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7 Money Making Models For Marketing Your Products With Webinars
1. Stop Talking After Your Webinar Close and Tell - Show off your products or services around the Internet- Use PowerPoint slides and Camtasia- Show pictures, videos, 'how to' videos and software demos- Use this as a pre-launch for your products (create hype)- Give people a sneak peak of your products or services before they buy it
"Overcoming objections is the vital thing to success on the Internet" - Steven Essa (e.g. you don't have to come out of your house... I'll come to you)
2. Interview the Experts- Send them the questions via email- You don't even need to talk- Send a message to your list announcing this week's expert- 14 weeks, 14 experts interviewed, 14 videos created, 14 transcriptions = your own eBook & Video Bundle!- Sell this product on your own web page or website and do another webinar to market it- Use to broadcast your webinars
3. Paid Webinar Series- Add a new recorded webinar series for your membership site offering prospects one interviewed expert per week- This will create recurring income and definately will keep your visitors in your site (they're going to return)- Always survey your audience after your webinars (e.g. what did you think?)
4. Build Joint Ventures to experts- Create a 50/50 agreement- Two people promoting something means more attendees meaning more sales
5. Info-product creation device- As mentioned above you may create your individual products with Webinars- Transcribe videos- Create articles to market your product or service- Have MP3's created- Videos are a good product- Create an 'exclusive report' to build your opt-in list
6. Use a Webinar to up sell- People prefer to not have to see things- LONG sales pages can put lots of people off - a lot of company is lost this way- E.g. "as you have brought this device on giving you better golf do you need to attend my Webinar interviewing David Leadbetter in a few days for FREE"- Then offer your tailgate end product at the end of your respective Webinar (this may be a $997 list of DVDS)- They will be more inclined to acquire given that they have witnessed you within the flesh
7. Offer Resale Rights- Offer resale rights for your webinar series- Creates a viral effect because videos are still selling your product or service but another person is rolling out it- Give them a definite reseller's agreement with minimal pricing etc.- Someone can be more inclined to acquire something if you're supplying them a ROI or possibly a business model to select it (e.g. "If you sell just one of my Webinar series you will make your money back")
I will conclude this informative article by giving you Seven Essa's Big Webinar Tips...
1. Money is in Information2. Track your list and provide great information and products (take surveys)3. Keep it regular - weekly, monthly, daily
If you want to find out about Steven Essa and how he could dramatically help your Online Business please Click Here!
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Regards; Team

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