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Which of these is not an example of an organized list?
• [1, 2, Joe, 4.5, banana] (correct answer, your response)<----
• [7, 40, 100]
• [apple, orange, pear, strawberry]
• [banana]
Points earned: 1 out of 1

A list can be used
• Store one value.
• Store many values.
• Help organize values of similar kind
• All the above (correct answer, your response)<----
Points earned: 1 out of 1

Every list has a name with which it should be referenced. (true/false)
• True (correct answer, your response)<----
• False
Points earned: 1 out of 1

How many times will you hear the note 60 play when you click on the green flag?
• 3
• 4
• 7
• 12 (correct answer, your response)<----
Points earned: 1 out of 1

How many times will the sound meow be played when we click the green flag?
• 0 (correct answer, your response)<----
• 1
• 2
• 3
Points earned: 1 out of 1

Which of these best describes the role of a function in a program?
• It solves mathematical equations
• It performs specific tasks and can be used multiple times (correct answer, your response)<----
• It is a way of naming variables
• It is another name for a line of code
Points earned: 1 out of 1

How many times will you hear the meow sound when you run the script below?
• 1
• 2
• 3
• 4 (correct answer, your response)<----
Points earned: 1 out of 1

How many times will you hear the meow sound when you run the script below?
• 1 (correct answer, your response)<----
• 2
• 3
• 4
Points earned: 1 out of 1

What is a forever loop?
• A loop that runs for a set period of iterations
• A loop that runs while another loop runs
• A loop that runs based only on numbers
• A loop that runs based only on truth values (correct answer, your response)<----
Points earned: 1 out of 1

What is peer programming?
• Programming with a partner (correct answer, your response)<----
• Programming with the use of a development environment
• Programming while looking at a reference book
• Programming while b
Points earned: 1 out of 1

Which of the following is NOT an operation on a list?
• Contains
• Length
• Insert
• Square root (correct answer, your response)<----
Points earned: 1 out of 1

What does an if statement do?
• An if statement evaluates whether or not a condition is met(correct answer, your response)<----
• An if statement asks a question
• An if statement is a type of loop
• An if statement
Points earned: 1 out of 1

What is programing?
• Creating a set of instructions for a computer to perform
• Opening and running an application
• Writing the code for what will become an application
• a & c (correct answer, your response)<----
Points earned: 1 out of 1

Recursion can be used to code fractals. (true/false)
• True (correct answer, your response)<----
• False
Points earned: 1 out of 1

Which of these best describes the role of a function in a program?
• It solves mathematical equations
• It performs specific tasks and can be used multiple times (correct answer, your response)<----
• It is a way of naming variables
• It is another name for a line of code
Points earned: 1 out of 1

Which of the following can be created using computing?
• Art
• Music
• Games
• All of the above (correct answer, your response)<----
Points earned: 1 out of 1

What is a function?
•A named section of a program that performs a task and can be created by a user (correct answer, your response)<----
•A named section of a program that holds the value for one item created by a user
•A named section of a program that is used for debugging, as created by a user
•A named section of a program that is only for starting the program
Points earned: 1 out of 1

Which of the following everyday objects uses on program(s) to operate?
• A smart phone
• A modern car
• A computer
• All of the above (correct answer, your response)<----
Points earned: 1 out of 1

Choose the lines of code that should be made into a function:
• 2-7 (correct answer, your response)<----
• 3-4
• 4-7
• 2-6
Points earned: 1 out of 1

What is a nested loop?
• A loop inside of a loop (correct answer, your response)<---
• A loop inside of a function
• A loop inside of a program
• A loop inside of an if statement
Points earned: 1 out of 1
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