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If I was in hostile territory, I didn't have the Internet access to my presentation. How I rectified the situation

My personal worst business trip fail. We were headed south to meet one of the most powerful oil tycoons of the Middle East region. Because I was the largest and most involved in the process, there were many stages of the presentation. I was granted one. It was my chance to demonstrate to my boss that I'm ready to go to the top of the league and join the big girls. While I am aware that it might sound offensive, no, I meant adult girls, or better put - business women.

It worked out great. I was informed that the role was my and that it would be located in the underground bunker. This is because I was responsible the security of the panic room of an insanely wealthy local business man. I won't mention names or tituls in this account because I don't want people to know the identity of the person I wrote about. The purpose of the demonstration was to resemble the real-life sequence of events that could lead to this businessman resigning to his panic chamber with close relatives and small numbers of guards. I originally intended to demonstrate the concept, and show how to overcome these formidable forces.

The group went underground to the darkened room. It was kept in darkness due to the extensive amount of weaponry which is located within its walls. It was quite a frightening situation. Let's move on. I'm creating the powerpoint template to present. I don't know what? No Internet here? Are you kidding? The lockdown has already been started, and it's not possible to exit the lockdown and retrieve the email that contained your presentation. This isn't the only time I've done this. I could convert Youtube to MP3 online last night. I downloaded the audio from the video to allow me to concentrate on my speech and not just reading it off the paper. youtube mp3 playlist converter Also, I downloaded the video as an mp4 file. I was looking for better audio formats, but finally finally found it , and am now looking for the exact version of the presentation. It's on my laptop, waiting to go.

I was fortunate. I was fortunate. While it was a three minute speech it conveyed layers assurance, security and eventually led to the signing of 47 additional clients of higher caliber. descargar musica de youtube a mp3 clipconverter The contracts amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. We'll continue to work together with them in the near future.

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