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The way to Count Cells together with Specific Text in Google Sheets
Sometimes when working in a new large spreadsheet within Google Sheets, you may have to count the number of cells that will contain a particular text.

There are usually some pretty easy functions you can use to count the occurrence involving certain words or letters inside your own spreadsheet.

In this kind of tutorial, Let me demonstrate you how to count cells that will contain specific textual content in Google Bed linens.

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one Count Cells that have Specific Text
two Count Cells That have Specific Text Anywhere In the Cells (Partial Match)
3 Shutting Feelings

Count Cells which contain Specific Text message
The easiest way to count typically the number of tissues that contain a specific text is by using the particular COUNTIF function. This kind of will count the particular number of cellular material within a range in which the text accurately matches the text you are seeking for.

Here is definitely a good example of using typically the COUNTIF function in order to count the quantity of occasions the text? He? appears in a set of names:

Count Particular Text COUNTIF

The formula used inside of this example is:

=COUNTIF(A2: A13,? He? )

What this specific formula does is definitely it will look for in my array of A2: A13 for your text? Matt? and return the quantity of times this text appears. Throughout the example overhead can see that will the text appears 3 times.

The only real problem with this specific method is may only work if your entire cell accurately matches the text message you are looking for. To rely having a partial match up of the cell, make use of the method beneath.

Count Cells That Contain Specific Textual content Anywhere In the particular Cells (Partial Match)
If you want to count tissues that contain text anywhere in the particular entire cell, an individual will have to be able to use wildcards in your COUNTIF so your formula will return a count for just about any cell that includes the written text you usually are searching for.

Let? s take some sort of look at a great example:

Count Certain Text Partial Complement

To count textual content where the cellular is a partially match, you will need to place typically the asterisk wildcard character types across the text an individual are searching intended for. Within this example, typically the formula used is usually:

=COUNTIF(A2: A13,? *Matt*? )

The asterisk wildcard character holders for any charm and numerous characters. So the COUNTIF formula in this example is seeking for? Matt? with any character and any number regarding characters before plus after the text. So it will return a count with regard to any cell that will contains that text message.

Look how Projectbink inside this example simply returns a count number of 1. That is because it will not necessarily count cells in which the entire cellular doesn? t precisely match the text message.

The 2nd formula along with the asterisks returns a count regarding 3 because it will return a new count with a new partial match.

Closing Thoughts
I use proven two other ways to count the amount of cellular material that contain a certain text in your spreadsheet. will look for for exact suits, the second technique will return a count of tissue with a partial match up.

You should learn both methods so that you know how to approach these types of situations in future scenarios as you carry on working with spreadsheets.

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