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Superbugs are bacteria that are resistant to multiple antibiotics. This is dangerous as they are at higher risk of spreading infection quickly.

Gene flow could be caused if another bacteria transferred its DNA containing an antibiotic resistance gene to the CJ bacteria. E. Coli and Salmonella were said to have this gene, and were tested to see if they passed on their DNA to the CJ bacteria. To track the conjugation process, the exchange of DNA, they used green fluorescent tags on each bacteria's DNA. Then the E. Coli and Salmonella samples were mixed with the CJ bacteria and then kept in an incubator for 7 days. The results that neither E. Coli or Salmonella transferred genes to CJ bacteria: only E. Coli had green tags and CJ had no color, and only Salmonella had green tags while CJ remained colorless as well.

Genetic drift occurs when there is a random change within the allele frequency of a population. Here, the CDC had a database with the DNA of CJ bacteria. They sequenced the allele causing FQ resistance in the farm's bacteria in order to discover whether the allele is int he CJ bacteria in the source farm. The results showed no matches.

The superbug was created through natural selection. In natural selection the environment selects the traits that increase in frequency within a population by granting a survival advantage to organisms with certain traits. In this case, the icreased use of antibiotics in this environment caused a selective pressure for the population of bacteria containing the trait for antibiotic resistance.
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