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AncestryDNA vs 23andMe: Comparing DNA Test Kits
An at-home DNA test can illuminate the ways in which one’s genetics set the stage for your physical condition, nutritional profile, and risk profile for diseases. DNA test kits can also give a profile of your genetic heritage, including specifics on the locales from which your forefathers came.
You’ll be surprised how a simple cheek swab or saliva sample can reveal so much regarding one’s genealogy, family relationships, and inherited health markers, all from our DNA.
DNA tests can also empower you in making contact with relatives as well as expanding your family tree.
Ancestry’s test kit has roughly 8 million more entries than (which has the next-largest database). AncestryDNA's genomic database has about twenty million people, giving you the biggest chance for locating family members and tracing your ancestry. has approximately 8 million more users than (which has the next-largest database).
Within the Ancestry user interface, you can join family connections and contact genetic matches (though there's no assurance they'll answer or even check their messages).

In contrast to Ancestry, 23andMe specializes in the area of biological testing. 23andMe does provide you a little info about your ancestry, making it a terrific choice for those looking for the best of both worlds.
Predispositions to certain ailments, carrier status, wellness, traits, and a health action plan are all included in the 23andMe report. Type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and other diseases are being investigated
The wellness assessment from 23andMe includes information such as whether you're a deep sleeper, how much you're likely to move while sleeping, your biological weight, and other fascinating facts.
Ancestry and 23andMe: the differences
Despite their similarities, Ancestry and 23andMe have very different areas of focus.
Ancestry's DNA test complements their massive database, which concentrates on tracing history and establishing biological links, because the company is essentially a genealogy company. With the largest database of the two companies, Ancestry has a better chance of identifying a genetic match.
23andMe is essentially a biotech company, whereas Ancestry is mostly a genealogical company. As a result, compared to the Ancestry DNA test, the 23andMe DNA test is more health-focused.
Which test is the right choice for you? Only you can answer that, because it depends on your reasons for taking the test. Are you focused more on genetic genealogy, or on being forewarned about potential health complications?

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