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D: we'll have fun play games, oh and they're making a merry-go-round right over there-
W: I don't want to stay!
D: What? But this is what we've come all this way for.
W: Yeah, well, I guess its just not as cool as it first sounded.
D: But what's not to like here? There are nice plushies who do fun activities together, and no people or wild animals to bother us.
W: It's so boring. I'm beginning to feel this is just a 2nd toy store.
D: This is nothing like the toy store! You just have issues.
W: I want to keep exploring the world Darby. What those books showed is only a fraction of what I've experienced on this journey. I don't want to be stuck in one place.
D: But, you're here with me. Aren't you happy about that?
W: Yes but I don't want to stay here. I can't stay here Darby.
D: No? Why!? Because its not good enough for you?
W: I just told you why Darby, now I'm going back to the train station are you going to come with me or not?
D: You're really going to leave? But, don't you think about what I want? I never even wanted to go on that stupid journey, I just wanted to be with you. You never realized how miserable I looked, you never cared. But now all of a sudden, you come out of nowhere saying "hey, this place kind of sucks I'm leaving bye", and I'm just supposed to accept that?!
W: I'm just asking you if you want to come with me or not, why are you making such a big deal out of this?
D: Because of all the plushies I knew, of all the things we've done together, I always thought you'd be the last one to leave me. Like, we were two peas in a pod... but now that doesn't matter I guess.
W: Look everything changed the day we left that toy store, did you really expect after all that traveling and danger we've been through that we'd still be the same.
D: I just thought. That I was important enough to you, that you wanted to stay with me, and we could be happy together. But I guess, you have better things to do without me.
W: It's not you Darby, it's the safe haven. I'd be glad to have you come with me on the journey-
D: and go through all that rain and mud? Danger and peril? Dread and fear all over again? No way, you couldn't pay me a million monopoly dollars to go through that again! Not to mention those nasty mean puppets trying to steal our stuffing.
W: I know right? Wasn't that exciting?
D: You idiot! We almost perished, like twice! Where's the fun in that?
W: The thrilling chase, the beautiful skies,
*Darby groans*
W: come on Darby, maybe you should give it one more chan-
D: NO! I won't do it. You can leave me for all I care, for that stupid wilderness and stupid city populated with stupid people and stupid puppets. I don't need you. I don't want you. Go away! I'm leaving you first. (you cant leave me if I leave you first)

maybe some part WIlly should mention how happy she is at the safe haven and that he doesn't feel the same kind of joy there, so he wants to go to the wilderness cause it'd make him happier and that she can come if she wants to.
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