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10 fantastic home workout exercise that you should try

Exercise is an important part of everyone's healthy lifestyle. The problem for many people, however, is knowing where to start. How much weight should you use? How long should you do these exercises? What does it even mean to work out at home?

The following list answers all those questions and more. These ten exercises are straightforward, effective, and easy to do either in the gym or in your living room. Plus, they're unique enough that each one will give you something different than what you've already seen.

1) Decline Bench Sit-Ups

Decline bench sit-ups are a unique twist on the standard version or crunches. Standard sit-ups can be hard on your back because they force it to arch, and they're hard on the neck as well. Decline bench sit-ups avoid those problems because your back is held flat by the bench. The floor takes care of the neck problem because it's not involved at all.

To do bench sit-ups, start with some kind of rack or bar that you can put weight on to hold down your feet. Position yourself so that you are looking upwards directly at the bar, then lay flat on a bench angled downwards towards the floor. Straighten your legs out behind you without locking them and keep them there throughout the exercise. Now comes the fun part: holding this position for all but ten seconds in each set! Maintain full hip extension while raising yourself up onto your elbows, then let yourself fall back down to the floor. Just make sure you don't hit your head on anything as you come down!

2) Bulgarian Split Squats

Bulgarian split squats are a compound exercise that works for several muscle groups at once. They require strength and balance at the same time which makes them a good choice for bodyweight exercise. The beauty of these exercises is that by using just one leg they allow for progressive overload from workout to workout without using any external weights.

To do this move, start with one foot elevated on something sturdy about level with your rear shoulder while holding onto something solid for balance if necessary. Bend forward towards the ground as far as you can comfortably go while keeping your supporting knee over your foot. If you can't go very far, try to bend your front knee enough so that it's over the ankle rather than the foot. Now push back upwards, making sure to lock out the leg with the elevated heel so that you don't injure yourself. Hold onto something solid for balance if necessary and repeat for ten repetitions per set.

3) One-arm Pushups

If done properly, one-arm pushups are a fantastic way to build strength in your arms and chest while simultaneously increasing shoulder stability. They're hard but not impossible even with an extreme range of motion from start to finish which makes them good bodyweight exercises.

To do these exercises lay face down on a mat or soft surface with one hand on top of the other in front of you. Make sure that the hands are around shoulder-width apart for maximum stability. Now push yourself away from the floor with just one arm while balancing on your toes or knees if necessary, then return to the start position and repeat for ten repetitions per set. This exercise is hard so use whatever weight you need to but don't be surprised if two arms are much easier even if you can do this much weight when using both arms at once!

4) Hollow Rocks

Hollow rocks are an important bodyweight exercise because they teach proper abdominal bracing and hip drive. They also improve posterior chain strength and shoulder stability simultaneously which means they make a great total body workout. If done properly these exercises will make your abdominals burn like crazy!

To do this exercise lay on your back with your hands just above chest level and fingers pointing forwards or turned inwards to the body. Now pull down into the ground with your feet, trying to make them touch each other but without using momentum. Use only enough weight so that you can control it throughout the set; there should be no uncontrolled swinging at any time during this exercise. Once you achieve proper form, rock yourself up and down for ten repetitions per set while maintaining proper position throughout each one. You can also opt for on demand workouts by any online fitness classes.

5) Hanging Knee Ups/Pull-Ups

Hanging knee ups are a great way to work out your abs without placing too much stress on your lower back as traditional sit-up exercises do. They also help to strengthen your lats as well as increase grip and core stability.

To do this exercise, hold on to a pull-up bar with palms facing away from you and elbows locked. Now pull yourself upwards until your head is at least level with the pull-up bar itself and then bring your knees all the way up until they touch it or your upper thighs if possible. Let them fall back down again and repeat for ten repetitions per set. If necessary use some weight by holding a plate between your ankles but remember not too much otherwise you'll be resting instead of working!

6) Jumping Jacks - The Classic Calisthenics Exercise

Jumping jacks are one of those simple exercises that almost everyone can do . That makes them a great way to build up your basic fitness and aerobic conditioning as well as strengthen your muscles.

To do these exercises, hold on to something sturdy for balance just in case you need it. Now bring the arms all the way above your head and then back down towards either side of the body while simultaneously bringing both legs outwards so that they form a wide "V" shape with the torso. Go back into the starting position and repeat for ten repetitions per set. If bracing properly is hard at first, try placing one hand over the navel and another one under it like an upside-down triangle before doing each set; this will help you learn how to brace correctly!

7) Handstand Push-Ups

Because they put your body under tension for an extended period, handstand push-ups make excellent upper body exercises. They also help to improve shoulder and scapular stability which is great for anyone who plays contact sports because it means they will be less likely to get injured.

To do this exercise, face away from a wall and then place both palms flat against it about one foot in front of your head. Now kick up into the starting position and bring yourself back down (with or without using the wall) and repeat for ten repetitions per set. If you can't hold the starting position at first due to balance issues, use a mat so that when you fall over you won't injure yourself!

8) Toe Touchers

This exercise increases the flexibility of your spine which is good for increasing strength in many calisthenics exercises. It also helps to strengthen your core muscles, making it one of the best exercises for both men and women.

To do this exercise lay flat on your back with your legs together and arms by your side. Now use a hand or two to push up so that you are supported by just your feet and head only. Bring one leg towards the chest while keeping hips square in order to touch it with both hands at once in turn. Repeat for ten repetitions per set on each leg before switching positions. Make sure that there is no bend in either knee when doing this exercise or else you will cause damage!

9) Headstand Push-Ups

Headstand push-ups are difficult but they target the triceps really well. Unlike regular push-ups, this exercise put your body under tension for an extended period so they are best used to build up strength.

To do this exercise, place your hands flat against the floor with fingers facing forward and then kick yourself up into the starting position; make sure that hips are high enough that you can turn them into a vertical line! From there use both hands (or one if necessary) to bring yourself down until your head touches the ground and push back up again for ten repetitions per set. If balancing is too hard at first, try holding it in five-second bursts; e.g. hold for five seconds, relax for five seconds, etc...

10) Jump Squats

These are really good because they not only work your legs but also help you to increase both agility and coordination! This exercise is excellent for football players or anyone else who needs to be able to change direction quickly.

To do this exercise, start with both feet together then squat down so that thighs are at least parallel with the ground before jumping up into the air. When in the air turn 180° in either direction so that when you land you are facing the opposite way to what was initially. Repeat for ten repetitions per set before switching the direction of the jump!

on demand workouts
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