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You: Sarah 21, please say if reading! (My description: I have brown shoulder length hair, my eyes and eyebrows are the same as my hair. My skin is really pale but in the summer I have a pink tan line across my cheeks and the bridge of my nose. I am pretty tall for a girl, at 5'10'' as I play the middle position for my uni volleyball team. My body type is skinny/fit. My legs are the most toned part of me) The story: Your wife and you always wanted children but it never worked and so you applied to be foster parents. You found my (16 year old in need of a home) profile and your wife immediately wanted to help and give me a loving home. But because of all sorts of delays it wasn't immediate. By the time I was ready to come to your home, your wife passed away but you decided to take me in anyway. (So that's the starter! Please introduce yourself and start us off! I want this roleplay to be romantic/sexual with build up)

Stranger: Hey! I’m Brian, 25, from Florida. I’m looking for a girl who is detailed and wants to do a sexual role play. I’m 5’11 and weigh 170 lbs with an average athletic frame from running and swimming. I have brown hair that is shorter on the sides and a little messy on top. My eyes are blue and I have a slightly tan complexion with no tattoos or piercings. If it matters to you, I’m around 7 inches and shaved. If you are interested, please introduce yourself! If not, have a great rest of your day and hope you find what you’re looking for! (I’m not a bot, I will respond if you do)

Stranger: hey, I'm reading

You: Samesies

You: nice to meet you :)

Stranger: Nice to meet you as well Sarah! Mind if we chat a bit before we dive right into the role play? Just do get to know what each other likes and dislikes

You: Sure thing

You: What do you want to know?

Stranger: Great! So what are you into? Any turn-ons, kinks, or fantasies you particularly enjoy?

You: Easier to say what turns me off ahah

Stranger: Haha I like the open mind!

You: extreme gore, waste play, feet play, I don't like being called a whore or cunt (just don't like those words)

Stranger: I'm on board with all those turn offs for sure

You: I like being submissive, manhandled, controlled, cared for

You: disciplined ;)

Stranger: The only one I would add is that I don't really enjoy anal or anything anal related, hope that isn't an issue

Stranger: I enjoy being more on the dominant side and in control of things for sure

Stranger: One of my other big turn ons is a girl wearing sexy/cute panties, especially ones that I pick out for them or buy for them

You: All can be arranged

You: I do love butt plugs

You: and the idea of being trained to take in you

Stranger: Butt plugs are fine with me if you are really into them, but I just don't enjoy going in that end. I much prefer playing with and taking care of the pussy

You: OH


You: I misread

You: you DONT like anal

You: gotcha gotcha

You: I am 10000% okay not doing it lol

Stranger: Yeah haha good! Glad we are on the same page with that!

You: As a sub, I kind of enjoy anything that makes my dom happy

You: (within limits)

You: Also, have you tried anal irl/

You: ?

Stranger: I like that mindset, and I enjoy giving you thing you enjoy as a dom as well, I get pleasure from your pleasure

Stranger: I have and it just wasn't for me

You: I feel like most guys would love it with the right mindset and setting haha

You: I definitely had really great experiences and awful ones

Stranger: I just prefer to stick to the pussy, I know what I'm working with and how to really handle it ;)

Stranger: Not to say I don't enjoy other areas like the neck, nipples, and stomach

You: Lets start then? :P

Stranger: Sure thing, give me a minute to type up the intro on my end. Do you want to stay on here or move to Chatzy so we don't have to deal with omegle disconnecting unexpectedly?

You: Stay here for now?

You: and then discord if we are compatible

Stranger: It is a sunny afternoon and the day had finally arrived for you to move into our house. I know my wife would have loved to have been here to see this day, but I felt she was with me as I cleaned up the house and prepped things for your arrival. As the day went on, I knew you were on your way and I sat at the kitchen counter waiting for the knock on the door. I was wearing a dark grey/blue t-shirt with a pair of black athletic shorts with grey boxer briefs. I had only seen pictures of what you looked like, and your warm eyes and bright smile were so cute, I was excited to see you finally. I hear a knock on the door and I hop up excitedly and go to the door, opening it, I smile “Hey Sarah!”

Stranger: (works for me)

You: Since my parents died when I was 5 I lived with my grandmother on my mom's side until I was 9 and she could not take care of me anymore. No other relatives stepped up to the task and I was admitted into the system. Not many foster parents wanted an already developed child, and as I got older I got introduced to a more sad and violent way of life. I bounced around from foster home to foster home, some were brutal and just used me for the money, others were nice but would have me taken away once they had kids of their own. Lately I have been living in a girl's group home after a bad experience with my previous foster family. I was told there was a couple interested but that fell through when the wife died. The husband would have to reapply to be a single foster parent before taking me in. I didn't know until last minute that he actually still wanted me, It took nearly a year for him to reapply. The house supervisor just gave me a black garbage bag one day and told me to pack my things. I am wearing a black hoodie and some ripped up jeans, my hair pretty messy and in a nest of a bun. My left cheek looks like its healing from being punched, a small nearly healed cut pretty noticeable on my paler skin. I stand there awkwardly holding my bag, not saying much

Stranger: I pause a moment as you stand there, seeing you look as if you are defeated, noticing the scars and the bruising and how all your worldly possessions are just in a garbage bag, wondering what had happened to the smiling girl in the pictures. The adoption agency did not give many details of your past experiences in the system, but judging by your appearance, I felt a sense of duty to make you feel at home and help you feel cared for and loved. It is what my wife would have wanted. I step aside slightly, "Come in Sarah! Welcome home" I say with a warm tone, as you step inside slowly and I shut the door behind you, "Do you want a tour of the place or do you want to make yourself comfortable?" I see your reluctance to show any emotion, seeing that you must have been through hell the last few years

You: The first thing I look at is your hands, I watch them move and when I feel like you are at a distance I step into the home "Thank you" I look around, wondering where I will be sleeping. I hold my bag tightly to my abdomen "A tour would be nice, I don't want to impose or anything" I look tense

Stranger: I notice you keeping your distance and how skiddish you are, knowing it will take some time for you to feel comfortable in your new home, but hoping you will grow to love it and feel safe. "You aren't imposing at all! I'm so happy you are finally here!" I say with a smile "We... ah... I mean I have been waiting for this day for a long time" I always mess up with referencing my wife, "Follow me!" I walk towards the living room "Here is the tv room" I say as i pat the couch "Feel free to lounge and make yourself comfortable on the couch whenever and the tv has anything you could ever want to watch" I walk towards the kitchen "Food and drinks are all available to you, whatever you feel like having, go ahead" I turn and see your face brighten up a bit seeing you will have some freedom. We head upstairs and get to your bedroom door, I swing it open, "..and here is your room" I say with a smile, the grey carpet is freshly vacuumed, the walls are painted a warm light blue with a window that gets plenty of sunshine, the bed is made perfectly with white sheets and a comforter, "I know there isn't much in here yet, but whatever you want to put on the walls or decorate with, we can make it happen!" I say warmly as I see a smile on your face

You: I follow you, still clutching my things like my life depended on it but relax lightly when I see your counter has fresh fruits and your fridge is stocked. The supervisor at the group home made us buy the food in the kitchen, and I rarely had any money unless I did some kind of 'favor' to one of the girls which most likely would involve smuggling in drugs into the home. The last meal I had was yesterday morning. I take note to come back to the kitchen. I am in awe when I see my room, finally letting go of the bag I was clutching so dearly. I sit down on the comfy bed, taking everything in "This is all for me?" I ask carefully, my face brightening as my hands feel the sheets. I've never felt such silky sheets before. I do feel a bit dirty being in such a pretty home like this

Stranger: I see the disbelief on your face and smile, knowing my wife would have loved to see how excited you look to have your own place to call home. "Of course Sarah!" I say with a smile "Whatever you need to feel more at home and comfortable, we can get it!" I say, knowing you've probably never had that luxury before "I point to the corner of your room where there are two doors, "You have a closet that has a dresser inside it, feel free to unpack your things there, and you have a full bathroom and shower with a tub all to yourself!" I see your eyes fill with relief as you let your guard down a bit, knowing this is very different then what your past looks like. "Do you want to take a minute to get settled and I'll whip something up in the kitchen? I'm sure you're hungry after the trip here, what do you want?"

You: I nod quickly "Yes please, I would like anything you would prepare, really. I am not picky" I smile, extremely relieved that you don't seem strict. I watch you leave and unpack my bag, I didn't have much, it didn't even fill 1 drawer. I go to my bathroom, pleasantly surprised that everything I need is there, toothbrush, shampoos, soaps. I look in the drawers and even find pads and tampons, happy I don't have to ask for any. I decide to take a shower, feeling like I shouldn't be dirty here. I wash my panties by hand since I only have 3 pairs and hand them to dry. I come downstairs, my hair damp and wavy, in some old mens pajama pants and a different black hoodie that isn't in much better condition

Stranger: I head downstairs and to the kitchen, hearing the shower turn on, I smile, knowing you are feeling more comfortable. I look in the pantry and think of a nice snack you might enjoy, wanting to go with something that is universally like, I pull out some soft white bread and put some skippy peanut butter on it, I cover the other piece of bread with some jelly and put the sandwich together, I make one for myself as well since I felt a little hunger. I hear the shower turn off and I put the plates out on counter of the kitchen island next t the bar stools, I pour some cold water into a glass for you and grab a bag of chips out of the pantry and put them next to your plate as you come downstairs, I see you in your mismatching and misfitting clothes, but see you are more comfortable and relaxed, "Hopefully you like peanutbutter and jelly!" I say warmly as you sit on the bar stool "When you are finished, do you want to go run some errands and we can get things you want to make the room more comfortable and maybe we can get you some fresh new clothes that you like?" I say with a smile as I bite into my sandwich

You: (Let's keep replies a little shorter? This is great btw, I love when you describe how you feel, not a lot of roleplayers do that!)

Stranger: (I can do that, sorry, was just trying to be as detailed as possible)

You: I sit down and look at the sandwich hungrily "This is great thank you" I wait for you to take a bite out of yours and then grab mine with both hands, eating up quickly. "Sure I can help you do whatever" I shrug "I don't think I really need anything?" I pull at my hoodie and smile "You've really given more than enough. Thank you for everything you put in the bathroom... The shampoo smells really nice" I drink my water

Stranger: I smile as you start to come out of your shell a bit "Of course, you don't have to thank me!" I smile "Just trying to help you feel like you have a home finally!" I saw warmly as I feel excited to finally have someone at home with me again. I take another bite before saying "You have to need more than just what you broght in that bag, can't let you have barren walls in your room! I want you to decorate it the way you want! It's going to be your space for you to just be yourself and get away from things!" I say with a smile

You: It feels odd for you to suggest I change my room in any permanent way, what if you want to give me back? "I really like the room the way it is, but I guess some clothing will be nice" I smile and put my dishes into the sink, washing them up, not wanting to leave a mess "I'll pay you back, I've been applying to some jobs near the new school" I promise you

Stranger: I laugh softly as you say you're going to pay me back. "Don't worry about it Sarah!" I smile "Treat it as a 'welcome home' gift!" I watch as you clean up after yourself, appreciative of how you show your thankfulness and respect for me and the house. I look at you and see the bruising and the old cut on your pale skin more, not wanting to even bring up bad memories, I figure I just shouldn't ask and let you tell me whenever you are ready to open up. "You scarfed that sandwich down quick" I say jokingly "Whenever you are ready, we can head to the mall and pick up a few things for you!"

You: I blush "I.. haven't eaten in a bit" I give you a sad smile "I guess I'll put my jeans back on" I look at you eyes wondering how someone could be so nice to a total strange. I run back up stairs and go change. I brush my hair back into a loose braid so it's not in the way and come back downstairs to meet you "Ready"

Stranger: I smile as you excitedly rush upstairs to change again, getting used to having someone around again and loving the company. I see you come back down stairs "Your hair looks cute in that braid" I say warmly "Let's go" I walk you to the front of the house and down the hall to the garage, my grey Jeep Cherokee sitting there, I open the door for you, "Hop in" I let you settle in before i shut the door and hop in on the drivers side, open the garage door and pull out, I turn down the street and head to the mall "So where are you from originally Sarah?" I ask, making small talk as we go to the mall

You: (Are you from the states? I'm from Canada but easier for setting to be in a state)

You: (what state should it be in?)

Stranger: (I'm from Florida, but I lived in Toronto for a while, so either works for me)

You: I shyly thank you for the compliment and comply easily, getting comfortable in the car. In general I seem like I am going be easy to parent and handle and I listen to your every word "I was born near Washington but mostly lived in Belle Glade after I got into the system" I shrug

Stranger: Listening to your voice as you speak, hearing the skiddishness slowly go away, "Ah, swampy area next to Okeechobee, not the best town to live in if you ask me" I smile as you look at me with your soft eyes "I hope you like the gulf coast better than inland!" I say warmly as we pull into the Clearwater Shopping Center. There is a multitude of store options to choose from, "Where do you want to go first?" I ask as you look at the Target, Dick's Sporting Goods, Marshall's, Home Depot, American Eagle, Victoria's Secret, Aeropostale, Hollister, and many more, overwhelmed by the options

You: I stare at all the option as we leave the car, kind of intimidated by it all. I look up at you and then at the stores "Do you mind, kind of just telling me what I need? I don't know what to do" I get nervous. There are so many people, families, teenagers, kids... I take a step back and then look at you again "Please?"

You: (I don't mean to nitpick at all but do you mind not saying how I feel/what I'm doing? Kind of gives me less to describe :P)

Stranger: (No problem, sorry)

You: (No need to apologize! Please tell me if you want me to do anything too)

Stranger: I look at you and smile "Don't worry, everything is going to be fine!" I can see how so many people can be overwhelming. "Do you want some new shirts? New pants? Some new underwear and bras? New shoes?" I ask softly "Let's get you a new set of clothes so you can wash away your past" I say with a smile "Whatever you want to get, pick it out and it's yours"

Stranger: (You are doing great! If you want to be a little more playful/flirty, I wouldn't mind, but I figured you were building up to that)

You: (Working on it :))

You: I dart around, settling on American eagle, I've been wanting some new jeans for ages. I hold your wrist to comfort myself as we go into the store. I look around, excited with all the new options 'What do you think I should get?" I ask touching some skinny jeans, not even sure what size I am as I have been wearing hand-me-downs for years

Stranger: Seeing your excitement makes me smile, and your warm touch shows me how fast you've felt comfortable. I watch you browse through the options and I see you focus in on the skinny jeans and look at me "I think you'd look great in those! Why don't you try them on!"

You: "I will!" I go to the change room and ask for a room. I happily change out of my old jeans and put on the new ones, they hug my hips perfectly but a little short at my ankles, I have pretty long legs. I go to meet you in the store "Is this okay?" I bite my lip, feeling vulnerable

Stranger: I watch you come back out to the waiting area and my eyes can't help but admire how the jeans hug your figure and how you have such nice legs, I look up at you biting your lip with your approval seeking eyes and smile "I think the fit on your hips is perfect, you just need a little longer on the legs" I run back and get a longer pair with the same waist size and they fit perfectly! "What else catches your eye!" I say warmly

You: I go back an forth a few times, I don't have trouble trying on pants but I don't show you any shirts I try on that don't cover my arms, I just tell you I liked them. I come out with an armful of clothing you approved and look at the lingerie section of "aerie" shyly. I kind of stand there in a stiff way finding it a bit triggering "Can you?" I try to convey to you I am getting uncomfortable

Stranger: Enjoying how you are going through the racks of clothing finding what you like, noticing you are shying away from anything too revealing of sexy, but not pressing too hard for you to get everything you want since I want you to be comfortable. As you tried on more and more clothes, I could really see how beautiful your figure is and what an incredible body you have, I smile as you catch my eye "You're going to look great in all these new clothes!" I see you pause at the aerie section and hear your timid voice, I look at you and put my hand on your back warmly in a comforting way "You want me to pick out things for you?" I ask gently

You: I wince very quietly when you touch my back feeling warm all the sudden. I give you a small nod "Yes please.. um last I checked it's just C23 for the ... the top and a medium for the bottom" I back away "Thank you, Brian" I turn around not wanting to look that way anymore

Stranger: Wanting to make you as comfortable as possible, I gently rub your back as you tell me what you want timidly "No problem! I will get what I think you'll like!" I say softly and warmly, I pull out the medium drawer for the panties and grab a few cheeky cut pairs that have a lace waistband and silky material with a small flower pattern, a few more pairs that are more athletic and soft, I can't help but think of how nice your legs will look in these, I close the drawer after I have a few pairs that I like and then look through the bras and pull out some pairs that fit you and match with the panties I picked out, I can't help put pick out a very silky bra that feels like it won't leave much to the imagination, but be very comfortable. I turn back to you and ask "Do you like these?"

You: I nod quickly wanting to spend as little time as possible looking at them in such a public place, I get anxious "Ya, they look comfortable" I smile and force myself to approach a sports bra and pass it to you 'I um, want to try out for the volleyball team" I explain myself, wanting to get involved in school more, now that I have a safe space to study and complete my school work "Can we go to Sport check?" I take note of the cost as the sales person rings up all the items

Stranger: I smile as you talk about wanting to play volleyball, always wanting to be a supportive dad in sports for my kids. "I'm sure you will do great with volleyball!" I say warmly as I swipe my card to pay for the clothing and we walk out of the store to put the clothes in the car, "Let's head to the sporting good store" I say as iI walk with you a few buildings over from the American Eagle

Stranger: (Did you get that?)

You: (Yep sorry!)

Stranger: (No worries, just wanted to check that omegle didn't crash)

You: (imblue#6906 my discord)

You: It feels great having some new clothing. I start to feel really hopeful, if you are spending all this money on me, maybe you really have no intention of kicking me out... I just have to make sure I stay out of trouble. I start feeling feverish, knowing that my withdrawal is coming, I keep myself as steady as possible, convincing myself I will get through it unnoticed. I walk in with you to the next store, over joyed when I see all the cute outfits, I pick up some knee pads, forgetting about my problems for a second
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