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Here's why I think you make a good boyfriend
1.I like how in the morning/night you always tell me morning/good night. Makes me feel happy you care.
2.You always try to be understanding, even of my past... which I know is a lot
3.When Im sad, you make me smile/laugh. Even when you dont know it
4.You are so sweet to me, even if you dont have to be
5.I like your integrity, you always show you always mean well and have really good morals
6.You can be optimistic or realistic when the time is needed
7.I think you are also mature too, sure as hell separates you from the "boys" and you being a man/guy
8.I like how caring you can be, it warms my heart when you talk about holding me when Im sad
9.I like how affectionate you are, when we talk about cuddling, kissing, being together... my heart just sings
10.I like how kind/respectful you are, never once were you stuck up on anything even to do with skin or me being a woman. You'd be surprise how many guys are rude like this.
11.I like how emotional you are, you are scared to show your emotions like some other guys
12.I like your ambition too, you make me blush when you talk about wanting to be a boyfriend or even husband to me maybe.
13.I really like your humor, you are goofy sometimes and I really feel like I can laugh with you without worries.
14.I like how much you want to love, you have so much to give and share. You just want to be loved back... I feel that with you.
15.I like the support you give too, I didnt have that a lot in past relationships. But with you I like that you try to motivate me to keep going.
16.I like how you show so much empathy for me, the things I have gone through and my feelings
17.God your honesty is just... I love it at times, it catches me off guard and speechless.
18.I like how romantic you are, you dont ever say you just want to sleep/have sex with me. You always tell me how passionate you want to be with me.
19.I like how sometimes you always try to cheer me up when I bash how bad I look, I know Im not a model or anything. I tend to worry about being "affective" for the person I end up with but you make me feel special.
20. You are such a good listener too, there are times I always expect for someone to talk over me. Nope! You just listen to what I have to say
21.I like how curious you are when it comes to anything really, like myself. You ask about what I feel, how I looked in the past, and what I am into. Even if you dont play a game Im playing you still ask about it
22. You communicate with me well, you always are vocal on how you feel and I appreciate it. I care a lot about what you think.
23.I like how even now you told me you love me, you didn't force or push me to say anything back.
24.I like how you make time for us to hang out and play together, even when Im being a gamer grumpy (sorry...)
25.Most of all, I love that I've met you Nick. I want to make more memories with you. So please let's together ♥
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