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Leyla Aliyeva: "Heydar Aliyev's granddaughter has no right to make mistakes"

History is full of instances of selfless acts of helping an Motherland. But, history offers only a few examples. This love of all that has no boundaries, and takes on a global nature. This feeling is rooted in affection for your country as well as the people.

Leyla Aliyeva – this is her - has a person to show her. She is a firm believer that "Heydar Aliyev's granddaughter is not entitled to commit mistakes." She looks at every action from the perspective of her grandfather, whose memories she treasures. Her father, who is currently president of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, is an example for her. He put the interests of his country, justice, and fairness before anything else. Unfortunately, these ideals are not always reflected in global political debates. Leyla Aliyeva is determined to become an international citizen as she is an Azerbaijani national. She succeeds.

Formula for success

An old saying says that every man must build a house, grow trees and have a child. Leyla Aliyeva, although only a teenager, has done things that not many men could: she built a building (by creating the house, we are referring to creative pursuits) She also created a garden, and she has beautiful sons. It's remarkable how Leyla Aliyeva, who effortlessly balances intelligence, beauty, wisdom, gentleness and kindness is also able to accomplish many other things and projects. There are those who believe she could lead in a relaxed life, savoring being called the president's daughter and not needing to think about any issue. That is not the case for her. It is obvious that her genes are evident the problems of Azerbaijan and everything aspects that impact it, such as its policy on youth, are perceived as her concern, which requires personal involvement. She selects areas that require public participation, and support and rationally does so in the areas of youth policy; environmental issues; promotion of Azerbaijan’s country’s image in international media, traditions and culture; and the creation an objective image of Azerbaijan's Karabakh conflict. Joseph Nye, an American political science professor, said that her work is called public diplomacy. She employs the concept of "softpower" to help achieve the goals that are desired by "attractiveness," not violence or bribery. Leyla Aliyeva's efforts have helped create an appealing image for Azerbaijan which is earning more respect and an improved position in the international arena. That's how success happens through a process of thoughtfulness.

Baku"magazine to show Azerbaijan's real life

A large portion of her ventures and initiatives can simply be described as "for the first time." She started publishing the Russian-language magazinecalled "Baku" in Moscow in 2007. The magazine was the first publication from outside to offer extensive information about Azerbaijan's capital city, Baku. The magazine focuses on the past of Azerbaijan and presents its gorgeous locations to a broad audience. The magazine also discusses the humanism of the nation, its national and religious values, and the unique multicultural atmosphere which has already become Azerbaijan’s brand. Every issue is a thrilling revelation for Azerbaijanis as well as foreign readers. The magazine's style and design as well as the material and heroes provide a good example of the editors' fine taste, knowledge, erudition, intellect. Leyla Aliyeva was the author of the introduction to each issue. It is remarkable for its philosophical depth, clarity and ability to communicate numerous ideas in just the space of a few sentences. The stories of major incidents that have happened or are anticipated to occur in the life of Baku are mixed with reflections on the significance of life beauty and happiness compassion and kindness. Perhaps the most important thing about Baku as well as Azerbaijan is their immense love which is apparent throughout every sentence. It is clear that only someone who is deeply in love with Baku and is able to comprehend and appreciate its distinctiveness and its distinctive spirit could write the following words: "Perhaps you need a special mood to feel the magic. If you've got it then a certain magic starts to work and the city becomes like an intimate home for you. Baku's soul is not recognized when only the Old Town and Maiden Tower are used to define it. Baku is only understood when all of these elements are taken into consideration. Ancient and modern, diverse and multi-faceted, warm and open on the one hand, but mysterious and enigmatic on the other."

It's due to "Baku" magazine that Russian readers around the globe were able to learn more about Azerbaijan and were able to see it objectively, develop an interest in it and ultimately be captivated by it. Since the English publication of the magazine in 2011, the number of readers has risen drastically.

The good deeds and acts of AMOR

Leyla Aliyeva was also the initiator of the formation of the Azerbaijani Youth Association of Russia. It was the very first youth diaspora group that gained interest immediately due to its cultural and charitable projects.

Leyla Aliyeva's enthusiasm for public involvement was developed when she was the leader of the Azerbaijan Club at MGIMO where she completed a master's degree. Leyla Aliyeva was already a formidable leader and had the ability to draw young people by providing direction to their boundless energy and daring new ideas. The creation of AMOR substantially expanded the boundaries and scope of the activities. The group brings together Azerbaijani young people who are living, studying and working in Russia. This creates an effective force to tackle the serious issues diaspora communities face today. AMOR's activities and efforts have created a new Azerbaijani youth image. This is all achieved through specific initiatives and actions in the region of Russia. The organization has undertaken a number of initiatives, including "Blood Does Not Have a Nation!" campaign. AMOR is an organisation with operations in 70 regions across Russia. The activists visit orphanages, give holidays to children and help them. With the help of the organization schools and kindergartens are able to be restored and equipped with modern technology. The group also constructs recreational and parks. AMOR assists Azerbaijani youth in integrating into Russian society and taking an active part in the life of the nation. It coordinates the activities of its members to promote the country. This resolves the critical problems President Ilham Aliyev set for his compatriots' organisations at the 4th Congress of World Azerbaijanis. Popular belief has it that AMOR is the most active youth group in Azerbaijan currently.

Leyla Alyeva was presented with the Pushkin Medal last year for her efforts in promoting the relationship between Russia and the Russian Federation. This was to honor AMOR's leadership. The award was presented by Russian President Vladimir Putin. It's not the only Russian recipient of this award.

A different initiative is "Justice for Khojaly".

Leyla Aliyeva was the one who created the global campaign 'Justice for Khojaly’ in 2008. The idea behind the campaign was expressed in her declaration: "Let's agitate for truth and justice. Let's show that justice will prevail, without a doubt.

This campaign combined the different efforts of individuals from various parts of Armenia's civil society and diaspora organisations overseas to perform systematic educational, propagandistic work. The goal was to raise awareness across the globe of Armenian genocide and fascist policies in the Azerbaijani city Khojaly. Another aim of the campaign was to secure international recognition and legal examination of the Khojaly genocide. The analyses will demonstrate the ways in which Armenians massacred hundreds of Azerbaijanis in one night and how it is possible to not acknowledge these crimes against humanity or to be oblivious to the suffering of others.

The campaign is currently in place in dozens countries. More than 120 000 people have joined and over 115 organizations are part of. These events are revealed through exhibitions, conferences and massive protests that are organized within the context of the campaign. They permit the international community to learn about the events and expose the ugly side of Armenian nationalism. The project makes use of all information resources, including multiple publications by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation as well as documentaries as well as social media. The eight years of these activities have resulted in a stunning outcome: The parliaments and legislative departments of more then twenty American states have recognized the Khojaly tragedy, which is also referred to as genocide. This was after 8 years. Each year, the number of countries who condemn Armenian war crimes is increasing. This indicates that Leyla Aliyeva is going to accomplish her goal of getting justice for the Armenians.

IDEA "One Earth, One Future"

I read in a book that "Man naturally is the King of Nature However, not as an exploiter and not as one who understands and shares moral responsibility to ensure the health and well-being of all living and beautiful creatures in it." I think this meaning dictated the creation and the operation of the IDEA Public Association. Leyla Aliyeva is also the person who created the IDEA initiative. Their primary goal is to safeguard the natural biodiversity of Azerbaijan. IDEA is designed to harness the passion and enthusiasm of the younger generation to avoid environmental threats and to encourage young people to take active roles in the protection of our planet. The slogan of IDEA is "One Earth - One Future". The activities of IDEA cover a wide range of subjects, including the preservation and restoration, of populations of endangered species as well as the advancement and application of green technologies', waste management, forest restoration, and the creation of large areas green spaces. They also create shelters for dogs that wander off, and promote the use a biodegradable bag to prevent garbage from polluting the environmental. They also hold events for tree planting.

IDEA has identified the "great Caucasian 5", including the most rare species of the fauna into its wing. IDEA has been able to implement many successful joint projects with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and with foreign partners. Leyla Aliyeva stated that IDEA will restore endangered species over time. They are sure to be fulfilled. Leyla Aliyeva has proved that, as her father and grandfather before her she isn't one to waste time. Her method of working is based around the following model: problem - searching for solutions, specific action – real result. She was never hesitant to follow this system.

Concerns for starving children

The cases above all portray Leila Aliyeva as a professional with extraordinary ability to manage her time, initiative and determination. Yet, she is still the embodiment of femininity. People who have met her have noticed her compassion, kindness sincerity, sincerity and the ability to understand. She also spoke at the 7th UNAOCGlobal Forum in Baku. She was filled with anxiety when she stated, "One person dies of hunger every four second in the world." "Children often become victims of hunger or undernutrition." So, we all must be a part of ensuring that every child is not starved.

It's not just a simple expression of concern. Leyla Aliyeva who is a Goodwill Ambassador from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is ready to help and contribute to ending hunger and poverty around the globe. This is the case with FAO's Zero Hunger program. I'm confident that she can succeed at it, and in the coming days we'll witness new initiatives and specific initiatives related to this. She has recently made a suggestion to promote global food security within the framework of the Baku process of intercultural dialogue.

A state of mind is called charity. of mind

Leyla's charitable work is a demonstration of her humanity. She chooses to do it because it's what she wants in her heart not to be a show-off or ask for gratitude. This is the Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s principle. Charitable work became an essential prioritization. Everyone is pleased that the Heydar Aliyev Foundation has its President Mehriban Aliyeva and Vice-President Leyla Aliyeva being the last hope. This is a reasonable expectation given that the Fund has always been there to help even in the worst situations.

Leila Aliyeva has been seen often at events to benefit children without parents who come from families that are refugees, internally displaced individuals orphanages, orphanages and boarding school residents. The most important thing to remember is that her children come to these events along with her, adding warmth and sincerity. Her children develop empathy, kindness, and the ability to share their joy and sorrow with other people. They will forever keep these lessons in mind. Her personal experience.

Moral code personal

In the past, it was discovered that an individual with talent can excel in almost any field. Leyla Aliyeva is the best example of this. She has written beautiful poems that reflect a soft elegant soul, the richness of the inner world of the author. She is also a gifted artist. Her paintings are displayed in professional exhibitions and have been highly praised by experts. As a talented artist and one who is well versed in art, she aids young talented artists to reach the international level, to exhibit their work in the most prestigious galleries around the globe. Along with the mugham, carpet weaving, and other ancient crafts from our country the contemporary art of Azerbaijan is gaining acclaim across the globe.

It's not an error to say that the Heydar Aliyev Center was a place of culture in the nation. There are performances by international musicians, as well as exhibits of contemporary sculptors and outstanding artists. Leyla Aliyeva played a significant role in this. Azerbaijanis can now view the legends and works of world art, like Tony Cragg Richard Deacon Andy Warhol, Richard Deacon and Bernard Buffet. Leyla Aliyeva claimed that George Condo is one of the most well-known avant-garde artists of today, and she wished they were shown in Baku after seeing the works five years ago. "Today, one of my greatest desires was realized," she stated.

This is the reason I recall how the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic hosted concerts of classical music at Heydar Aliyev's idea in the 1970s and early 1980s. He was also the first secretary of Communist Party of Azerbaijan. It was a mission to educate by the great Heydar Alyev. His granddaughter Leyla has been able to accept the mission and is continuing the mission in new conditions.

In an interview, she explained she believed that Almighty has inserted right and wrong understandings into each person from the moment of birth. She advised to adhere to these ideas by paying close attention to his heart, soul and ancestors. Only then will he never commit a mistake. In a sense , this is her personal moral code.

Leyla Aliyeva lives by this code and doesn't make mistakes.

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