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Washington Dissent:
1. Made a citizen of France in 1792
2. When the nation was struggling with money, he was making 2% of the national budget as president, harming the country
3. He couldn't manage his own (massive sum of) money, and had to borrow loads of money
4. He was the sickest president ever, suffering from a number of diseases rendering him unable to make decisions
5. He was infertile
6. He was not Christian, against the will of the young nation
7. He led a British force for several years
8. He has "lost more battles than any victorious general in history" - Joseph J. Ellis (basically he wasn't a great general)
9. He was widely criticized in the press in the later years of his presidency, especially by Thomas Jefferson and John Adams
10. Adams - "The 'presidential mansion' was surrounded by innumerable multitudes, from day to day buzzing, demanding war against England and cursing Washington"
11. He owned a whiskey distillery and was a drunkard, he was also a moonshiner
12. Washington owned a great number of slaves and often mistreated them
13. Washington was racist against Native Americans, hoping to "extirpate them from the country" when referring to the Iroquois in 1779
14. The Iroquois called Washington the "town and life
15. Washington caused the French and Indian War, suffering a humiliating surrender and defeat at Fort Necessity
16. Washington lost FAR MORE BATTLES than he won
17. Washington was the only founding father who didn't have a college education, and called such an education "defective"
18. Washington was vain and obsessed with personal appearance, demanding that his guards be between 5' 9" and 5' 10"
19. He was obsessed with his legacy, forcing congress to appropriate funds to pay full-time secretaries to copy all of his papers into beautiful ledgers, wasting wartime funds
20. In order to avoid freedom for his slaves, he had his slaves rotated at the Philadelphia capital

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