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There are a few things you didn't know about video games
Video games evoke what kind of reaction in you? Do see unhealthy, overweight man-boys who live in an imaginary world that shoots their opponents' faces off? Yes, this is true sometimes, but really, video games are so much more. Now that I know that playing video games has many unexpected benefits, I am slightly less embarrassed to admit I do so myself.
The use of video games can teach and/or enforce teamwork.
Different video games have been created that involve two or more people (in your living room or across the country) working together toward a common cause.
The ability to improve vision through video games is another benefit.
Do you remember when your mother told you to not stare at the computer screen for too long? Although Game Exchange of Colorado was correct that your eyes need a break every so often, a study conducted by a psychologist has indicated that playing a detailed video game requiring you to aim and shoot at objects may improve declining vision.
If your surgeon plays video games regularly, he/she may perform better.
Scrubs is a sitcom you may have seen. In the novel, the main character and his friend, a surgeon, often engage in adolescent activities, such as playing video games. The fictitious surgeon would be more adept at laparoscopic surgery if they were playing electronic games that enhanced hand-eye coordination.
The video game industry teaches multitasking.
In The Sims game, you might control many characters at once. The most effective result is achieved when you coordinate their actions. This ability applies to tasks such as driving a car and keeping track of cars around you while dealing with distractions inside the vehicle.
5. Video games can help people who are dealing with stress or depression.
It's easy to lose yourself in the world of video games without worrying about real problems or consequences. In a New York Times article about depression, Bejeweled was cited as a treatment. Video games aren't for everyone; certain games can provide a Zen-like experience without much effort or boredom.
The use of video games can alleviate severe pain for those who experience it.
Studies show that patients who are permitted to play video games take fewer pain killers. In my opinion, the patients were so caught up in the game that they forgot about their pain completely. Therefore, there is a lower chance of addiction to powerful pain medications.
It's important to remember that not all video games are violent (or cause you to crave violence).
Are you completely shocked? As I mentioned in my previous post, I was a little embarrassed to admit I have spent hours upon hours playing The Sims games, and more recently, Sims 2 (no, I haven't purchased Sims 3 for fear of never leaving my laptop again). It's anything but violent in this game. All of the premise revolves around living life. Depending on your needs, you can get a job, build a house, have many children, and raise a whole family of dogs. Go to college, meet your true love, and graduate with honors. Yes, it may seem a little ridiculous to do all of these things in video games, but check out some of the benefits of playing games.
8. Some video games do not keep you glued to the screen for hours on end.

There are many video games that have physical aspects (and rightly so). You can pretend to be anything from bowling to boxing to dancing. Even fitness-themed games are available.
Children have been introduced to many video games.
When I saw a three year old playing a game on her mom's tablet, I was shocked. Young children are learning how to play with electronic devices, so educational video games have been created to stimulate their brains. Many believe that video games will soon replace textbooks as an interactive venue, no matter how crazy that sounds.
10. I heard on the radio that there are video games designed for cats.

However, I insist that cats cannot use electronics.
The benefits of video games are not only entertainment, but they can also be beneficial. Play a game to boost your mental (and possibly physical) capabilities if you haven't already.

Would you like to buy arcade games / video games? Games Exchange of Colorado is located at In addition, we sell video game parts. Gaming systems and large video games are available for your home or business. Visit us today!

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