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Top DNA Tests Compared
DNA test kits can illuminate the ways in which your genes inform your physical condition, physical features and nutrition needs, and risk of disease. These kits can also offer a view of your lineage, including details about the countries and places from which your forefathers came.
It's amazing how a single cheek swab or saliva sample sheds light on so much regarding your genetic ancestry, biological relationships, and inherited health markers, all from our DNA.
DNA test kits can also assist you in making contact with relatives and expanding your family tree.
The AncestryDNA test kit has approximately 8M more entries than (which has the next-largest database). Ancestry’s genealogical database contains about 20,000,000 individuals, providing you the biggest chance for identifying family members and tracking your ancestry. has about 8 million more entries than (which has the next-largest database).
Ancestry will provide you a breakdown of your estimated ethnicity, as well as matches to specific countries, regions, and a map of your ancestors' possible migration patterns. The software will also show you if you have any relatives that share your DNA.
23andMe test kit
In contrast to Ancestry, 23andMe is great in the area of health testing. Their test also gives you some insight about your lineage, making it a terrific choice for those looking for the best of both worlds.
Predispositions to certain ailments, carrier status, wellness, traits, and a health action plan are all included in the 23andMe report. Parkinson's, Type 2 diabetes, celiac disease, and other hereditary predispositions are being investigated.

23andMe’s wellness data includes information such as your hereditary weight, how much you're likely to move while sleeping, and other fascinating facts.
Differences between the two reports
Despite their similarities, Ancestry and 23andMe have very different areas of focus.
Ancestry is best for genealogical research, while 23andMe is best for health insights
Which DNA test is best? Only you can answer that, because it depends on your reasons for taking the test. Are you focused primarily on genetic genealogy, or on disease prevention? Based on how you respond to that line of inquiry, you can make your selection.

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