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Igor felt warmth surrounding him on all sides, felt absolutely safe. On the verge of sleep and appearances to the point of being mind-numbingly soft, relaxed, and... full.

He'd grown to love the feeling of Tyoma entering him recently, stretching him from the inside out, making him exhale sweetly on his cock, beating out moans with the strokes of his head into his prostate.

The slight tension of the ring of his anus, malleable around Dzyuba's hard shaft, so familiar already, but still new. And most importantly, the feeling of need, the feeling of love and falling in love, the feeling of unity.

A new soft wave of pleasure traveled from his ass up his body. Igor squirmed a little, reluctantly trying to get out of the embrace of slumber.

Behind his back, he immediately felt Artem's broad chest, which was habitually pressed against him with a large spoon. The goalie's arms were pressed against his body at chest level, his left leg was pressed against his lover's left leg, his right leg was raised with his free hand under his knee, and...

And in his ass was Artem's cock. Hard, aroused, moving back and forth. Akinfeev could feel the tender skin of the entrance stretching to follow the penis as his lover moved his hips backward.

"Tyoma, what are you..."

"Shh, Igor... Lie down," Artem whispered in his ear immediately. "You were so cute but so fucking..." Push. "I told you I'd remind you of your uniform, didn't I? Your black," push, "pornographic uniform that makes your skin look even paler in contrast?"

"Art... those... Shit... Aaah..."

"And those gaiters? I swear I'll make you wear stockings for me, but before I do, you'll shave your legs... No, I'll do it myself. And then I'll lick all that smooth skin. And you'll wear black stockings, with lace..."

"Bitch, what a bitch you are, Tyom... Come on..."

"What "come on", Igor? Do you like it? Do you like it when I fuck you? Without asking, just as your personal hole? Yes? Tell me!"

Artem stiffened, thereby making Akinfeev whimper from the cessation of the beautiful pressure on his prostate and feel so... so... exposed. God, just feeling his aroused cock inside him and doing absolutely nothing about it was blowing Igor's mind. He was ashamed but also pleased to know that he and his lover were connected in the most explicit way. And the fact that he was also the host... The storm of emotions that now possessed the goalkeeper was simply impossible to describe in words. So Igor tried to put away all thoughts and just concentrated on what was happening, trying in vain to get rid of embarrassment. If that's what his Tyoma wants...

"Yes... Yes, hell, I do... Fuck me, Tyom... Fuck me..." and relaxed, even more, allowing Dzyuba to do whatever he wanted.

The thrusts resumed, and Igor's reaction only spurred Artem on. His movements became harder, but the man changed the angle a little, and now he pressed even harder on his prostate, depriving his lover of his last coherent thoughts, leaving only his bare instincts - to submit to the strongest, to be framed.

"God... My whore... Sweet little hole... I'll fuck you tonight... Over and over again... I'll fill you with my cum, do you hear? I want it to squish inside you when I fuck you, I want it to flow out of you, I want it to be wet between your legs, I want it, I want it, I want it..." Artem was already forgetting his own sensations, and he was thrusting harder and faster, fucking the firm asshole under him. He listened with pleasure as his lover moaned, as he squirmed on him, caressed his muscles from inside, cumming himself, and cumming inside after him. With a couple of kisses in his ear, he lay down beside him, snuggling as close as possible.

"Sleep," Dzyuba muttered contentedly, not allowing Igor to put his thoughts in order, sinking into sleep following the goalkeeper.

He woke up several more times during the night, and each time he first just rubbed his thighs against Akinfeev's thighs, getting excited inside, and then he fucked him, open, sleepy, helplessly moaning. He wouldn't let him move, just let him take his cock and the pleasure it was giving him.

For the last time, Igor tried harder to free himself from his firm grip: his mangled, labored hole was aching and tingling. Dzyuba, not listening to his protests, turned him over on his stomach, pressed him into the mattress, and continued fucking him. And Akinfeev only had to admit that he enjoyed it, perhaps even more than anything before, especially when he started whispering in his ear:

"Quiet, my slut, be quiet... I want to enjoy my personal hole to the fullest so I won't miss you so much when I'm away. So I'll fuck you as much as I see fit, and you'll obediently give me that hole... And don't lie to me, I can see how you like it - all soft inside, squeezing me on purpose... Oh, you should see how during these moments cum comes out of you - so much that it can't fit inside with my cock... God, you are all mine, do you hear? All of you..."

After this orgasm, Igor passed out until morning, which, thanks to Dzyuba's efforts that night, came around two in the afternoon.
Gentle kisses all over his face were the best alarm clock.

When Igor opened his eyes, he faced the stunningly gentle gaze of the forward.

"My little Igor... Are you all right?" There was genuine concern and anxiety in his voice.

Smiling embarrassedly, Akinfeev dug his nose into Artem's collarbone and kissed him lightly.

"I liked it," he whispered back, looked up, and met Dzyuba's wide smile full of joy.

"Thank you, my dear," whispered Artem fondly, but then frowned when he caught a disgruntled hiss of Igor when he moved his hips under the light sheet. "What is it? Does it hurt?"

"It hurts a bit," Akinfeev admitted honestly. Artem immediately rolled him over on his stomach and spread his buttocks, not listening to another indignation of his lover. The hole was very red and still not quite back to its pristine, supple appearance. Unable to restrain himself, Dzyuba pressed his mouth to it, stroking it with his tongue, first from the outside and then from the inside. The weakened muscles readily took him in, allowing him to caress the tender rubbed walls. Igor hissed but then moaned obediently, giving himself up to the caress. He wasn't sure he could cum again, but it felt very good nonetheless.

Artem, meanwhile, made Akinfeev himself hold his buttocks apart, squeezing his lover's tense cock with one free hand and his own with the other, thrusting in a single rhythm. And when they were both approaching orgasm, Artem heard one of the most beautiful words of his life:

"Into me... Tom... Cum into me..." Igor pleaded in pre-orgasmic fever, arching harder. Artem only had to insert the head inside, but his orgasm began to shake again, as if passed to Akinfeev, who squeezed it sweetly inside, not understanding whether it hurt or pleased him.

Panting, they intertwined again on the bed, already knocked to hell, not wanting to distance themselves from each other.


"What?" Dzyuba ripped his head off the pillow and looked at Igor with an incomprehensible look.

"My stocking size. Five. And don't forget the garters."

And those words, too, went into the piggy bank of the most beautiful.
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