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These 2 types of games are mostly found in Indonesia

The history of gambling in human life is quite long. Also recorded on the basis of archaeological finds in Egypt, he was found while painting a tomb with ceramic images. In the photo you can see a person throwing a bone under the heel of a dog or a sheep equipped with a blackboard to take notes.

Likewise, in the Jahiliyah era, where there were also a lot of players at that time. One of the games that is often played is to draw the target positioned on the arrow. There is also a bet that puts his wife on the line.

Along with the development of the time, the game also becomes known in Indonesia. This custom is also incorporated into traditional ceremonies and becomes a tradition handed down from generation to generation. Examples are like karapan cows, cockfighting, etc.

The great human desire to have wealth in a short time, triggers the birth of other types of games that are also developing in almost all countries of the world. Even some games that are actually regular games don't go online and bet on gambling. Playing cards, playing chess, playing marbles is part of that.

Among the different types of gambling games, in Indonesia itself, there are 2 types of gambling that are most in demand. Togel or Dark Totoan and card games are top notch. While for online gambling, there are several popular types such as soccer games, online poker, and slot machine games.

Lottery games involving 4 numbers in each game are mainly found on the island of Java. This game, which has existed since the Dutch colonial era, has also been legalized by the government. Surprisingly, even though it was banned, this game was later turned into various kinds of giveaways.

Lotto or Lottery Totalizer, then KSOB or Sports Contribution Voucher with prizes. There is also Nalo which means National Lottery. Porkas to the SDSB or Social Giving Fund with Rewards which at the time was headed by President Soeharto. Fortunately, the government's plan didn't last long.

Meanwhile, for the current lottery, players can use the dream interpretation book as a reference. Gambling collectors will therefore trust a Singapore-based lottery bookmaker. The winner of the lottery is determined if the player himself finds the guess.

card games
And it is one of the 2 types of games whose prestige has never been denied in Indonesia, the card games. There are two types of gambling, also known in the 19th century, namely through the use of domino cards or commonly known as gaple or gapleh. In addition to card games that use playing cards, also called deck cards or poker cards.

This fairly easy game can initially only be used for fun. A cash bet was placed to the end to make the game more difficult. Furthermore, this type of game generally does not limit the skills of the players, all veteran or novice players can play at one table.

These are the 2 most common types of gambling in Indonesia. So are these two games legalized? Obviously the answer is no. Because gambling in any form is always a negative act and violates government and religious regulations. This game usually causes other problems as well. Disputes, struggles that end in death often color him.

Meanwhile, when it comes to government sanctions and applicable laws, actual sanctions tend to be too light and sometimes even considered insignificant. Imagine, the maximum sentence for a captured player will be just 10 years in prison. While it is possible, within a few months the authors can breathe fresh air.

I don't know why the gambling law in this country remains poor. Although gambling can clearly ruin a person's life. Besides being unethical, gambling can also cause addiction, stress, personality disorders and various types of diseases, such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, to attack the body's immune system.
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