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Do you want to beat the Slots? These are the most important facts
Every day I receive an email from "experts" that want to sell me their method of describing how I can also beat the machines. They claim that I can earn up to $1,000 per day. Yes, I'd like to earn $1,000 daily playing slots However, these are all scams that try to sell useless information. Sure it's true that you "could" easily earn $1,000 per day however... you won't, and these con men know you won't, they are avoiding fraud by using the term "could." These advertisements are no more credible than if I were to promote a book at $79.99 that claimed:

"You could win a million dollars at the next lottery draw, buy my book for $79.99 to find out the ways to win."

I could fill the book with all kinds of interesting but useless information, telling you how to pick six numbers on a lotto card, and to keep my promise however do you believe my method or book will help you win? You "could" win, both with or without my book.

I've taught both probability and statistics in an institution of higher learning. click here for info promise that both of them are working against you in a big way every time you play the slots. Las Vegas itself is a an example of a loser. They didn't design those massive casinos to pay each day $1,000.

play retro games was intrigued to find out what these slots machine books contained. I pushed a few system experts to give me a free trial. I would like to get my personal testimonial, half my first two wins as well as a copy of their system. Wouldn't this be sensible? If the system did work, I would send them a testimonial. If I earned $1000 per day over two days, I'd pay them $1,000. It was reasonable to me that they wanted $29.99 to use their software. If it was successful I'd be willing to pay $1,000. They weren't really gamblers, and they certainly weren't scammers. One of them didn't even respond to my request. He claimed that his system was far too valuable to be wasting his time doubting. In the end, this means, he had too many suckers waiting to purchase his scam to risk me exposing the fraudster.

These systems are based heavily on the belief that problem gamblers and gamblers believe that there's something that could give them an advantage. They purchase these "systems" in the hope that the scammer who sells the system was once in their position and had some sort of discovery that is still eluded them. The reality is that they have discovered a human weakness and they are preying upon it.

Today's slot machines are built solely on probability theory, and the data suggests that over the long run, the casino will win. Yes, you could be successful, but if you gamble for long enough, you will certainly lose. If there were some kind of system that guaranteed you that you'd win playing slots, both the statistics as well as the probability theory behind the entire premise could be biased in favor of gamblers, and casinos would shut down.

Slot machines are nothing more than computers which play a series of chance. If you win, it's because you happened to play in a time when the machine hit one of the probabilities that results in a win. They are always less in amount than the chance which results in losing.

The next time you are in a casino take a look around. Casinos spend a few thousand dollars for each and every machine. Many casinos are expensive to build and require hundreds of employees to run them. Check out the ceiling, look at the cameras, then multiply the total by the amount of a few thousand dollars in order to discover the amount of security that was put into. Take a look at the stunning tiled floors, lush carpets and dining spaces. Ask yourself if this conman really believes the system will allow you to take each day a sum of $1,000 from the casino. You can also ask why he is offering the service for $29.99 and not sign contracts with others to be his employees. They could be employees that use his "system" to earn $300 per day , while the system earns him $700 day. What is the reason he makes his "system" accessible to you at $29.99? He's not consistently earning money playing slot machines therefore he's asking for your assistance in purchasing his "system".

If you enjoy playing the slot machines and you are willing to gamble just a few dollars to have fun and fun, then you're in the right place. You can bet on the slot machines to enjoy the occasional win as well as to lose money over the long term. I personally find scouting for books and researching their worth online similar to playing slots. However, when I research the name of a loser, it does not cost me anything but the time it takes to research it and I am always pleasantly amazed when my phone informs me that I have found the winner.

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