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It's always interesting to return home to celebrate Thanksgiving. This trick is simple and allows me to carry lectures.
Here are some of the recent events in my personal life. Although I'm not yet in the college of my dreams, however, it's online, I'm gaining an abundance of knowledge that will assist me get my career goal, which is to become a Youtube star or Instagram influencer. It's possible to laugh, but I've already begun my journey with nearly 1800 people following me. While it may not seem to be much, with a lot of positive thinking and the best ideas and exclusive content, I'm able to become the next celebrity. As Nas said a long time ago, if you put your focus on it, you will get the place you want to be. I've always admired his remarks.

So my long journey to home for the holidays was promising to be boring, just like any other long and monotonous. I am not a fan of sitting on the small bus seat, as I'm a rather bulky person. yt mp3 And so this time I decided to outsmart the boredom. True! There are two courses at my school that include many lectures. The lectures are stored on their respective servers. Youtube has several quality choices. Youtube allows for people who cannot keep up with the HD video lectures' speed. Youtube also provides many options for quality.

Here I am getting ready for the 8hr bus ride. I am thinking what to do, how to make myself have fun, and maybe doing some brainwork.. In any case, I viewed the video clips from my next 3 classes, and there was nearly 7 hours of just listening materials. I wanted to download the video onto my iPad and then played the lecture on the bus going home for Thanksgiving. YouTube mp3 conversion was my best friend.. I was able to convert the Youtube videos into mp3 files, and stored them on my phone to play when my iPad stops working. Since I'm only able to use a small amount of space on my phone, I only did audio. Audio lectures are similar to podcasts, but they are written in a way that the listeners were between the ages of 2 and 3. This makes it easy to comprehend even for people who aren't watching. I saved the videos as MP3 files and then set my headphones. I used my older, cheap headphones and didn't invest in the higher-end Airpods.

But I also saved videos from YouTube to MP4 files for my iPad. This was going to prove very useful in the early hours of the journey. Video is great because it lets you see the instructor doing what he is doing and also what's going on. Otherwise, it's just another podcast. While mp3s are a smaller file size than video MP4, I could not download all the videos onto my iPad. Additionally, I did not want to erase Family Guy (also downloaded via Hulu) to make room for my journey.

I was happy to bring both video and audio lectures. My iPad ran out after about two hours. Then my phone rang. I was just listening to the audio and not looking at it, so it was able to continue all the way to my destination. When college resumed I was able quickly go over what I had learned and impress the professor with my background knowledge. It's amazing to look at the possibilities of technology utilized to assist you in your studies. Youtube as well as other video storage sites provide infinite knowledge, with tutorials and DIY tutorials. This is something that's worth considering.

what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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Regards; Team

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