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Histology of Ureter and Urinary Bladder:
Urine flows from collecting ducts in the nephron to the renal pelvis into the ureters where it travels down to the bladder. Urine is propelled through peristalsis that is generated from electrical pacemakers in the proximal region of the renal pelvis. Stretching activates these pacemakers.
Urothelium lines the renal pelvis, ureters, and bladder. Outermost layers is Advenita that contains blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics. Then follows the muscular region: outer circular and inner longitudinal layer. Lamina Propria is a layer of loose connective tissue. Innermost layer is the Lumen which is lined by transitional epithelium. Transitional epithelium is 5-6 layers, base layers are cuboidal, intermediate layers are columnar and surface layer is polyhedral. This allows for retention of urine.
Ureterovesical junction is where ureters enter the bladder. The bladder has two parts: fundus and bladder neck. Ureters enter bladder obliquiely and close when pressure rises, preventing reflux.
Bladder filling/voiding: While voiding, urothelium is relaxed, 5-6 cell layers thick, with a folded mucosal membrane. While filling, the urothelium is stretched causing the mucosal membrane to unfold and become only 1-2 cell layers thick.
On the surface of the epithelium, umbrella cells are held together by tight junctions. They are distinguished by hinges and plaques (depressions lined with uroplakin)
Filling stimulates exocytosis and endocytosis of cells, but the net rate of exocytosis is higher so that surface area increases.
Pelvic Cavity, Peritoneum, and Perineum:
Pelvis: inferior to abdomen, bony structure for inferior urinary organs.
Pelvic cavity: contains urinary and excretory organs
Perineum: shallow compartment below pelvic floor
Peritoneum: lining of abdominal cavity organs
Pelvis is surrounded by the pelvic girdle, which includes ossa coxae and sacrum. Ossa coxae is divided between ilium, ischium, and pubis. Sacroiliac joints connect different parts of the pelvis.
Greater Pelvis: region above pelvic inlet, contains inferior abdominal organs, between iliac wings
Lesser Pelvis: region between pelvic inlet and outlet, bordered inferiorly by the pelvic floor muscles, contains urinary and genital organs
Pelvic cavity is the space between pelvic inlet (oblique roof) and pelvic outlet (lower floor). Inferiorly bounded by pelvic floor muscles. Posteriorly bounded by inferior sacral and coccyx segments. Anteroinferiorly bounded by pubic bones and symphysis. Posterosuperior wall/roof formed by superior sacral segments. Lateral formed by ilia and obturator internus muscle. Posterolateral wall formed by sacrum, coccyx, sacroliliac joints, and piriformis.
4 layers of abdominal muscle: external oblique --> internal oblique --> rectus abdominus --> transverse abdominus
Obturator internus and piriformis are key muscles of the pelvic wall. Piriformis runs from ilium to coccygeus. Obturator internus runs from obturator foramen to lesser sciatic notch.
Levator ani and coccygeus are the two main pelvic floor muscles. Musculofascia diaphragm separates pelvic cavity from perineal region
Weak pelvic floor muscles leads to incontinence (stress or urge) due to mechanical disruption of muscles
Perineum is below pelvic floor and contains reproductory and excretory organs like the anus, urethra, and external genitalia. Imaginary line between ischial tuberosities divides perineum between urogenital triangle (urethra and external genitalia w/ UG diaphragm) and anal triangle. Perineal body at junction between UG and anal triangle, essential for integrity of pelvic floor.
Peritoneum lines organs and walls of cavities (parietal and visceral), serous membrane that supports organs and acts as conduit for blood supply, nerves, etc. Pelvic peritoneum starts pubic symphysis. Peritoneum creates spaces, Pouch of Douglas when it goes over uterus and vagina, uterovesical recess when it goes over bladder. Males have rectovesical pouch between rectum and bladder.
Main blood supply of pelvis comes from internal iliac artery and vein which originates from the common iliac bifurcation. Most important veins are common, external, and internal. Sacral and coccygeal nerve plexuses are the main nerve supply. Puedenal nerve, principle nerve for external genitalia.
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