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Yoga is one of those ancient practices that can help you achieve a positive outlook, calm your mind, help you overcome stress and experience inner peace and serenity. After all, yoga means the union of the body with the soul and your inner self-achieving a dialogue with the external world. While many would have you believed that its fundamental benefits are physical and try to show it off its spiritual excellence, I feel the fact remains that all our physical well-being is intrinsically linked to our inner happiness and true purpose of yoga is essentially igniting this happiness of the soul. Here are some of the reasons why yoga has benefited me personally:

Reduce Stress
Yoga goes a long way in mitigating the physical impact of stress on our body. By the very nature of self-restraint, it helps me lower the levels of stress-related hormone Cortisol, thereby, directly bringing down my blood pressure levels and also the rate of heart beat. As a result of this, other related symptoms like depression, hypertension, insomnia and anxiety also get taken care of. It also enhances the digestive function. This also directly impacts the immune system. After all, as the saying goes strong body houses a strong mind.

Reduces Pain
This is something I have only realized through the continuous practice. While the apparent link is not that obvious, inner calm and peace also go a long way in curing pain and body ache. Asanas and meditation together go a long way in even tackling chronic diseases like multiple sclerosis, arthritis, back pain and spinal cord related ailments. When the immune system gets a booster through the physical practice, it also helps the body tackle various germs a lot more effectively and efficiently.

Mental Balance
It is after all common knowledge that regular practice can lead to a more effective blood flow through the body. This also enhances the effective functioning of the cardiovascular system. As a result, the body's effective functioning improves your overall mental balance. The mind gets a boost of improved oxygen supply and this no doubt helps an individual handle stress situation, anger and all other negative forces a lot more efficiently. It is, therefore, natural that you do not easily succumb to temper loss or take a rash decision. By nature, you become calmer and handle any issue with more maturity.

Yoga helps in improving flexibility and mobility of the body. By reducing the aches and various pain points, it also boosts us with greater strength and confidence to complete the yoga asanas to their complete fruition. Initially, I was never able to touch my toes but gradually with patience and practice my muscles started loosening up and I could feel my flexibility and stamina improving simultaneously.
become a yoga instructor

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