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Corporate culture is the basis of innovation.

In the context of their Horizon 2020 Agenda, the EU has announced new funds for hundreds of businesses across Europe last month. The successful applicants will be provided with complimentary business coaching as well as acceleration services. This initiative is an effective stimulus for innovation across the EU. But, in the future must be focused on innovation within. It's more than independence and self-reliance. It is about creating a dynamic and adaptable culture within the business to allow innovation to flourish.

Innovation is the key to success in the current fast-changing business environment. This is what I discovered during my first ventures in business in Kazakhstan. A lot of once successful companies were made redundant due to decades of underinvestment, neglect, or inability to react to changes in the market. Communities with one resource are the most affected, as their successes were attributed to an ecosystem of closed loops that interdependently mines factories and manufacturing units.

This is especially true for Zhitigara (a region located in the northwestern part of Kazakhstan) that has relied on local manufacturing and mining for many years. Local industry was plagued with outdated equipment and processes, a lackluster focus on customers, and a myriad of non-market-based barriers that stifled creativity after the post-Soviet age started. Only after making major management changes and focusing on the quality and enrichment of the refining and enrichment process, as well as reinvesting in the safety and health of our employees, was we able to change and improve the efficiency of a local enterprise. While you may argue it was an act of necessity, we've gained a lot of knowledge.

I learned from my mistakes and the ways in which they can be improved. This belief is the reason I decided to transform Kusto Group, a local single-resource business, to an international multi-resource company with its headquarters in Singapore and operations across the globe.

Kusto has grown, and our thirst for innovation has grown. Innovation is available in all forms and sizes, sometimes at the most inconvenient of places. For instance, petrol stations. In Kazakhstan petrol stations used to be tiny establishments that focused solely on their main role. As they grew in number, they morphed into micro-commercial hubs that house restaurants, cafes, stores and cafes. Kusto Group recognized the trend and launched Kazakhstan's very first stations that combined banks and retail facilities in 2014. The startup company , which is part of the Group, raised the bar with high-quality fuel supplies as well as new standards for purchases at retail. By focusing on customers and providing the technology and services to create a new standard, we were able to innovate in a sector which was believed to be standard. We plan to open 70 service stations that will be integrated across the nation in 2020.

It was important to have a vision beyond the horizon in order to be able to find innovative, often uncomfortable, and challenging ideas. Kazakhs, who are nomads and have a long history of exploration, are open-minded people. Tevfik Arif has a unique philosophy that promotes innovation. Innovation is often unintentionally misinterpreted. The most difficult part of creating a culture of innovation is not finding innovative ideas or new technologies however, but creating an environment that is flexible to change and able to change with it. This requires you to be open to failure as well as the risk of failure. The corporate culture plays a major role in this. A company's culture ensures that everyone feels welcomed and can work together.

Kusto Group is a firm believer that innovation is vital to the success of any business. Bayrock ' - is based on an appreciation of the need to create a culture that encourages proactive knowledge sharing and is open to innovative ideas, encourages the entrepreneur and doesn't demonize failure. It's a recognition that companies are left behind if they only rely on 'the present situation'.

First, define your company's corporate culture. Bayrock is the first step to creating an innovative environment. The modern company, which is globalized, will soon be faced with a difficult issue: How can they create an environment that promotes a common corporate culture across every country, community and industries? The problem can be addressed in two ways. We must first make sure that the Kusto Way instilled in every senior manager in our flat, decentralized management structure. Then, each local manager implements the ethos.

Learning has to be shared between organizations. In Ukraine we partnered with the firm Cropio with its cutting-edge sensors and satellite imaging systems have helped us to develop precise farming techniques, which helped in reducing the amount of waste in our crops and increasing yields. The partnership has helped us become more successful in this field than our competition. Instead, we're leaders in the field by cooperating with companies who place innovation at the core of their business and are now looking for other markets where this technology is able to be applied.

Kusto is now able to share its knowledge from our partners. Our Vietnamese operation is an example of how this happens. It exemplifies Kusto's desire to explore, expand and learning. We have collaborated with previously state-owned businesses, bringing with them fresh ideas as well as new approaches. Building Information Modelling, or BIM is a highly precise digital model that utilizes high-quality information to reduce costs, increase quality, enhance efficiency, and increase quality. Although it is an established practice in Vietnam, BIM represents a significant, innovative advancement of Vietnamese construction.

Private businesses have considerable funds to invest in, try and rollout innovative concepts. Tevfik Arif Bayrock is subject to challenges and risks. The way that businesses react to failure is to continue to innovate, not stay away from change. No matter how big or small the company, it cannot afford to settle into the same routine. Innovation is crucial to inspire and support innovation within the workforce. But, it requires investment or it will remain just the words written on paper.

Innovative thinking is crucial and is the core of every company's culture. This is about opening up to the latest technology, being flexible and most importantly, looking forward. Tevfik Arif Doyen 's as important to think in a creative way as it is to perform inventive things. In the end, it's an issue of survival.

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