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this question reminds me of sentence i always hear " a land without people for people without a land". this sentence was tells the whole story behind our case. if you know history well or if you studied history in your school you should know that Jews were living in the European countries in the early years of the 19th century. Europeans wanted to get ride of them and they promised them to give them a land to live in. which was later made by the Famous Bilford Promise in 1917. then they started to immigrate to Palestine and then the catastrophe was made in 1948. The israelies say that they were living in this land a long time ago, and when i tried to find the time when this happened i found in researches that this happened in the year 135. So, how could anyone ask for something they left 1800 years ago?!! Even if you look back in history you would find out that the Zionism was founded in 1898 in Switzerland. So this in not there land. There are many sings and places that proves that this land is for Palestinians. Al aqusa Mosque, The church of Birth and many other places attached to Muslims and Christians.
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