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You: Sarah 21, please say if reading! (My description: I have brown shoulder length hair, my eyes and eyebrows are the same as my hair. My skin is really pale but in the summer I have a pink tan line across my cheeks and the bridge of my nose. I am pretty tall for a girl, at 5'10'' as I play the middle position for my uni volleyball team. My body type is skinny/fit. My legs are the most toned part of me) The story: Your wife and you always wanted children but it never worked and so you applied to be foster parents. You found my (16 year old in need of a home) profile and your wife immediately wanted to help and give me a loving home. But because of all sorts of delays it wasn't immediate. By the time I was ready to come to your home, your wife passed away but you decided to take me in anyway. (So that's the starter! Please introduce yourself and start us off! I want this roleplay to be romantic/sexual with build up)

Stranger: reading

You: Thanks

Stranger: Will, 24, male. (Black hair that's going prematurely grey, quiffed. 6'2", athletic build from running and boxing. No facial hair and well groomed body hair.) I hear the doorbell ring and make my way to it. Wearing some smart/casual clothing being some well fitting jeans and a blue checker shirt. I open the door and smile when I see you there. Although there's a sadness behind my eyes. "Sarah?" I ask

You: Since my parents died when I was 9 I lived with my grandmother on my mom's side until I was 11 and she could not take care of me anymore. No other relatives stepped up to the task and I was admitted into the system. Not many foster parents wanted an already developed child, and as I got older I got introduced to a more sad and violent way of life. I bounced around from foster home to foster home, some were brutal and just used me for the money, others were nice but would have me taken away once they had kids of their own. Lately I have been living in a girl's group home after a bad experience with my previous foster family. I was told there was a couple interested but that fell through when the wife died. The husband would have to reapply to be a single foster parent before taking me in. I didn't know until last minute that he actually still wanted me, It took nearly a year for him to reapply. The house supervisor just gave me a black garbage bag one day and told me to pack my things. I am wearing a black hoodie and some ripped up jeans, my hair pretty messy and in a nest of a bun. My left cheek looks like its healing from being punched, a small nearly healed cut pretty noticeable on my paler skin. I approach you awkwardly holding my bag, not saying much "Hi... that's me" I shrug

You: (mind playing late 30s?)

Stranger: (Not at all)

Stranger: I nod and take in the state you're in. "I'm Will, I'm your new foster parent. Unfortunately, my wife is no longer with us so.. You'll just have to make to with me." I say, trying to be light hearted as I pick up on your mood. "Would you like me to show you to your room?" I ask

You: I follow you, still clutching my things like my life depended on it but relax lightly when I see your counter has fresh fruits and your fridge is stocked. The supervisor at the group home made us buy the food in the kitchen, and I rarely had any money unless I did some kind of 'favor' to one of the girls which most likely would involve smuggling in drugs into the home. The last meal I had was yesterday morning. I take note to come back to the kitchen. I am in awe when I see my room, finally letting go of the bag I was clutching so dearly. I sit down on the comfy bed, taking everything in "This is all for me?" I ask carefully, my face brightening as my hands feel the sheets. I've never felt such silky sheets before. I do feel a bit dirty being in such a pretty home like this

Stranger: I nod. The room wasn't overly girly, nor was it decorated in any particular style. But you had a double bed, a desk, a bookshelf and a laptop set up for your studying, if you planned to. "It's all yours, I'll need to take you clothes shopping at some point. Would you like me to make you something to eat whilst you get settled in?" I ask, staying in the doorway. Wanting to give you your space.

You: I nod quickly "Yes please, I would like anything you would prepare, really. I am not picky" I smile, extremely relieved that you don't seem strict. I watch you leave and unpack my bag, I didn't have much, it didn't even fill 1 drawer. I go to my bathroom, pleasantly surprised that everything I need is there, toothbrush, shampoos, soaps. I look in the drawers and even find pads and tampons, happy I don't have to ask for any. I decide to take a shower, feeling like I shouldn't be dirty here. I wash my panties by hand since I only have 3 pairs and hand them to dry. I come downstairs, my hair damp and wavy, in some old mens pajama pants and a different black hoodie that isn't in much better condition

Stranger: I was in the middle of making you some pasta. I turn my head from the oven. "Do you need me to put any clothes through the wash and dryer?" I ask, noticing your hoodie was also a little dirty. "And did the bathroom have everything you needed?" I then ask as I serve it up on a plate and put it on the table for you.

You: I sit down and look at the food hungrily "This is great thank you" I wait for you to take a bite out of yours and then grab mine , eating up quickly. "I'm good for now, I don't have much to wear while something is in the wash" I shrug "I don't think I really need anything?" I pull at my hoodie and smile "You've really given more than enough. Thank you for everything you put in the bathroom... The shampoo smells really nice" I offer you a genuine smile

Stranger: I return the smile and nod. Glad you're settling in. "I still have some of my Wife's clothes. They might not be your style, but they'd probably fit you. And she was so excited to meet you properly I know she wouldn't mind handing them down. Until we can get out shopping for you." I say, eating fairly slow. (Do you mind not saying what my character is doing?)

You: (Of course, sorry!)

Stranger: (It's all good)

You: "Would you be comfortable with that?" I ask cautiously "I am really okay, with what I have" I am nervous to mess up, nervous that you will send me back because I am too much work. I pick up my finished plate and take it to the sink, washing it. "I'm really sorry for your loss"

Stranger: "Ofcourse I would be." I say honestly. Watching you do this. Smiling a little bit as I do. "Sarah you hardly have anything, that's not how it's going to be from now on. Okay?" I then say, my voice being warm yet firm.

You: "I don't want to seem ungrateful for what I have" I tell you, my tone a little sad. I clean my plate and then kind of sneak yours from you, cleaning it too. One thing that is odd is I don't roll up my sleeves, I get them a bit wet as I clean the dishes and just try my hands on my pants once i am done 'I've been applying to jobs near the new school, I used the laptops at the library" I tell you, wanting to show you that I am trying my best

Stranger: I nod a little bit as I notice the wrist thing. But I know better than to ask. I lean back in my seat. "Why don't you just focus on studying for now? I earn more than enough for you to not need to." I suggest. Getting up and moving over to the couch. Turning on the tv.

You: "I don't want to be a burden, and I need to buy the food?" I get confused, too used to the way of the group home. I stand near the couch a little awkwardly, not sure what to do with myself

Stranger: I pat the couch invitingly as I look at you. "Well, the way I see it. You're my adopted daughter. It's my job to provide everything you ever need until you decide it's time for you to provide for yourself." I say. I then relax a little bit. "You're not a burden, you're my responsibility. There's a very big difference. And I want to do these things for you, so long as you're comfortable?"

You: I nod, feeling extremely guilty, feeling like I am already disappointing you. I feel a fever coming on, knowing exactly what is to come. I take a seat beside you, crossing my legs on the couch to be comfortable "That's really kind"

Stranger: I shake my head a little bit. "You're home now. Okay? This all belongs to both of us. There's no mine and yours under this roof." I say in a reassuring tone.

You: I lean back in the seat wondering how I will ever tell you what I have been through. what if you reject me? I get anxious and hug myself "I um... want to try out for the volleyball team at the new school. I think I have a good chance" I tell you shyly, trying to show you hard that I am trying here and I am not some foster kid fuck up

Stranger: "That sounds fun. You've definitely got the height for it." I say in a somewhat excited tone. "Do you have any other hobbies?"

You: "I didn't really have time to do anything like that... is there something you'd want me to learn?" I look at you, feeling sicker by the minute. I need to think of an excuse immediately. I visibly look anxious

Stranger: I notice your pale skin looking somewhat paler as you grow sicker. "Is everything okay?" I ask, placing the back of my hand on your head. feeling how hot you're getting.

You: I wince and back away "Um, yeah absolutely! I think I was just so anxious about today going well, its catching up to me" I get up feeling light headed "May I be excused?"

Stranger: "Sorry" I say as you back away, retracting my hand. "Ofcourse, you don't have to do anything. Just go settle and relax for the rest of the day." I say, worrying about you.

You: "Thanks!" I force a smile and quickly go back up stairs, trying my best to not make it seem too urgent. Once out of site I bolt to my bathroom, throwing up just everything in my stomach. I hold the toilet bowl, dry heaving

Stranger: I can't help but hear this and lightly knock the bathroom door. "I'm going to touch you." I say softly, warning you atleast this time as I gather up your hair. Holding it back for you and kneeling by your side.

You: I finish throwing up, my skin sweaty and pale. I run to the sink to clean my face, awfully embarrassed "um sorry... I.. I must be allergic to something .. I" I struggle to keep composure, feeling extremely hot and cold at the same time but I don't take anything off

Stranger: "Right, get into your bed and strip off. I'll get you some water and something to control the fever." i say firmly. Pointing towards your room before heading downstairs. Getting you some water and fever pills before returning them. Placing them by your bedside

You: I listen to your words, complying, scared and feeling alone somehow. When you leave I take off my clothing just in my old lack panties and old grey t shirt bra. I crawl into bed, shaking. Te blanket are at my waist

Stranger: I sit on the side of your bed. "Take these. They'll help." I say softly, offering you the pills. staying fairly close

You: My breathing is heavy. My quite thin and toned abdomen showing as I couldn't cover myself up properly, I have some bruising on my ribs and collar bones. When I grab the water I finally expose that I have been trying so hard to hide. I have track marks on the inside of my arms. My hands shake as I try to take the pills, failing to do so

Stranger: I gently lift you into a sat up position. Keeping my movements slow and telegraphed so I don't startle you again. "Come on, open your mouth" I say softly. Not being phased by your scars or bruises. Accepting them. I hold the pills by your mouth.

You: I listen to you and nod, trying my best for you taking them in my mouth and swallowing. I lean on you, my forehead against your shoulder as I struggle to breath, trying to slow it down "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry:

Stranger: "Shhh shhh, you're safe now". I whisper. Wrapping my arms around you out of instinct. Hugging you tightly but in a gentle way. "Whatever's happened. It's over. I'm not going anywhere."

You: "Its withdrawal " I admit to you, extremely embarrassed and just broken "I just need to sit it out " I fall back into the bed and curl up in fetal position, terrified

Stranger: I smooth your arm gently as you curl up. "I'm sitting with you then." I say softly. "What were you taking?" I ask

You: 'Heroin, I think.. I.. I'm not sure" I press my face into the pillow, feeling like my whole body is in pain

Stranger: I continue to sooth your arm with my hand as I watch. Feeling a little helpless. "Is there anything I can do to make it easier?" I ask

You: "It's not my fault, I had to, I.." I squirm in the bed feeling lost and hopeless "Will you take me back now?" my eyes are filled with tears

Stranger: I brush your hair through my fingers a little. "Not a chance in hell Sarah." I reply.

You: I put my head in your lap clinging to you, shaking still "I promise it's not my fault" I mutter feeling myself start to pass out a bit

Stranger: "I believe you. Just try and take it easy." I say. smoothing your body softly with my hands as I stay with you through this.

You: It takes me some time but I pass out in your lap, still pretty warm and not doing well, my skin very pale

Stranger: I sit with you through the night. Keeping your temperature under control. Eventually laying down and falling asleep. Gently moving your head onto my chest and holding you close

You: I wake up hours later after a fever dream. I get scared, not wearing any clothing other than my underwear and bra. I push away, whimpering, still not in right of mind

Stranger: I wake up as you push me away and immediately sit up. "It's okay, you're safe. Nobody's going to hurt you." I say calmly. holding my hands up to you a bit

You: "I... Where is my shirt?" I panic putting my face in my hands. I feel myself wanting a fix desperately but power through

Stranger: "You took it off, because your temperature is out of control." I say softly. " you want me to get you something a bit lighter to wear?" I ask

You: I nod and hold the blanket up to my neck, scared that something bad will happen. I gladly accept a new shirt, lifting my arms, waiting for you

Stranger: I fetch one of my wife's Pyjama shirts. It's a very thin fabric but it covers everything. I return and put it on you. "There we go" I say

You: I lay back down, holding your hand, feeling safer with you. my skin soothed by the silky shirt. 'I didn't have any money for food in the home... so I would l delivery drugs for the girls. One of the dealers... he... wanted to make sure I do my job, so he made me take them too" I tell you, struggling to recall everything

Stranger: I nod as I listen to you. "I.. Can't imagine how horrible your life has been to this point." I say, squeezing your hand a little as I cautiously lay beside you, being ontop of the sheets though

You: I put my head against your chest again, happy that I don't have to hide anything anymore. I fall asleep again, this time for 12 hours, my body fighting the withdrawal and weak from having thrown up the food earlier

Stranger: Once you're awake I tell you to stay put as I cook us both some breakfast. Bringing it up on a tray and laying it on your lap, before returning to your side. Taking bites. "You should eat." I say lightly

You: I sit up, happy to see you. I flatten my hair with my hands, wanting to look a bit more put together for you. I look at the food and then at you "It looks amazing... I'm just not such I can"

Stranger: I nod understanding. Smiling a little when I see you fix yourself for me. "Not even a little bit?" I ask in a playful tone. Cutting you up the tiniest bit and hovering the fork by your lips

You: I want to tell you I can't but the look in your eyes makes me want to do better for you. I put my mouth around the fork and chew what you were offering, carefully swallowing "thank you, it's really tasty"

Stranger: I smile a little more as you do this. Placing the cutlery back down infront of you. "You're more than welcome." I say, continuing to eat

You: I oddly liked eating like that, feeling cared and loved by you. I pick up the utensils "Can I have this a bit later?" I try to bargain with you

Stranger: I look over at you. "Tell you what, if you can eat this whole sausage, you can have the rest heated up in a little bit?" I offer. Also bargaining back. "Would you like me to feed you again?" I ask. Noticing you liked it.

You: I smile at the offer "I know how to eat" I sigh and pick up the fork and stab the sausage taking a good bite from it. After a few more bites I get some appetite back, eating more than what I bargained.

Stranger: My own smile widens at your response. "I know you do, but you liked it. I could tell. And so did I" I say in my playful tone.

You: I get some color back in my cheeks when you tell me that you liked it. It's really nice letting my guard down. "So you're not angry with me?"

Stranger: I take your utensils gently and begin cutting your food up into small pieces. feeding them to you one at a time. "Far from it." I say looking in your eyes. Bringing the fork to your lips again

Stranger: (I also use discord and kik, by the way. I'm really enjoying this)

You: (imblue#6906 my discord)

Stranger: sent)

You: I happily let you feed me until I start feeling a bit sick again "No more" I close my eyes, a little shaky. "If you're not mad. Does that mean I can shoot up again?" I make a really bad joke in poor tate
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