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George Woodfield- believes everything is predestined by god before the world was even created.
Good and evil- predetermined
Blessing or curse- predetermined
Heaven and hell- predetermined

What's the point of judgement day if our fate is predetermined.

Predestined to go to heaven- one of God's chosen- the elect
Predestined to hell- your one of the reprobate
Majority of people predestined to go to hell?

Path to hell is wide, why would God predestine so many people to walk that path to hell and only chose a few. When in Genesis it made him sad to destroy his creation, he felt regret for creating us.
Why would God feel regret if that was his intention in the first place.

Genesis 6:6- And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.

George Woodfield believes that Jesus died just for the elect. That is what Calvinist teach. Limited atonement. He wouldn't die for the people that the Father predestined to go to hell that would be weird for the son to die for people and try to save people he already knows the Father has predestined to go to hell. That would make no sense at all.

Are you saying that there are some people that just don't have a chance?
You would have to agree to that statement.
By God's predestined will some people don't have a chance.

Because if I remember correctly in Genesis God gave Adam and Eve a chance, a choice to choose between life and death and they chose death.

Was their choice to choose death, predestined in God's will. And if it was decided by God written in his will then that means it was programmed into their DNA to choose the tree of good and evil and man does not have a will of his own. God chose the sin for us. Adam and eve didn't have a chance so the thing he hates so much, he decided we would inherit it. That doesn't make any sense

Well that would mean God set us up for failure.

If God predestined the flood, why did he feel regret.

It would also mean that he predestined, predetermined the fall of the angels, did God create the devil, was it in his will for satan to be born, and torment his people. Did God choose this. Does the evil the de

God says he loves everybody, but he damns the majority of people to hell what kind of love is that.

2 peter 3:9- why would God create a will that goes against his wishes

Jesus didn't come and say I came for the chosen. The chosen would have been the Pharisees back then. The world is corrupt because of the will of others not God.
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