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this is crazy the electricity was off and out roul called my auntie the channel on YouTube is dino Kell films some times in winter summer autumn spring and fall school buses buses cars trucks and other vehicles are loaded on to boats boats carry packages a cross water from every country and continent to another boats carry packages and vehicles a cross water from 1 one place to another boats in dreams especially fishing boats there are many vehicles tractors help on farms boats are good Noah is a man in genesis who built a huge wooden boat called the ark to save and rescue the geese flamingos flacons partridges and dinosaurs from the great flood in the times of Noah . guys the so called night when i saw that tsunami breaking into a building and so called killing people was a very terrible so called night. Moses is the prince water beacuse he was pulled out of the river and water and the water by pharoahs daughter and he was the Egypt than then the prince of the desert and God gave him the 10 ten commandments. My tablet has 100 one hundred percent of charge now Jurassic Park is a waste dump beacuse the dinos could no longer live on the island beacuse the volcano erupted and the fighting and killing each other so much without stopping so they we're almost wiped out. So remember i told that i saw a green trex and giganotosaurus para or are parasarolopus therizenosarurus baryonx suchomimus gallimimus pteranodon pterodactyl idoraptor indominusrex tyrannosaurusrex cacharodontosaurus carnotaurus velociraptor ultalraptor pachy and ankylosaurus elopasepolus fighting against the infamous my mother told that infamous signifys symbolizes means is symbolic represent representrepresentative and has a representation of good fame so if the spinosaurus is infamous it has a good fame and the spinosaurus in Jurassic Park 3 three has a good symbolism symbol symbolisation representative symbolic representation represent representative means and has a good if the trex tyranno tyrant lizard king trex rex tyrannosaurus and tyrannosaurusrex were living in the same time with spinosaurus i think the trex would bite the spinos sail and after that the spinosaurus would retreat to bodies of water beacuse there fighting were there is an aria sarounded by water and by bodies trex originally came to the sea ocean water river pound pool stream and lake are what ever you wanna call it to when they each other and the trex was drinking from the spinosauruses water and that's disturbing it and so they fight since the spinosaurus can swim and the trex cannot it has an advantage over it and an advantage so the fight ends quickly in the movie Jurassic Park 3 three and docter aka Alan grant and the others were on a boat probably they were trying to fish or are something they ran into the infamous Jurassic Park 3 three spinosaurus and it mistaked them for can tuna beacuse the spinosaurus is a water dinosaur that both on land and water and sometimes water only the trex wins on land and the spinosaurus lives on both land and water and sometimes again water only and water only at times the spinosaurus can defeat many opponents and including the trex. water is a strong force so when spinosaurus is fighting the cacharodontosaurus carnotaurus velociraptor ultalraptor idoraptor indominusrex tyrannosaurusrex therizenosarurus baryonx suchomimus gallimimus pteranodon pterodactyl and pachy and i may igunadon when it goes in the water it has the upper advantage against its opponents this is great oh i forgot to mention in the fight the trex also came to a lagoon a lagoon is a body of water water is strong but when there's you hop on a boat beacuse in genesis when people were wicked there a man named Noah and who is the man who built a boat and a huge boat that was made out of wood called the ark. my mother is saying that the church lied after i looked up on Google what does the 6 six geese a laying mean and it told me the dinos in Jurassic Park were vicious because of this the island of Jurassic Park is a disolent waste dump. And no-one inhabits there and no-one inhabits there now beacuse the dinosaurs were taken away from there and their. Cusslys eyes is filled with ice cream in the show. A oh sorry surrounded is spelled like this earlier when i was talking about dinosaurs i mistakenly spelled and i thought that sarounded was spelled like this sarounded earlier when the dinosaurs were fighting in my imagination which they were the spinosaurus and trex were fighting in an aria surrounded by water that means all the other times when they were fighting in the recent fight in my imagination at the end either on land or are water can use the dead roll which the spinosaurus used to use the death roll in mezoic ara and the age of reptiles and the age of dinosaurs and the age of lizards the death roll is a technique that modern crocodiles use today' and the death roll is a technique that the spinosaurus and spinosauruses used in ancient times just like in the movie Jurassic Park 3 three and in real life it would either used the death roll to drown the trex or are clung at its neck so the winner is always the spinosaurus in the last i mentioned that its the boss of everyone and in the last note i mentioned that its not boss of everyone but it also likes to kill opponents predators scavengers and opportunists and the prey of other dinosaurs well tries to kill them and kill them atleast. my auntie brought me Jamaican food from the Jamaican store. I'm watching GARFIELD. Boats and ships take vehicles and cars trucks regular buses and school buses in Autumn summer winter spring and fall over from 1 one continent country and place and destination to another they and boats do this beacuse they are larger than then most vehicles they are created disigned mad invented put together built and constructed for packages and water transportation water skills are fishing sailing rowing kayaking paddleboarding surfing and relaxation and for fun times and boats are transported into water by other yacths are i looked up on Google the boat houses with the small boats or are and are or boats on the Schuylkill river a river is an endless body of water as i explained i asked my mother if big boats can travel on the Schuylkill river and only small boats can not big boats some boats are at the dock side we're there is salty sea water there are driffrent stations for transportation and transportation to rest in some boats rest in boat houses and other boats are parked at harbors sea water is salty and ocean water is fresh power boats are like speed boats and they are parked in boat houses not harbors a power boat is so fast on water that its like when you need to charge your tablet and you're electronic and you plog in your tablet and electronic thats how fast a power boat goes compared to a speed boat transportation is so much fun you can learn a lot of stuff from David Anthony Reid Alexa a virtual assistant hugedrally tells my auntie to take her pills I'm telling my auntie to not tell goodnight because there's no such thing i asked my auntie for a gum and for a gum again and for a gum and she didn't give beacuse she said and wanted me to save it boats are an important use to people and people ladies and gentlemen and people thank for my brilliant notes subjects and subscribers Egypt is a fun place Egypt and Israel is a fun place yes and fun place and place you know ive learned a lot of things and i asked my mom if killing and so called killing was a skill when roul was doing our fire place but my mother does not like the crystals and crystals dough now i have 8 eight notes this is great and this is great again. The mouses and mouse s are in jail from the rat a tat show I'm watching hero don from the rat a tat show. auntie said that's enough but its not my auntie cadenes birthday was on Sunday i thought it was on Saturday i heard wrong.
flitters a type of low quality from the Levant noun. that's what cadene means she's the girl woman lady female at the Jamaican store up 5 fifth street A Levant means run away typically leaving unpaid debts. i love Google. My lip is sticky and its sored. i wanted 2 two gums and my auntie Gave me 1 one . my auntie said she didn't have anything to so called wear and don is sleeping.

i did not that there was a such thing as a lifeboat station i thought there were no boat stations but there boats are used for enjoyment jerneys voyages trips entertainment fun and joy fishing cruising kayaking paddleboarding rowing and surfing to tractors who look like excavators at the lifeboat station carefully pushes into at the beach boats are used for rescuing people in the water kayaking paddleboarding rowing fishing sailing and cruising and entertainment boats can mean a lot of things in dreams. This is what a cartoon lizard said on my aunties tv and I'm watching it from a channel and channel on YouTube called toddler fun learning. Marinas are the same thing as harbors and they are places where boats live and the skyline marina is where blippi visited blippi is a person in real who likes a lot of things i just said oh i have 10 ten notes oh i have 10 ten notes oh my gosh i have 10 ten notes . at the skyline marina where blippi was and is i saw someone driving a type of boat probably a motorboat or are are or or are a yacht not a lifeboat fishing boat sailingboat trawler or banana boat or cruise ship power boat or speed boat runaboutboat and rowingboat and submarine.
last night i was imagining and thinking about a man in a house in a forest where he had a car with and buckled up and attached to it with a boat who if in danger
automatically guns appear on the sides of the boat and it has a motor it has a bell and and the row boat has a sail and on it is septa boats transportation a boat is fun and something about a boat is fun and it another writing on the sail of the rowboat is a boat is a boat who was built by a man everyday the man the man would go to water side and ride his boat and he took a Burner and he lit the burner with a stick of fire he was fishing and he had everything he needed and he put a pot that he had on the burner and there was fire on the bottom of the pot and he put the water animal and fish in the pot and fried it and he had a plate so once the fish was done frieing the man took the man took the sea animal from the salty sea water and put it in the plate and ate on the water in his boat everyday shark would attack him on his boat and as his boat developed weapons one day there was rain and thunder and there was lightning and his septaboat since it was small the boat was tilting over and the waters were raging and the sharks were attacking the man on his boat and than fireballs were plumbing from the sky and the boat saw that and he ran away on his boat and as the fireballs hit the water the sharks hid and a tsunami also came and the sharks were attacked punished and swept away and but the sharks were still alive and the tsunami did not kill and so called kill the sharks and the man came back and all this talking my mother asked me is i suppose we're those war ships war ships are boats that are in and fight in on the water in the soldier army soilders fight on war ships and boats for our country and i call that the war on salty sea water and than the man went back and got in his house a few days later when the man was in his house a theif dressed up in a police suit as the police from the cartoon arpo the robot and he tried to steal the boat but when he tried to get it he saw that there was a key which was a type of lock attached to the boat cart and the their even climbed in and tried to steal it but he didn't succeed because he was emediently taken out by a force and before i mad all these things up the boat had and nothing that it was gonna have and soon as and beacuse i made it up by imagining it and also the boat has everything it needs to now i saw a picture of a sailboat on the chart at the saint Christopherhospital i forgot how to spell Saint Christopher hospital and thats why i asked Alexa now i was also seeing the same green trex in my imagination and a chariot and the Jurassic Park 3 three camp creataous big spinosaurus toy .

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