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What is ADHD
Children�s ADHD is called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in clinical medicine. It is the most common mental health problem for preschool children. Most of them onset before the age of 7, and it is also the main cause of learning difficulties for elementary and middle school students. The domestic incidence rate is 5 % ~9%, occupying the first place among children�s psychological clinics.
ADHD children mainly have symptoms such as lack of concentration, excessive activity, and weak self-control, which last for more than 6 months. Of course, its diagnosis needs to be performed by a professionally trained doctor. It needs to be related to intellectual disability and loneliness. Differential diagnosis of symptoms, mood disorders, conduct disorders, etc. If ADHD can be predicted and treated as soon as possible, the disease can be completely controlled.
How to find the difference
Whether the child is naughty or hyperactive, parents can judge from the following points:
1. Attention
Even the naughty child can stick to a longer world when doing things he is interested in. For example, when watching cartoons such as Peppa Pig and Wang Wang, and playing games he likes, he can be fully absorbed in it. Hate others to bother. On any occasion, children with ADHD cannot concentrate for a long time. Even when watching cartoons, they can�t sit still and do other things after a while. They often give up halfway while playing games and cannot pay attention to the details of things.
2. In terms of activity
ADHD children are like equipped with a motor. They can�t stop for a moment and move constantly. They like to move things around. The kindergarten teacher will also observe that the child cannot sit quietly in the chair for a while. You have to stand up and run around. And naughty children, they can calm down for a period of time, listen to a story in peace, or play with toys for a while.
(But there are also some ADHD children who have difficulty concentrating, but do not move too much, look quite quiet, and belong to the attention-deficit non-hyperactivity type)
3. Self-control
In a serious and unfamiliar environment, naughty children can have the ability to control themselves, guard themselves, and stop making noises. However, children with ADHD have no such ability and are often accused of being �ignorant.� This behavior has time and occasions. Consistency. In almost any course, there will be performances of not listening carefully. You can�t wait in line when playing games, don�t follow the rules, and like to interrupt others.
4. Social behavior
Naughty children are happy to interact with others, like to play with their friends, have a certain purpose in their actions, and have independent plans and arrangements. On the other hand, children with ADHD act more impulsively and disorderly, and often do things without thinking. Studies have found that, compared with normal children, ADHD children have overly impulsive behaviors, low social abilities, obvious anxiety and depression, negative views of others, stronger sense of loneliness, mental behaviors are significantly different from normal children, and their personality is more introverted and difficult to interact with others. chat.
pterygium of ADHD
How does childhood ADHD develop? The cause of its formation is still inconclusive, and it is the result of multiple factors, such as genetic factors, environmental factors, and psychological and behavioral factors.
1. Physiological factors:
Many twins and family studies have confirmed that genetic factors are closely related to the occurrence of childhood ADHD.
The study of twins showed that the incidence of ADHD children with sibs was 65%, while the incidence of normal children with sibs was only 9%, the same disease coincidence rate of identical twins with ADHD children was 51%, and the same disease among fraternal twins The agreement rate was 33%.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging studies have also found that ADHD children have hypofunction of the frontal lobe and anterior cingulate gyrus, as well as abnormal thalamic function.
More and more researchers have noticed that the abnormality of mothers during pregnancy and childbirth accounts for a large proportion of ADHD children. Among the many factors during pregnancy and childbirth, cesarean section, fetal distress, fetal intrauterine growth retardation and children with ADHD The occurrence of is significantly related.
2. Nutritional factors
Children have rapid growth and development, and have high requirements for various nutrients. The relationship between the changes of human trace elements and ADHD is gradually being recognized.
The blood lead level of children with ADHD is significantly higher than that of normal children, while the levels of blood copper, iron, calcium, and zinc are significantly lower than those of normal children. Lead has irreversible damage to the development of the nervous system, while zinc can affect the normal development of the brain and maintain the nervous system. The normal function of the device also plays an important role.
In addition, studies have shown that ADHD is also closely related to some vitamins, such as folic acid and vitamin B6.
For the development of eating habits and nutrient intake, there are also obvious differences between ADHD children and normal children. Children with ADHD tend to be picky eaters and anorexia. Children who don�t like meat, vegetables, fruits, snacks, popcorn, and pineapple eggs are more likely to suffer from ADHD than other children.
3. Family factors
Parental rearing style is one of the most influential factors for children�s behavioral problems. Studies have shown that bad parenting styles such as parental beating and spoiling are closely related to the occurrence of children with ADHD. Children in families that allow their children to be independent are less susceptible to ADHD. .
At the same time, the influence of parents� own behavior and cultural quality on children cannot be ignored. Studies have shown that mothers who smoke or drink alcohol during pregnancy, and children whose parents have lower educational levels and social status have a higher probability of their children suffering from ADHD.
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