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What is Social Activism?
Social activism is basically an intentional public action with an aim of bringing about societal change. Therefore, if you are passionate about a particular cause and are genuinely working towards such change then you may be considered as an activist. Anactivist is anyone who is actively working towards social change within the community. agency may not engage in physical protest but whatever the case may be they all work towards some common cause.

The most commonly known forms of social activism are protest movements. agency are generally organized in support of a social issue such as civil rights, gay rights, immigration issues, racial issues, animal rights etc. A protest may be either non violent. In other words peaceful protesters can be called social activists, while violent protesters are often termed as civil rights protesters.

Another form of social activism is human rights activism. Human rights is a concept that has evolved over the last century. It essentially encompasses all of the basic human rights that every person should have. Some of these rights include freedom of speech, right to peacefully assemble, freedom of religion, right to fair trials and freedom from discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, national origin or disability. Activists working on human rights issues to try to ensure that these rights are realized by governments, private organizations and by individuals themselves.

There are many tactics that are used in order to further the causes of human rights. Many social activists utilize certain tactics in order to bring about change. Some of these tactics include physical protests, mass media campaigns, social agitation, publicity stunts and even riots. These tactics do not have any concrete aim or goal. They are used solely to bring about change in the society or to raise awareness about certain issues.

Activists can be categorized into two main categories, political or civil. agency refers to any sort of social action that attempts to bring about change through the active participation of citizens. For instance, peace protesters usually block roads to prevent war. Civil activism is more focused on non-violent forms of social action such as raising funds for political causes or peacefully demanding change in a country's policy. Both forms of social action are important, but there is a strong difference between them.

The other form of social activism includes the judicial activism. Judicial activism involves using the courts to make changes in a country's laws, policies or social structures. It can involve any form of activism including lobbying government officials, participating in protests, writing letters to the editor or even using legal means such as lawsuits or protests. While most activists work in the realm of judicial activism, some work towards making changes within the judicial system. For instance, some activists work to get their leaders released from prison, while others work to help ensure that people are properly represented during trials.

Whether you are a social justice oriented activist, a social welfare oriented activist or a human rights oriented activist, your goals and actions should be geared towards changing something, whether it is in the realm of social policy, business structure or your personal life. In the United States, these three types of activists overlap to a large extent. Activism is a broad term that can mean many different things. While some are advocates of political change, others work towards social change by using the law to ensure that people and communities are treated equally.

agency what type of social activism you engage in, the ultimate goal is always the same: social change. agency is not always a direct action by the activists themselves, but can also include non-violent direct actions aimed at changing social structures or policies. Activists can also use social networks, blogs, Internet discussion forums and other forms of communication to promote awareness and further social change. A successful social activist movement is one that is able to impact major change within a country, society or the world.
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