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Discuss some of the critical success factors for an enterprise architecture implementation.

Ans 1: Critical Success Factors that can contribute to a successful enterprise architecture implementation are-

Communication- It is important to communicate with all the stakeholders to share knowledge, achieve consensus on a shared view of the Enterprise Architecture (EA) scope, vision, objectives, and gain commitment to the EA efforts. EA deals with large and diversified issues and is divided into projects; therefore, there is a need to communicate between these projects in order to explain the project work, help distribute the work and increase cooperation.
Scope and Purpose- Before starting to design EA the mission goals and directions must be made clear. It must be defined what are the organizational objectives, why it wants to apply the EA, and what are the existing problems need to be addressed.
Technical Support- Tools that can enable successful enterprise modelling, visualization, and analysis of architectures must be available and used. It also includes the communication tools that can provide valuable help in communicating the architecture to the different stakeholder groups.
Skilled Team- Skilled team is one of the most important factors of a successful EA implementation. EA development is teamwork between all key stakeholder groups. A team of proficient consultants can be hired, or internal staff can be trained. The team must be led by a chief architect with strong business and technical skills.

Ans 2: To implement enterprise architecture successful, I would suggest some critical factors as below.

The existence of adequate funding support by head officers and organizations is essential for Enterprise Architecture implementation because investments are foundation for implementing of any project.
It is necessary to collaborate with stakeholders to address the challenges that arise during Enterprise Architecture implementation. Each department should work closely without gaps because challenges would be solved by team works.
Technical support and development are critical to implement Enterprise Architecture. The organization need to update and integrate the software and forms, so all staff can access the system with authorization and reduce time to ask for information.
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