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Fico Gutierrez is a candidate for being considered "Uribe’s candidate"
Since Sunday night Federico Fico Gutierrez had been the most solid choice for the presidency of Colombia. This isn't his first appearance on an electoral card. The former mayor was a councilor and mayor of Medellin. His first test during a national election which saw him receive more than 2 millions votes from the Team for Colombia coalition, saw him placed as the preferred candidate of conservative groups. Fico (47 years old) is now the main opposition to Gustavo Petro. His victory in the Historic Pact movement made him one of the most well-known politicians in Colombia.

The campaign for president is only beginning. The question of whether the former mayor of Medellin can be the true opposition to petrismo is contingent on the alliances and agreements which he develops from now on. He'll need to unite the right and also win over the middle electorate, which was weak and devoid of an effective leader on Sunday. To do this it will be necessary to avoid, as he has done so far by not appearing in the same photograph with the former president Alvaro Uribe. Today, for the first time in 20 years, there is an open support for uribism may instead of subtract. "Federico Gutierrez faces a dilemma. He needs to make an alliance with the Democratic Center (CD) - Uribe's party . But at the same time , he is going to have to persuade the center, which has to decide on where it is heading," says Yann Basset who is an researcher and professor at the University of Rosario.

Fico that is a coalition partner with the CD where uribism is concentrated has made its first victory on the road to an alliance. Oscar Ivan Zuluaga who was at one time a presidential candidate was able to step aside and acknowledge his few opportunities of competing with him. We will now have to see if the entire Uribismo collective that is without a representation, does the same. Uribe is seen clearly advocating for the cause, and trying to convince his supporters that he's in favor of the Colombian right. The speech he delivered of "security", "order", "opportunities" and "love of our country" already showed him that he adds votes. This Sunday, he verified that at the consultation on electoral reform. This was done before when he was in Antioquia as the mayor. "The bandits are in prison or in graves"" Fico said during a trip to Arauca, an area especially targeted by violence. Fico knows well what the Colombian right-wing likes but that won't be enough for him.

" in the year 2018 when the fear of left worked well, this time, voters are not moved by fear," Basset points out. Basset suggests that Fico may not get Uribe’s blessing because of the fact that Alvaro Uribe does not represent the only leader that the country has seen since 2002 which was the year that Uribe was elected president. This does not mean that Uribismo's opinions, even if they are not in the top tier, do not matter to Gutierrez. In the case this Sunday, or when he tried to get into Medellin's Mayor's Office, Uribe supported Gutierrez even when he was the presidential candidate of his party. Uribism contributed to the victory of the coalition. as a negotiator is measured by his ability to convince the right, but not to invest everything for this alliance," Basset warns. Andres Méjia Vergnaud reflects on the relationship between Fico's former president and Fico. He claims that Federico Gutierrez wants Uribismo votes but not Uribe photos because it isn't the right thing for him to be his own candidate.

On the left, there is only one candidate, Gustavo Petro, on the right is a man who is heading to the presidential race until Fico - again, in the event that he is able to reach an agreement - convinces him to step aside and support him. Rodolfo who was an independent candidate and is still in the race. Gutierrez should include the achievements of former Bucaramanga mayor Bucaramanga and millionaire builder Rodolfo Hernandez, if will fight against petrismo.

Gutierrez has a lot to work on before he's able to even consider the possible presidential formula names however, he is supported by a number of the other candidates in the Team for Colombia coalition. It's not just a little. He is joined by two former mayors, Enrique Penalosa of Bogota and Alex Char of Barranquilla; the leader of the Conservative party David Barguil and Aydee Zarazo Aydee Zarazo, who is a Christian leader of the party, who vote judiciously in accordance with the guidelines of the lectern at his church.

Alongside the strengthened Conservative Party, it was the most popular right-wing group in Congress with over two million votes. The U Party also supported it with a stunning turnout of less than 1 million votes. Oscar Ivan Zuluaga supported Fico and didn't take long after Sunday's elections to accept his defeat ahead of a potential clash with the votes of the right. However, this provides Fico an additional push within the conservative wing and keeps him farther away from the center. Alvaro Uribe (ex-President) summoned his party to a meeting on Monday to determine what the possibility is that Fico might risk his chances of gaining a seat in the center as a result of being publicly granted a blessing by Uribe.
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