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What Matters Most in Your Community Association?
additional hints , "What matters most within your association?" will likely be answered differently according to whether it is answered by the owner or even a board member. The difference in focus is related right to one's a higher level involvement and comprehension of the operations of an residential association. Having said that, it seems obvious that someone needs to address the disparity; since owners represent the pool of candidates for the board, it behooves all of us to act for this before later.
Oftentimes, board members who had been around for some time can dilute value of years of knowledge and history by dismissing "new" ideas promulgated by owners at meetings or newly elected to the board, with all the age old phrase "We tried that before plus it does not work." No one would rather be summarily dismissed in this manner and quite often things change; what have not before might be just the ticket now. In this case, knowledge is history but not necessarily association policy.
On sleep issues with the coin, we've eager owners elected to a board with all the pursuit to change every little thing, without realizing that some things are essentially set in stone. For instance, output deadlines for assessments - it really wouldn't work to abolish all payment dates and late charges however the economy is screaming for relief for anyone who've experienced job loss. Without its lifeblood of assessment income, the association just can't operate. In this case, lack of know-how can lead to conflict on account of misguided intentions and efforts.
Who is at fault for rampant naivete? The board? The individual owners? The management company? Where can the finger be pointed? Likely it can be pointed in most direction mentioned and much more! The key is correction with the issue, the situation being probably the most essential factor in any association- knowledge!
Everyone involved in an association comes with an obligation to perform his / her advisable to be informed. Those "in charge" should assume responsibilty to make available everything and tools that will serve the uninformed being informed. This effort should be ongoing, not really a flash within the pan effort once every number of years. Much time and might be conserved if everyone involved carries a basic working understanding of how associations are needed to operate. Basic knowledge may also reduce discord and misunderstandings between owners, the board, and also the management company.
The professionals in the industry including management companies, attorneys, and CPAs, should all create a concerted effort not to just answer the questions with all the facts, but to spell out in a manner that educates. Imagine a world where everyone in most community association clearly understood everything about their rules, obligations, etc. - that of a copacetic community we might have!
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Regards; Team

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