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İ byiptv
TRT TX8 to TX11 Turksat 42°E 12590 H 5200 DVBS2 8PSK 5/6
Biss:10 12 00 22 23 00 03 26
INTER - Astra 4A 4.8° East 11766 H 27500 3/4 SID:17F7 26.09.2014
Rustavi 2 ''RUSTAVI 2'' New SID : 0007 Türksat 3A at 42.0°E 11472H 23450 26.09.2014
Eutelsat 10°E 11342 H 27500 23.09.2014
Newroz Sid:089C
EK ehsas SID:089F
Biss :12 34 56 9C 65 43 21 C9
Disney +2 Yamal 402 55°E 12522 V 27500 sid 000002 20.09.2014
biss- 6B A1 E5 F1 74 BB CA F9
Bingo Boom Yamal 402 55°E 12522 V 27500 sid 000005 20.09.2014
biss -62 69 6E 39 67 6F 73 49
New Freq 18.09.2014
HABERTURK NEW SID : 2BC0 Turksat 42°E 11053 H 8000 3/4 DVB-S
BLOOMBERG HT NEW SID : 2BC1 Turksat 3A 11053 H 8000 3/4 DVB-S
Show TV HD Turksat 42°E 12209 H 10000 3/4
HaberTurk HD Turksat 42°E 12209 H 10000 3/4
A Spor Turksat 42°E 12054 H 27500 5/6
ATV HD Turksat 42°E 12054 H 27500 5/6
A Spor HD Turksat 42°E 12054 H 27500
Star TV HD Turksat 42°E 12015 H 27500 5/6
Star TV Turksat 42°E 12015 H 27500 5/6
TRT HD Turksat 42°E 11054 V 30000 3/4
TRT 1 HD Turksat 42°E 11054 V 30000 3/4
TRT Haber HD Turksat 42°E 11054 V 30000 3/4
TRT 1 SID: 2904 Turksat @ 42° East 11958 V 27500 5/6
TRT Haber SID:2905 Turksat @ 42° East 11958 V 27500 5/6
TRT 3 Spor SID:2907 Turksat @ 42° East 11958 V 27500 5/6
TV8 SID:0526 Turksat @ 42° East 12034 V 27500 5/6 - 12346 H 9600 3/4 SID:3264
Biss:10 00 00 10 00 00 00 00

NTV SID:2A31 Turksat 442°E 12015H 27500 5/6 DVB-S/QPSK
NTV SPOR SID: 2A32 Turksat 442°E 12015H 27500 5/6 DVB-S/QPSK
Biss Key: A0 21 23 00 35 46 14 00

DHA FEED Turksat 42°E 12034 V 27500 42°E SID:0547
Biss :B0 53 24 [27] 05 80 83 [08]
OMAN TV Test HD 31.08.2014
-Nile sat 7°W -12111 H 27500 SID:138F -Badr 26°E-12456 H 27500
Biss: 11 11 11 33 11 11 11 33
TRT Spor2 Turksat 42°E 11096 H 30000 5/6 SID:001C
Biss: 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
ID: Feed Nile sat 7°W -10795 V 27500 SID: 0E1B 14.08.2014
Biss: 12 4A F6 52 7C D9 81 D6
Badr-4/5/6-26°E/11919 H 27500 24.07.2014
BISS KEY: 12 AB 34 [F1] CD 56 EF [12]
1 TV GEORGIA AzerSpace 1 {46°E} 11095H 27500 SID : 0001 05.07.2014
Feed4 Nile sat 7°W 10796 V 27500 SID: 0E16 02.07.2014
Biss:12 34 AB F1 CD 12 34 13
MUSIC NOW , Fann , Mkls Feed Eutelsat 3.1°E New Frq 11585 V 9260 FEC 3/4 01.07.2014
Biss:AB CD EF 67 12 34 56 9C
Rossiya 1 Yamal 402 @ 54.9° East 12604 V 28980 5/6 30.06.2014
Rossiya 2 Yamal 402 @ 54.9° East 12640 V 14910 5/6
MUTV International Eutelsat 10°E New freq 11483 V 4000 FEC 5/6 DVB-S2 8PSK 28.06.2014
Biss CW: 20 59 76 EF 82 3D B5 74
NERIT Channels Eutelsat 3.1°E 12734 V 16750 N HD SID:0028 N Sports SID:14 N1 SID:000A 25.06.2014
Hellas Sat 39°E 12720 H 13400 DVB-S2/QPSK
Biss:A1 B2 C3 16 D4 E5 F8 B1
JMC FEED Nile sat 7°W 11958 H 27500 SID:0337 25.06.2014
Biss: AB CD EF 67 12 34 56 9C
BTB test (VTV Belarus)Astra 1G at -31.5°E 11758 H, 27500,3/4 SID::1C34 25.06.2014
Biss:11 11 11 33 11 11 11 33
Feed Nile sat 7°W 10796 V 27500 SID: 0E1B 24.06.2014 ( Black Screan )
Biss:12 4A F6 52 7C D9 81 D6
Channel 212 - RioniTV ASTRA 4.8°E 12360 V 27500 FEC 2/3 DVB-S2 8PSK (SID: 0C30) 23.06.2014
Biss: 13 5E AC 1D 22 FF 3B 5C
2 TV Georgia AZERSPACE 1 (46.0°E) 11094 H 27500 5/6 23.06.2014
Biss: 00 20 05 00 00 19 56 00
[ Digea Greece ] Eutelsat 3C @ 3.1° East | Biss | 2nd Frequency 21.06.2014
12702 H 13960 3/5 DVB-S2/QPSK
Etv SID:SID: 0320
Biss:11 11 11 33 11 11 11 33

12720 H 13960 3/5 DVB-S2/QPSK
m.TV SID: 0190
SKAI SID: 0258
STAR sid: 02BC
Biss:11 11 11 33 11 11 11 33
IRIB TV3 HD Badr 26°E 11881 H 27500 / DVB-S2 8PSK FEC 5/6 SID: 0096 20.06.2014
Biss Key: 11 11 11 33 11 11 11 33
1TV Georgia (HellasSat) 39°E 11663H SR 5925 SID :0001 18.06.2014
Key: 0020050000195600
[ Al Rayyan HD Europe ] Badr 26°E 12437 V 27500 SID:0004 | Biss | 01.04.2014
Biss: 00 00 01 01 11 11 AB CD
[ IRIB TV3 SID: 1EDF] Hotbird 13°E 12437 H 29900 DVB-S2/8PSK 3/5 | Biss |
BISS KEY : 11 11 11 33 11 11 11 33
Unian TV Amos 2/3, 4°W 10722 H 27500
CW: 12 34 56 9C 65 43 21 C9
Region_TV AzerSpace 1 @ 46° East 11135, H, 27500 FEC 5/6 ID:770(Dec),302(Hex)
Biss: 20 47 10 [77] 10 89 71 [0A]
Topaz 1 Eutelsat 21B @ 21.6° East 11340 H 26462 sid: 0001
CW: A9 E7 46 D6 83 58 E5 C0
Italy Service 4 11881V27500 2/3 DVB-S2/8PSK Eutelsat 9A @ 9° East SID: 0DB4
CW: 83 A2 AA CF 35 71 C2 68
IRIB TV3 -IRIB Varzesh INTELSAT 902 @ 62 East 11555 V 30000 2/3
Biss key : 11 11 11 33 11 11 11 33
Comedy channel Astra 1G @ 31.5° East 11817V 27500 sid : 07D0
CW:11 22 00 33 14 01 06 1B
BTB Astra 1G @ 31.5° East 11758 H 27500 3/4
Biss:11 11 11 33 11 11 11 33
NTV Mir Amos 4.0°W 11389 H 27500 3/4 Channel ID: 01FE SID: 0009 VPid 0901
Key: AA BB CC 00 CC BB AA 00
Caspionet 11758 H 27500 -12304 H 27500 7/8 Astra 1G @ 31.5° East
Biss key :11 11 11 33 11 11 11 33
Italy Service 9°E (Eurobird 9A) 11919V S/R 27500 FEC 3/4 HD
SID: 0003 VPID: 2003 (Dec) APID: 3003 (Dec)
Key: 27 10 45 7C 6A C0 01 2B
FOX Sports feed Eutelsat 9A @ 9° East 12054 H 27500 2/3 DVB-S2/8PSK | Biss | SID:0004 |
Biss: 1A 8A 34 D8 5C 6B A7 6E
Kanal D Eutelsat 16A -16°E 12566V SR 3616 SID: 0001 VPID: 0064
Biss: C4 8D AF 00 8F DA 97 00
Italy Service 3 9°E (Eurobird 9A) 11919V S/R 27500 FEC 3/4 HD
SID: 0038 VPID: 2056 (Dec) APID: 3056 (Dec)
Key: 9D E4 C1 42 AC 51 3C 39
Italy Service2 (Eurobird 9A) 11919V S/R 27500 FEC 3/4 HD
SID: 0037 VPID: 2055 (Dec) APID: 3055 (Dec)
Key: 2C 3A 14 7A AC 51 61 5E
Al-Sahat -Eutelsat W6 21.5°E°E -11670 H 1600
Biss : 85 18 7C 19 38 94 9B 67
Al Mayadeen TV Badr 26°E 12560 H 2850 SID:0001
found CW: 3F 94 DC AF 1C 0D E0 09
ALPHA TV Greece ALTER Channel ANT 1 Macedonia TV Eutelsat 3C @ 3.1° East 12547H & 12567H SR 13958 DVB-S2/8PSK FEC 1/3
Mega Channel Skai Star Channel -ETV Eutelsat 3D @ 3.1° East -12568 H DVB-S2/QPSK MPEG-4 13960 3/5-
found CW:11 11 11 33 11 11 11 33
[ 2M National HD ]Eutelsat 3,1°E 12526 H 4444 5/6 DVB-S2/8PSK | Biss | SID:0065 |
found CW: 20 13 02 35 2E AD 01 DC
[ 2M MENA HD ]Eutelsat 3,1°E 12526 H 4444 5/6 DVB-S2/8PSK | Biss | SID:0067 |
found CW: 20 13 02 35 2E AD 03 DE
[ OrbitLine2 ]Express AM22 53E 12669 V 22500 | Biss | SID:178F |
[ OrbitLine3 ]Express AM22 53E 12669 V 22500 | Biss | SID:1790 |
found CW:19 36 25 74 AB FE C7 70
TVI Internacional Hispasat 30°W 2nd Frequency 10890 V 27500
Key: 12 48 16 70 32 64 12 A8
ALL Channels Astra 4A, 4.8°E 12700H SR 9630 FEC 5/6 DVB-S2/8PSK sid=03F4
ODIE Eutelsat 9A, 9°E 12380 V 27500 DVB-S2/8PSK 2/3 SID hex : 0421 Vpid hex : 01C9
Biss key: 11 11 11 33 22 22 22 66
[ Eurofootball Gonki ] Eutelsat 9.0°E 11919 V 27500 3/4 MPEG-4 | Biss | SID:002E |
key:E8 76 F0 4E 8B A5 11 41
Earth TV (SID: 0001) 12646 H - 3255 - 3/4 @ (15.0°W) Telstar 12
Key: F2 D4 CE 94 1B 67 B1 33
Inter+ Astra 4.8 12284 V 27500 3/4 SID: 1B4E VPID: 1B4F
BISS: 1234AC001234AC00
ERA Astra-4A 4.°E 12284 V 27500 3/4
CW: 18 10 20 48 12 18 00 2A
[ Al Aoula Maroc ] Badr4 (26°E) 12683 V 27500 3/4 | Biss | SID: 000A |
key : CA 50 B7 D1 31 D6 58 5F
[ STS International ] HOTBIRD 13°E 12245H SR 27500 FEC 3/4 | Biss | SID:0065 | & 10949 V 27500 SID:1D33
key: 11 11 11 33 11 11 11 33
UKRAINA-SD Astra 4A 4.8°E 12130V S/R 27500 FEC 3/4 SID: 19D2 VPID: 19D2
Key: A5 EB 22 B2 57 6F 50 16
[ DRAMA USA ] Badr-4 26°E 11919 H 27500 3/4 | Biss | SID:001D |
KEY :12 12 12 36 12 12 12 36
[ TEST ( AL Arabiya) ] Nile Sat 7°W 11938, V, 27500| Biss | SID:0AF1 |
KEY :11 12 22 45 33 34 44 AB
[ ENTV ] ( Programe nat)| (5°W) Atlantic Bird 3 11059 H New S/R 23700 FEC 3/4 | Biss | SID HEX:025C |
Key: 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[ ENTV ] ( Programe nat)| 12674 H 20255 3/4 NSS 7@ 22°W | Biss | SID HEX:0004 |
Key: 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[ National 24 ] Eutelsat W3C @ 16° East 11046 H 10555 | Biss | SID HEX : 0016
key:CD EF 12 CE 56 78 90 5E
S2K Eurobird9 9°E 11823 H 27500 SID=0013
key=20 00 AB CB CD 20 00 ED
2+2 Astra 4A, 4.8°E (Sirius) 11766H S/R 27500 FEC 3/4
key : 09 02 19 24 63 23 06 8C
1+1 Intern. Astra 4A, 4.8°E (Sirius) MPEG-4 with AAC sound 11766 H 27500 (ID: 198C)
HEX Key: 1A 2B 3C 81 4D 5E 6F 1A
[ First Ukraine ] Amos 2, 4°W -10759 H 30000 3/4
Key: 10 06 10 26 11 07 11 29
[ Al Aoula Maroc ] Hotbird 6 (13.0E) 10873.00 V - 27500 3/4 | Biss | SID in HEX:0003 |
key: CA 50 B7 D1 31 D6 58 5F
IRIB 3 (DVB-S2/MPEG-4) Badr-5 26E 12322 v 27500
HEX Key: 11 11 11 33 11 11 11 33
[ MGM Middle East ] Eutelsat W2A (10.0E) | 12610 H 9258 Biss | SID (HEX): 0003, VPID (HEX): 1004 ||
Key:15 9A CD 7C EB F6 14 F5
1 TV Georgian Türksat 3A @ 42° East 11472 H 23450 5/6 |SID: 0002 Only Football : Champions League
Key:00 20 05 00 00 19 56 00
TET (5.0°E) Sirius 4
11766 H 27500 (ID: 17DE)
HEX Key: 19 09 06 28 11 76 60 E7
Stolicnoe TV(Minsk) (53.0°E) Express-AM22 11158 V 3255 3/4 (ID: 0001)
HEX Key: 10 09 19 32 36 24 62 BC
MBC Inter (26.0°E) Badr-3/4 11919 H 27500 3/4 (ID: 001B)
HEX Key: 12 12 12 36 12 12 12 36
[ STS International ] HOTBIRD 13°E 12245H SR 27500 FEC 3/4 | Biss | SID:0065 | & 10949 V 27500 SID:1D33
Biss key: 11 11 11 33 11 11 11 33
Nash Dom (53.0°E) Express AM22 11044 V 44951 (ID:000C)
Key: 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00
INTER + Sirius 4 @ 4.8° East | New 12073 H 27500 3/4
HEX Key:12 34 AC 00 12 34 AC 00
LIDER TV 13E / 36E Only football
Eutelsat Sesat (36.0E) - 12521.00 H 4340 1/2
Hotbird (13.0E) - 12149.00 V 27500 3/4
HEX Key:A3 31 30 04 61 67 82 4A

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