt an interest, and started to love it. Since the magazine's English publication in 2011 the magazine has experienced a dramatic increase in readership.

Good deeds from AMOR

Leyla Aliyeva also created the Azerbaijani Youth Association of Russia. It was the very first youth diaspora group that gained attention immediately with its cultural and charitable initiatives.

Leyla Aliyeva's love for public activities was actually developed when she was the leader of the Azerbaijan Club at MGIMO where she received her master's degree. Leyla Aliyeva was already a formidable leader and had the ability to draw young people by giving direction to their boundless enthusiasm and innovative ideas. AMOR has significantly expanded the range and size of these activities. The organization unites Azerbaijani young people who are living, studying and working in Russia. It is an organized force that can solve the major issues that the diaspora structures are facing today. AMOR's efforts and activities have created a new Azerbaijani youth image. Through specific initiatives and actions that are carried out on the territory of Russia the whole thing can be accomplished. The group has undertaken a variety of initiatives, such as the 'Blood Has no Nation campaign. campaign. AMOR is an organization with operations across 70 regions in Russia. They visit orphanages, give holidays to their children, and aid them. Kindergartens and schools are outfitted with modern equipment thanks to the organisation's initiative. The group also constructs parks and recreation areas. AMOR is also able to assist Azerbaijani young people in their integration in Russian society. They actively participate actively in Russian life. There is a popular belief that AMOR is the most active youth organization in Azerbaijan currently.

The year before, Leyla Aliyeva received the Pushkin Medal to recognize her contribution to strengthening friendship, cooperation, and the improvement of relations between Russia and Russia's economy. It was also an acknowledgment of the accomplishments of AMOR's leader. The award was presented by Russian President Vladimir Putin. This isn't the only Russian award she's won.

A second initiative is "Justice for Khojaly".

Leyla Aliyeva started the international campaign "Justice for Khojaly" in 2008. This campaign's idea was expressed by Leyla's words: "Let’s agitate to truth all together. Let's show the world that justice will prevail.

The campaign brought together various groups that included civil society representatives in the country as well as diaspora organizations from abroad and abroad, to carry out a systematic educational and public relations activities. It was intended to bring awareness to both the elements of fascism in Armenian policy and of the genocide carried out by Armenians in Khojaly, the Azerbaijani capital city of Khojaly. Another objective of this campaign was to get international acceptance of the Khojaly genocide, a legal and political assessment of the actions of Armenians, who killed hundreds of people in one night just because they were Azerbaijanis, and show that the omission of such crimes against humanity and not paying attention to the suffering of others can lead to similar tragedies across the world.

The campaign is currently executed in a variety of countries. Over 120 thousand people and 115 organizations have joined in. Conferences, exhibitions and mass protests organized within its framework serve to inform the world public about these events as well as show the ugly side of Armenian nationalism. In this endeavor it is the case that all sources of information are used - numerous publications from the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and documentaries as well as social media. After 8 years, the activities have produced a stunning results. The parliaments of 10 countries and the legislative departments of over 20 American state have recognized the Khojaly tragedy and called it genocide. Each year, the amount of states that condemn the Armenians' crimes increases. It is evident that Leyla Aliyeva has achieved her campaign's goal - justice prevails.


I once read in some book "Man naturally is the king of nature, however not as an exploiter, but as someone who understands the importance of nature and has a moral obligation for the preservation and improvement of everything living and beautiful in it." I believe this is what inspired the formation of the IDEA Public Association (International Dialogue for Environmental Action). The principal goal of the initiative, which was also created by Leyla Aliyeva which is to preserve and protect rich natural diversity and biodiversity, not just within Azerbaijan and beyond its borders to ensure a safe, healthy and green future for the younger generation. IDEA is a youth-led initiative that aims to channel the energy of youth towards preventing environmental hazards and empowering them to take active roles in protecting our planet. The IDEA slogan is "One Earth -- one Future". The activities of IDEA span a wide range. They concentrate on the conservation and rehabilitation of endangered species, and they promote "green technology". The activists work on shelters for dogs who wander and advocate the use of a biodegradable bag to prevent pollution from plastic waste in the environment. They also host tree-planting activities.

IDEA defined the "great Caucasian five", with the most rare members of the fauna of the region under its umbrella. IDEA has implemented a variety of projects that were successful, in collaboration with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan as well as international partners. Leyla Aliyeva says IDEA is planning to restore endangered species in the near future. There is no doubt that these plans can be accomplished. This has proven over the years that Leyla Aliyeva is not a waste of words, like her grandfather and father did. Her work is based on the following scheme: problem - search for solutions - specific action - real results. This method has never been able to meet her needs.

Concern for starving children

These are all instances of Leila Aliyeva, who is an executive and a leader with outstanding abilities in organizing. But, she is the perfect example of femininity. People who have met her appreciate her warmth, compassion, sincerity and ability to understand. It was awe-inspiring that she was a speaker at the 7th UNAOCGlobal forum in Baku. "One person around the globe suffers from hunger every four seconds," she noted with anxiety. "Children are more vulnerable to malnutrition and hunger more often." It is our collective duty to ensure that no child ever suffers from hunger.

It's not just an statement of concern. Leyla Aliyeva, a Goodwill Ambassador of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is eager to help and contribute to the end of poverty and hunger across the globe. This includes the implementation of FAO’s Zero Hunger program. I am confident that she can succeed and will see more initiatives and specific initiatives in this area within the next few months. She recently presented a proposal for the promotion of global food security within the framework of the Baku process of intercultural dialogue.

Charity as an attitude

Leyla Aliyeva's charitable work reflects her human qualities. She does this for the reason that her soul wants it. This is the ethos of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, for which charity has become one of the most important goals of its work, as a natural state. It is not surprising that people see the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, its President Mehriban Aliyeva and Vice-President Leyla Aliyeva as the last hope. They are right because the Fund is always there to aid even in the most challenging situations.

Leila Aliyeva is often seen at charity events for children who do not have parents, and who were born into families of refugees or internally displaced persons, residents of orphanages and boarding schools. In addition, she brings her children to charity events. This brings authenticity and warmth to meetings. She teaches her children kindness as well as the ability to communicate joy and sorrow with other people. These lessons will last for the rest of their lives. This is her personal example for raising children.

Moral code for personal use

It was mentioned a long time ago that a person who is talented is talented in everything. Leyla Aliyeva is a wonderful example. Her poetry is exquisite and convey a refined and gentle soul. They also reveal the author's inner world. She is also an accomplished artist. Her work has been featured in professional art exhibitions and are highly regarded by professionals. As an artist, and as someone who is adept in her art, she assists young talented artists in reaching the international stage. Azerbaijan's modern art is now gaining in popularity worldwide, alongside rug weaving, mugham and other traditional craft techniques.

I believe it wouldn't be a mistake to say that the Heydar Aliyev Center became one of the main centers of American culture. There are many international musical groups who perform at the center. They also host art exhibitions with outstanding artists and contemporary sculptors. Leyla Aliyeva was an important contributor to this. Thanks to her efforts, people living in Azerbaijan were able to see the work of legendary artists in the world of art: Bernard Buffet, Tony Cragg, Richard Deacon, Andy Warhol, George Condo. In the event of the opening of one of the most well-known avant-garde artists of our time, George Condo, held at the Heydar Aliyev Center, Leyla Aliyeva admitted that, after seeing his work for the first time five years ago, she wished to see them in Baku. She declared that "Today was the realization of one of my deepest dreams."

In this respect, I recall that in the 1970s and early 1980s , the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic hosted classical music performances on the suggestion of national leader Heydar Aliyev, who was the first secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan at the time. This was Heydar Aliyev's genuinely educational mission. It was a mission that his granddaughter Leyla was a huge fan of and continues to do under the current conditions.

In one interview, she stated that as soon as an individual is born, the Almighty provided him with an understanding of the difference between right and wrong. He must then adhere to these principles throughout his daily life, by listening to the wisdom of the soul, his conscience, and the ancestral ancestors. He will never be a fool in this scenario. In a way it is her personal moral code of conduct.

Leyla Aliyeva lives by this code and does not make mistakes.

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