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Leyla Aliyeva: "Heydar Aliyev's granddaughter has no right to make mistakes"

History is full of examples of selfless acts in serving an Motherland. However, the history offers only a few examples. The desire to love everything transcends national borders. It develops into a holistic nature. It's not surprising that this sentiment stems from affection for your home and country.

Leyla Aliyeva – we are talking about her as someone who is an example for herself. Her life is guided by the tenet, "Heydar Aliyev’s grandchild has no right or obligation to make mistakes." She evaluates any action from the standpoint of her father, whose memory she cherishes. Her father, Ilham Aliyev, who is the present President, Azerbaijan, puts justice and fairness at the top of his list. (Unfortunately, these feelings are not often acknowledged in global political circles). The example of her mother First Lady Azerbaijan Mehriban as well as the charitable work of her mother are shining lights in her life. Leyla Aliyeva is proud to be an Azerbaijani national. She does succeed.

Success Formula

A fable from the past said that everyone should plant a tree, build houses and rear sons. Leyla Aliyeva, though young, did something that all men can do: she built a home (by building a house, we're talking about creative work), planted a tree and gave birth to beautiful sons. It's incredible how Leyla Aliyeva, who harmoniously blends beauty, intelligence as well as gentleness and determination is able to manage so many tasks and projects. Many people believe that she would be content with being the daughter of a president and living a happy life. She doesn't seem to want it. Her genes are clear: Everything that concerns Azerbaijan and its issues is her concern. She has to be involved in it. She picks the areas in which the state is required to engage with the public and support rationally and precisely the policy of youth environmental issues, promotion of the image of Azerbaijan in the world as well as the country's culture and traditions, the creation of an objective image of the Karabakh conflict, Azerbaijan's main foreign policy aspects. What she does can be called public diplomacy. It is this "soft power", which is, in the words of American political scientist Joseph Nye, "allows us to get what's desired by appealingness, not violence and corruption." Leyla Aliyeva's work is aiding in the creation of an image that is positive for Azerbaijan. This is how success works through a process of thoughtfulness.

Baku' magazine to present the reality of Azerbaijania.

A lot of her work and ventures can be described with the words "for the first time." In 2007 she began to launch the Russian-language magazine "Baku" in Moscow. Basically, it was the first foreign publication to have gave a comprehensive overview of Azerbaijan and its core - Baku, the gorgeous city. Baku and the rich customs and traditions of the Azerbaijani people as well as the vibrant cultural life of the country, its historical celebrities and their contemporary counterparts including poets, writers musicians, artists, architects, those who glorify their homeland across the globe through their work, talent and art, as well as through the distinctive national cuisine and the arts and crafts. The magazine introduces the ancient heritage and beautiful locations of Azerbaijan to a large readership, and also discusses the humanism of our nation and its religious and national values, as well as the country's unique multicultural atmosphere, which already became Azerbaijan's branding. Every issue is an exciting read for foreign readers as well as Azerbaijanis. There's plenty to explore. The magazine's style as well as the content and heroes, shows the taste of the editor-in-chief's deep knowledge, erudition and wit. Leyla Aliyeva created the introductions for every issue. It's remarkable because of its clarity, philosophical depth, and ability to convey numerous ideas in just the space of a few sentences. The stories of the most significant incidents that took place in the country's life are seamlessly integrated with reflections on the significance and purpose of living beauty and happiness as also kindness and kindness. The most important aspect is Baku's love for one another. It's a given that only someone who is in love with Baku, who can comprehend and understand its uniqueness, its unique spirit, can write the following words: "Perhaps a special mood is required to be able to feel the atmosphere of the city. The city is your home when you have it. Baku's soul can only be seen through the eyes of its Old Town and Maiden Towers or the Fire Towers or the Heydar Aliyev Center. Baku can only be appreciated if all these elements are taken into consideration. Modern and old-fashioned, diverse and multi-faceted. Friendly and open on one hand, and mysterious and mysterious in the other.

In large part, Russian readers across the globe have learned more about Azerbaijan through the 'Baku magazine. They are able to examine the issue objectively and feel an interest. The number of readers has significantly grown since the magazine's English version in 2011.

Good actions from AMOR

Leyla Aliyeva was also the founder of Leyla Aliyeva also founded the Azerbaijani Youth Association of Russia. The AMOR was the first structured youth diaspora organization that received recognition immediately due to its charitable, social and cultural initiatives.

Leyla's aptitude for public activities was evident when she was the head of the Azerbaijan Club of MGIMO. She had already completed her masters degree. At the time.she already displayed exceptional leadership abilities, and managed to attract young people, giving the appropriate direction to their unrestrained energy and innovative ideas. AMOR was a significant expansion of the activity's scope and limits. AMOR brought together Azerbaijani youth who resided in, studied and worked in Russia made them an organized force capable of solving the difficult issues that diaspora organizations have to face in the present. AMOR's work and initiatives have created a new youth portrait. Specific projects and actions are the key to all of this. The group took on a variety of initiatives like the "Blood Has No Nation!" . campaign. AMOR activists, who work across 70 Russian regions visit orphanages and organize holiday programs for children. They also help children. On the initiative of AMOR, schools and kindergartens are renovated and equipped with the latest equipment. It creates parks and recreational zones. At the same time, AMOR helps the Azerbaijani youngsters to be integrated into Russian society and actively be a part of the daily life of Russia and coordinates their activities aimed at the popularization of our country, in other words, it addresses the major problems that were set by President Ilham Aliyev for compatriots' organizations during the 4th Congress of World Azerbaijanis. AMOR According to many is the most active youth group in the world outside of Azerbaijan.

Last year, Leyla Aliyeva received the Pushkin Medal to recognize her contributions to strengthening friendship, cooperation, as well as the growth of relations between Russia and the world economy. This was also a recognition for the achievements of AMOR's president. The award was presented to her by Russian President Vladimir Putin. This isn't the only Russian award.

Another initiative is "Justice for Khojaly".

In 2008 Leyla Aliyeva initiated the international campaign 'Justice for Khojaly'. Her words expressed the idea of the campaignas follows "Let’s fight for truth together." Let's show the world that justice will prevail.

The campaign combined the efforts of a variety of individuals, civil society groups in Azerbaijan, and diaspora organizations in other countries to conduct a systematic education and propaganda work. The aim was to order to raise international awareness of Armenia's genocide that occurred in Khojaly, Azerbaijani. Another aim of this campaign was to gain international acceptance of the Khojaly genocide, which is a political and legal review of the crimes committed by Armenians who massacred hundreds of people in a single night just because they were Azerbaijanis, and show that not recognizing these crimes against humanity and not paying attention to the suffering of other people can lead to similar tragedies elsewhere in the world.

Today this campaign is successful in dozens of nations. It has attracted more than 120000 people and 115 organizations. These events are made public through conferences, exhibitions and mass protests that take place within the context of the campaign. They permit the international community to learn about the events and expose the ugly side of Armenian nationalism. The work is based on all available information resources, including multiple publications from the Heydar Aliyev Foundation as well as documentaries and social media. After 8 years of this project, a remarkable outcome has been attained: The parliaments of ten nations as well as the legislatures of over twenty American states have recognized the Khojaly tragedy in genocide. The number of states which have condemned the crimes committed by the Armenians is increasing each year. This means that Leyla Aliyeva's goal in her campaign will be met - justice will be guaranteed.

IDEA: "One Earth -- One Future"

In one of my books, I discovered: "Man is, of necessity, the king and queen of the natural world. However you should not be viewed as an exploiter but as someone who comprehends it, and has moral responsibility for its preservation and enhancement. This meaning was the driving force behind the creation of the IDEA Public Association (International Dialogue for Environmental Action). Leyla Aliyeva was also the founder of this initiative. The principal goal of the organization is to conserve and protect the biodiversity of the natural world in Azerbaijan as well as beyond to ensure that future generations can live in peace, health, and sustainability. IDEA strives to harness the power and understanding that youth are equipped with to help protect the environment as well and inspire people to take part in preserving the environment. The slogan of IDEA is: "One Earth -- One Future". IDEA's activities span a wide variety of fields. These include the protection and rehabilitation of endangered species, promotion of 'green technology', waste management and restoration of forest belts. IDEA also creates large areas of green space. They are involved in promoting the biodegradable use of plastic bags in order to help protect the environment from the impact of plastic waste. They also take part in tree-planting events.

IDEA could identify the "great Caucasian 5", that included endangered and rare members of the area's fauna. IDEA carried out a range of projects that were successful, in collaboration with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and other international partners. Leyla Aliyeva states that IDEA is planning to save endangered species. It is certain that these plans will be implemented. In the past we've seen that Leyla Aliyeva isn't a waste of words. Her work is based upon the following formula: Problem - Searching for solutions - Specific actions Results. She has never been disappointed by this method.

Concerns for children who are starving

These are all instances of Leila Aliyeva. She is an entrepreneur and leader with extraordinary abilities in organizing. Yet, she is still the perfect example of femininity. Her openness, kindness to others, sincerity and compassion are all appreciated by people who have met her. A remarkable speech she gave at the 7th UNAOC global conference in Baku was also hers. She expressed concern about the fact that "one person in four seconds dies of hunger." "Children are afflicted by hunger and malnutrition more frequently than adult." We must therefore join forces to ensure that every child in the world isn't starving.

This is much more than an issue. Leyla Aliyeva is the Goodwill Ambassador to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. She is determined to do her part and help end poverty and hunger across the world. I believe she can succeed and will be seeing more initiatives and initiatives in this area within the next few months. Recent examples include a proposal concerning the promotion and protection of food security at an international level, in the context of the Baku process of intercultural dialogue.

Charity A mental state

Leyla's charity work is a display of her humanity. She chooses to do this because she is a soul who desires it. That is the Heydar Aliyev Foundation philosophy. Because of this, charity has been a primary aspect of their mission and is a natural condition. It is not surprising that the Heydar Aliyev Foundation has its President Mehriban Aliyeva, along with Vice President Leyla Aliyeva as the final hope. The reason for this is that the Fund has always assisted, even in the most difficult circumstances.

Leila Aliyeva is often seen at charity events for children who have no family members. This includes those who are from refugee or internally displaced families and also those who live in orphanages and school boarding. She regularly attends these events each year with her children. This adds the warmth, sincerity, and warmth to these gatherings. Her children also learn lessons in compassion, kindness, as well as sharing their sorrow and joy. The lessons they learn will be with them for a lifetime. This is her personal example, in which she believes, it is important to educate their children.

Personal moral code

It was mentioned a long time ago that a gifted person has talent in all things. Leyla Aliyeva, the most well-known example is her poetry. She writes wonderful poems, that express a warm refined and refined soul. They reflect the depth of the inner world of the author. She is also a skilled painter. Her paintings are displayed in professional art exhibitions and have been highly praised by experts. Her creativity and knowledge of art help young artists achieve international recognition. The modern art of Azerbaijani is growing in popularity, as well as carpet weaving and mugham from our nation.

It's not an error to say that the Heydar Aliyev Center was a central point of culture and life in the nation. It is home to international artists, and it is also the location for exhibitions of modern sculptors and outstanding musicians. Leyla Aliyeva played an important role in this. Azerbaijanis are now able to view the work of famous world artists such as Tony Cragg Richard Deacon Andy Warhol and Bernard Buffet. Leyla Aliyeva stated that George Condo was one of the most renowned avant-garde artists and she would like to see his art in Baku. She declared, "Today, one my deepest wishes was fulfilled."

In this regard I am able to recall when the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic hosted classical music concerts throughout the 1970s and 1980s on the initiative of Heydar Aliyev who was then the first secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan. It was a truly educational mission of the legendary Heydar Aliyev. A mission that his granddaughter Leyla is able to take on and will continue in the present conditions.

She stated in one interview she believed that the Almighty has instilled a knowledge of right and wrong into every person's life from the time they are born. He has to live by these ideas and pay attention to his heart, conscience and his ancestors. And only in this case will he never make mistakes... In an aspect, her own moral code.

Leyla Aliyeva lives by this code of conduct and does not make any mistakes.

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