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So i kinda like this ONE person in my class,He is smart,Handsome,Tall and kinda nice but i like him because he is kinda nice and he also REALLY good at maths.My maths is litterally the worst.And i am kinda good at english.Ok let me tell you my love story so i started liking him in 2019.But i think he likes me back in 2021.So me and my friends likes to play at the park in the evening.And i never miss a day to play at the park.So there is THAT one time when i wear this hijab and my lips we're red whichs make me feel preety because i'm the type of person that insecures with my body.So i go play with my friends at the park and he we're the're playing football.After he sees me that day,THE NEXT TOMORROW when i go play at the park again i feel like he was looking at me 60% while he was playing football and i feel weird bc he NEVER looked at me and never know i exist before,And when we go to school I CAUGHT HIM STARING AT ME WHILE SMILING AAAAAAAAAAAA,I start feeling butterflys in my stomach bc of his smile AAAAAAAA like bro marry me.And there is also that one time at science lab he was staring at me and the teacher caught him and say "Tengok awek ke tu" And then he got so flustered and he tries to not look at me MANY TIMES but ends up looking at me EVERYTIME! And when it is 2022 he do everyting obvious now bc the science teacher didn't teach us anymore and i was so confuse i thought he was looking at someone else but it turns out he was looking at ME and i want to try to make it obvious that i like him but my hijabs awning litterally ruin EVERYTHING and i will often look UGLY AF at school and i 80% repairing my hijabs awning all the times and when i try to look at him i feel like he is going to be embarrassed if an ugly girl like me looking at him :( And i try to stop looking at him bc i don't want him to get embarrased bc of me bc he obviously likes me bc of my looks :( And i like him bc of his personality AND we litterally have different types but ends up liking each other anyway.AND THE MOST FUNNY PART IS THAT I ALWAYS PRAY FOR MY HIJABS AWNING TO NOT RUIN SO I CAN SPYING ON MY C.R.U.S.H BUT ENDS THE AWNING ENDS UP RUIN ANYWAY :(.
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