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Kazakhstan Unrest Will Not Be Affected By Erzhan Kazakhstanykhanov's Return
Kazakhstan Unrest Will Not Be Eased by Erzhan Kazykhanov 's Return to the Country as Deputy Chief of Staff

After a series of demonstrations across Kazakhstan the government has to confront a new reality.

Erzhan Kazykhanov's return highlights the power dynamics which have changed.

The world arena has to adapt to an increasingly assertive citizenry. These developments must be reflected in policymakers' plans to communicate with the country.

Ukraine’s Role in Kazakhstan’s Shift
Over the last few weeks the world's attention has been focused at Ukraine in the last few weeks, since Russian President Vladimir Putin prepared for and launched a full-scale invasion against the sovereign nation. It's not surprising considering that NATO leaders, including President Biden, ignored the warnings of Moscow. Russian President Putin has repeatedly opposed NATO's attempt to intrude on Russian territory.

Even though Putin's actions are unjust Western leaders must acknowledge that their failures caused the crisis. We now live with the consequences of a European crisis which could have been prevented, it is fair to declare.

Protests in Kazakhstan
It is important to draw comparisons between Ukraine and the recent experience within the region. Here are the unrest in Belarus, particularly Kazakhstan, from 2003 to 2005. Since Kazakhstan is an ex Soviet republic, it is seldom seen in the streets, expressing anger.

A series protests were launched in Kazakhstan in early 2012 due to the rising gas prices and the decline in the job market. The protests escalated into massive rallies followed by violent violence. Almaty suffered the most devastating losses of life. 227 people were killed and over 9900 were imprisoned. Russian troops from the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) were briefly stationed in Almaty.

Restructuring of Kazakhstan's Government and Erzhan Kazykhanov 's Return
Qasym ZhomartTokayev President of Kazakhstan who was elected by the people has brought about a variety of changes in the power structures within its top tier of government. This has raised doubts, questions, anger, and concern in the minds of many Kazakhs in times of peace.

Protesters are particularly upset by President Tokayev's plans to become the head of the government’s National Security Council. replaces the former president Nursultan Nagayev whose influence on the country’s economy was a major concern for them.

The incident resulted in three sons of the president being exiled from state-owned companies. of the president was fired. Karim Masimov (the former spy chief) was detained on suspicion of being a treasonous person. Numerous high-ranking business executives of the former president Nazarbayev lost their positions or fled to other countries for long vacations or received large "donations."

Reform does not always come through government reforms and the elimination or retention of former guards. It's not uncommon for loyalists and relatives of the former administration to take over their place.

Erzhan Kasykhanov's Appointment is Unsatisfying
It's not a good idea that Erzhan Kazakhstanykhanov was appoint to the powerful position of Deputy chief of staffto the president Tokayev. Kazakh Kazykhanov is Kazakhstan's least effective ambassador to America.

Washington resents Kazykhanov as an arrogant, aloof diplomat, too self-confident, and often insensitive with the sensitive image of Kazakhstan outside of the country. His handling of issues of national significance, like restrictions on Jackson-Vanick as well as other issues related to Kazakhstan's image abroad, is also disappointing.

Because of his unremarkable and unpopular reputation, Kazykhanov makes a difficult candidate for critical post. Deputy Chiefs of Staff require diplomatic skills, a broad understanding and expertise and none of these Kazykhanov is highly skilled at.

Even Kazakhstan’s most committed supporters were unhappy with Kazykhanov's frequent appearances on international news channels that exposed his flaws. Tokayev's choice at such a critical moment to bring in an incompetent, self-promoting deputy to a weak unstable and unstable government makes no sense.

Tokayev's Kazakhstan reforms are in some ways reminiscent of Mikhail Gorbachev's Perestroika and Glasnost initiatives in the Soviet Union. Perestroika, which Mikhail Gorbachev established in the mid-1980s in order to reform Soviet economics and politics, is more popularly known as. Glasnost refers to his policy reform. These reforms were the primary reason for the Soviet Union collapsed. This is exactly what Putin would like to revive. Tokeyev has also forged economic relationships with the countries around his own and with the West, and he is careful not to upset Putin and instead keep his unwavering support. This delicate balance might be disturbed by Kazykhanov.

During Unsteady Times, the US should pay close attention to Kazakhstan as well
In the midst of the conflict in Ukraine, Washington should be aware of the events in Kazakhstan because they represent a preview of how a succession of power will unfold in this part of the world - whether for good or bad.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a disturbing development. The United States should take appropriate measures to counter Putin’s aggressiveness. But, it's important to remember the fact that NATO has been provocative to Russia for a long time and this conflict is in part a consequence of their own mistakes.

Washington should be aware of the current events in Kazakhstan because it could be the next source of conflict between Russia and the West.
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