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The Do's and Don'ts of Infant Nutrition, Provided by Long Island Pediatricians

One of the biggest stressors that new parents face is nutrition. They may not know what this entails, such as the foods that infants should eat, what should be kept from their diets, and so forth. This is where the expertise of Long Island pediatricians comes into play, as these medical specialists can provide parents with the know-how to ensure their children receive the nutrition they require. For those that may not be able to consult their doctors, or would like to handle matters on their own, here are some do’s and don’ts to know.

First, and foremost, understand that infants require different feeding patterns than adults. On average, a newborn will need anywhere from 8 to 12 feedings each day, meaning that parents should anticipate having to feed their newborns once every few hours. Though this may seem like a challenge, understand that most infants show clear signs of hunger. pediatric doctors near me include, but aren’t limited to, moving their hands to their mouths and fussing in general. These are just a few details that those in Long Island pediatrics will share early on.

Second, feeding allergist near me are unlikely to be the same throughout infancy. This is especially true as the weeks go by, since parents may find themselves feeding their children more often. Though 8 to 12 feedings per day should be expected, as mentioned earlier, this number can grow, which shouldn’t immediately be taken as a sign that something is amiss. Growth spurts are expected, so if feedings change over time, understand that it’s all part of an infant’s growing process.

Third, don’t start feeding your infant solid foods without your child’s primary care provider’s guidance. There are many reasons why pediatricians will stress that parents wait before moving on from formula or breast milk. Not only do formula and breast milk contain the essential nutrients for growth, but your child may not be developed enough to eat solid foods, meaning that feeding them prematurely can lead to health problems down the road. Ask your child’s pediatrician for guidance on how to move forward.

Fourth, as your child grows, make it a point to expand their horizons with food as much as you can. Once your child is at a point where they can easily eat solid food, this is where better eating habits can develop. Focus on providing your child with a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, and the like. By doing so, you have the ability to instill good eating habits early in your child’s life. Of course, food-related allergies must be taken into account as well. If your family’s medical history shows consistent allergies, research “allergists near me” to speak to a specialist as soon as possible.
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