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Hair transplantation Turkey experiences
Before you decide at which clinic you want to undergo a hair transplant, it is wise to study hair transplantation experiences from people who have done this before. Thanks to such experiences, you get a good idea of what to expect from Global Hair. In Turkey we are known as a hair clinic with very high quality. We are also known for our very competitive hair transplant rates. Are you considering treatment at our hair clinic in Turkey? There are several websites where these experiences of hair transplantation in Turkey have been shared. Some websites are recommended to look up such hair transplant experiences in Turkey, while other sites may be less reliable. This article explains which sites you can study.
Hair transplantation Turkey experiences on forum
Hair transplantation Turkey, the experiences in a forum. Hair transplantation forums are indispensable nowadays. When someone wants to undergo such treatment, various forums are first studied. It is wise to first search on Google for ‘hair transplant forum’ or ‘hair transplant Turkey’ forum. To get a better picture of people who have gone before you, we are taking an experience with hair transplantation in Turkey shared on the Haarweb forum.
Experience with hair transplantation in Turkey from one of our clients
Hereby experiences in the field of hair transplantation in Turkey. This is a young man of 27 years old. He was dealing with hair loss at a fairly young age. However, from the age of 23, the hair loss became quite visible. It started with a receding hairline. Despite the use of hair growth products such as finasteride and minoxidil, which may have slowed the hair loss a bit, the hair loss nevertheless got worse. At one point he couldn’t get around it. After several comments from friends and family, he decided to orient himself towards a good solution against his incipient baldness.
He soon came to the hair transplant treatment. A hairpiece or wig did not seem to him, because of all the problems that can arise. What if someone pulled his hair and the wig suddenly went off? And a new wig should be purchased every year. In short, his choice soon fell on the hair transplant treatment. After reading a lot of information about this treatment, it became clear that he could choose between a hair transplant in the Netherlands and a hair transplant in Turkey. From the hair transplantation experiences he found, it turned out that the quality in Turkey was very good nowadays, while the costs here are relatively low. For this reason, he decided to consult several Turkish hair transplant clinics. Based on the consultation and the experiences he could find about the hair clinic in Turkey, he decided to get treatment at Global Hair.
He states that the treatment went very well. A total of 3,900 grafts have been transplanted. These grafts have been transplanted to the balding crown and inlets. The specialist had indicated that it would fall out first. Then the hair started growing again after about 3.5 months and 9 months later the result was optimal. Fortunately, he no longer cares about his previous baldness. All in all, this was a very positive hair transplant experience for him, so there are even more experiences from clients.
Hair transplantation Turkey experiences on Haarweb
Actually, there is only one hair restoration forum that you simply cannot ignore. This is not only because this forum has been around the longest. An important reason is also that thousands of experiences with hair transplantation in Turkey have already been posted here. It is striking that both positive and negative experiences about hair transplantation have been posted in Turkey.
Not only can you learn a lot from the positive experiences. You can also learn a few things from the negative experiences. By studying these bad experiences with hair transplantation in Turkey, you will find out what problems can arise. If you are well aware of this, you will be better able to avoid such problems.
An important advantage of the experiences shared on the Haarweb forum is that these experiences are usually very extensive. It is told about the search, about the problems that the hair loss caused, about what has been tried and clear before and after photos are often shared. In addition, the hair clinic where the treatment was performed is also usually mentioned. This way you can get a good idea of the quality of the clinic. Are the shared experiences of hair transplantation in Turkey mostly positive or negative? And are any negative experiences well-founded? It is possible that an honest picture had not been sketched in advance. In some cases, this is due to the clinic. However, you may also have expected too much from the treatment. For example, when there is a large balding area and only a small donor area, it is never possible to get full coverage in the balding areas. There is simply not enough donor hair to fill the balding spots.
Hair Transplantation Turkey experiences with Global Hair
The hair transplant experiences in Turkey with Global Hair are mostly positive. We also do everything we can to keep our clients as satisfied as possible. We also consider the quality, pre- and aftercare important. We are also happy to be kept informed about the developments of your hair. If you agree to post before and after photos of your treatment, we are happy to cooperate. After all, you are our advertisement! We don’t just get more than 50 percent of our patronage by word of mouth.
Hair transplantation Turkey experiences FAQ – Frequently asked questions
Below you will find an overview of the most frequently asked questions about hair transplantation experiences in Turkey. Can’t find the answer to your question? Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Can I find hair transplant experiences anywhere in Turkey?
Both domestic and foreign hair transplant experiences are extensively shared and discussed online. You can find the experiences on review sites, hair forums, beauty blogs and vlogs. Of course you will also find experience stories on the websites of the hair clinics. The possibilities to read hair transplant experiences in Turkey are therefore quite extensive.
What can I expect from hair transplantation experiences?
It depends on what intention you read the experiences of others. Are you preparing for a hair transplant? Would you like to know more about the procedure? Or are you mainly curious about how others experienced the recovery period? Experience stories usually give you a glimpse into how someone else experienced the period before, during and after the hair transplant. It shows the reality in which the results develop and shows you immediately that between the hair transplant and the end result there are 9 to 12 months.
Why do others share the experience they have with a hair transplant in Turkey?
The reason for sharing and communicating a hair transplantation experience is personal. Where someone wants to point out to others where to look for when choosing a hair clinic, someone else can share their experience with satisfaction. Why an experience is shared is not really interesting to you. It only becomes interesting when you can do something with the information that is shared. Often there are aspects in the development of the result that you have not thought about before that will be discussed in an experience.
Are hair transplantation experiences reliable?
Nowadays you sometimes read about paid reviews that are used online to rate something. That makes it difficult to determine whether the experience you are reading is real or written by someone who is paid to write an opinion. Websites such as Haarweb and are reliable and reflect realistic opinions and experiences. The experiences you read on the websites of hair clinics themselves are also authentic. Although you will usually read the more positive experiences here and not so much the disappointments someone experiences.
Is there a distinction between hair transplant experiences in Turkey?
Domestic and foreign hair transplant experiences are often shared on a forum and / or website. There is no real distinction, unless the website is divided into various topics. Are you looking for information or experiences that only relate to a FUE hair transplant? Enter this as a search query. You will see that you get more focused experiences. Without first getting a whole list of topics that, in your case, are off topic.
I am very satisfied with my hair transplant in Turkey. Can I share my experience myself?
Yes, you can do this in several ways. It is possible to share your opinion via the GlobalHair website, but you can also share experience via a website such as Haarweb. Nowadays more and more people use the internet by creating their own blog or vlog. Extensive experiences are shared on this. This often concerns the course of a complete treatment procedure. Especially for people who are only in the exploratory phase, this kind of extensive experience stories offer a solution.
What advantages and disadvantages does reading hair transplantation Turkey have?
Experience stories of others contribute to your image of the FUE hair transplant in Turkey. You will read, among other things, how an intake interview is conducted and how you will be received on site in the clinic. In addition, experiences supported with photos of the development of the result show you how the recovery period is progressing. Also try to read negative experiences, this will prevent you from experiencing the same disappointment as someone else.
Why do I find more experiences from domestic hair transplants?
Not everyone who undergoes a hair transplant reports this in the form of an experience story or a review. A large part of all hair transplants that are performed annually take place at Dutch clinics. It is only more recently that hair clinics are discovered in Turkey and gaining popularity. This fame also has to do with an increasing number of famous people who have opted for a hair transplant in Turkey and have made publicity for it.
Is there an opportunity to respond to hair transplantation experiences?
It mainly depends on where you have read this experience. In the case of a forum, it is usually possible to post a comment and / or ask a question after registration. Do you read a personal blog with a hair transplant experience? Most platforms have the ability to comment built in by default. Always be cautious about commenting and think a few times before posting a comment. Do not hurt anyone and do not comment that you do not want to receive yourself.
How does registration work exactly? I would like to share my own opinion.
The terms of use of a forum or other platform usually clearly explain how registration works. This often requires no more than entering and confirming a valid e-mail address. After entering the e-mail address you will receive an e-mail to confirm. When you click on the link in this email, you automatically agree to the terms and conditions of use.
Is it useful to read foreign experiences?
Yes, why not? If you understand and / or understand the language in which the experiences are presented, there is no reason not to read the information. You can always take advantage of experiences others have had.
How are hair transplants experienced in Turkey?
As with hair transplants performed in the Netherlands or Belgium, there are both positive and negative experiences with hair transplants in Turkey. Therefore, read as many different opinions and experiences as possible, keeping in mind that they are purely personal opinions. Experiences vary and so does the way they are presented.
Can I tell from experience stories what the results of a hair transplant in Turkey are?
Men and women who have successfully undergone a hair transplant regularly share the results with others in addition to the experience. Try to find photos of the development of the results over the weeks and months. You will see that once the hair starts to grow after 2 to 3 months, the results develop quickly. Is someone not satisfied with the achieved result? Then read what causes the dissatisfaction. Often the end result is not in line with the expectations that someone had prior to the procedure. That’s why it’s good to know that experienced hair surgeons adjust your expectations to more realistic options where needed.
How do negative hair restoration experiences in Turkey help me in my preparation for an operation?
Negative experiences are just as interesting to read as the positive counterparts. What is wrong with the treatment? Was the hair clinic disappointing in the end? Was there a communication problem because there was no interpreter available? This information allows you to ask specific questions during a consultation about your trip, the stay and the treatment that takes place in Turkey. Thorough preparation is necessary to enable successful hair transplantation.
What do I pay attention to when reading hair transplant experiences?
It is now clear that a hair transplant is a treatment that you should not think too lightly about. Are you considering a FUT hair transplant? Then all the information you find is interesting. However, be selective with what you read. List your first questions and see if you get them answered through the experiences of others. This way, you don’t have to worry about traveling to Turkey several times at GlobalHair. It is not necessary. Only the operation itself takes place in the luxury clinic in Istanbul. The first consultation and aftercare take place at the location in Leiden. You don’t have to worry about lowercase letters either. You pay an all-in rate of € 2.949, which also includes 2 hotel nights, VIP transfers and medication. A maximum of 4,500 grafts will be transplanted for this affordable rate.
What if I read conflicting experiences about a hair transplant in Turkey?
However useful the stories of others’ experiences are, they remain personal opinions. Everyone experiences a conversation, treatment or result in his or her own way. You may find what a disappointing intake interview is for someone very pleasant or vice versa. Don’t be discouraged by a negative experience. Go to a number of intake interviews so that you have comparison material.
Can I still go to my preferred clinic after reading negative experiences?
Certainly. As said, everyone’s opinion is different. Therefore, always rely on your own feeling and rely on your own common sense. Do you think a conversation is going well and are all the questions you have answered? Then there is no reason to assume that you are making the wrong or wrong choice for a practitioner. The most important thing is that you have confidence in the hair surgeon and assistants who apply the hair transplant to you. Relaxed sitting in the treatment chair ensures that the procedure runs smoothly and that you can look back on the treatment with a satisfied feeling afterwards.
How objective are the hair transplant experiences I read?
Where at hair clinics you usually only read positive experiences, you can also find negative opinions on blogs, vlogs and forums. In general, most experiences are objective, although you may get the impression that an opinion is very colored. If you notice this, look for other experiences about a particular technique, practitioner or clinic.
Can positive experiences with a hair transplant in Turkey remove my prejudice?
Just like experiences, prejudices are something personal. You can hold a certain opinion and it is often difficult for others to dissuade you. If you look at hair transplants in Turkey with an oblique eye, ask yourself why you have this opinion. Is it the unfamiliarity with the hair clinics, the country or the language? Try to put aside your prejudice. Doing this opens up a world of possibilities. GlobalHair offers the lowest price guarantee for an FUE hair transplant in Turkey. For an amount of € 2.949, a maximum of 4,500 grafts will be transplanted. Positive experiences, albeit laborious, can certainly remove prejudices. If only because you save over 50% on the costs of an FUE hair transplant in the Netherlands.
What are the communication experiences with a hair transplant in Turkey?
Where the employees of Dutch representations speak to you in your own language, this is not always the case once on site. Doctors often speak English or German, but if you do not or insufficiently master these languages, you can feel quite lost. GlobalHair ensures that an interpreter is available when you are at the clinic in Istanbul. This way you don’t have to worry about the hair surgeon not understanding or understanding you. The reverse is also the case. The experienced interpreter will guide you smoothly through the procedure together with the hair transplant team.
Is there anything else I should know about hair restoration experiences in Turkey?
Reading yourself before a consultation or intake interview at a hair clinic is not wrong. This way you will be well prepared and ask specific questions that apply to your personal treatment. Hair transplantation Turkey experiences of others can help you in various ways. You will not only gain insight into the possibilities, but the development of the results over the months will also be explained in detail. Would you like to know more about the FUE hair transplant at GlobalHair? Then make an appointment without obligation for a consultation in Leiden.
Schedule a consultation for hair transplantation in Turkey for free?
If you want to schedule a free consultation after reading the text ‘hair transplantation Turkey experiences’, please contact us via the contact form. You can also choose to send photos of your current situation. A hair transplant doctor will then look at your hair, looking at the number of grafts required. Tailor-made advice follows, with a quote especially for you. So contact us for hair transplant experiences from Turkey or to make an appointment for a consultation.

Contact: +90506 437 14 06
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