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The United States Securities and Exchange Commission: What to Know
The United States Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, was set in place to ensure that securities markets are not only operational but, on a larger level, fair. In theory, this would help protect investors from any fraudulent activity that may put their money at risk. With this, however, comes the possibility of fraud, which has been documented since the SEC was originally formed in 1934. From the agency in question to how a potential whistleblower may be able to report fraud, here’s what to know.

The origins of the Securities and Exchange Commission go all the way to 1929. In September of that year, the United States was in the midst of an event known as The Wall Street Crash. This was illustrated by the falling value of New York Stock Exchange prices. Anyone familiar with this event in U.S. history will attest to the fact that it was the biggest stock market crash in the country’s history. Prior to this, millions of people bought stocks, even dipping into their own savings to do so. However, this perpetuated prices to the point where they became unsustainable.

This isn’t to say that The Wall Street Crash of 1929 was the only source of the country’s financial struggles at the time. Consider the Great Depression, which took place during the 1930s, and saw everything from lowered productivity to staggering unemployment rates. In whistleblower programs , the United States was in the middle of its most unfruitful period in history. This would eventually lead to the development of an agency on June 6, 1934. Enter the Securities and Exchange Commission, its primary goal being to put laws in place so that the market could not be manipulated by its participants.

whistleblower experts of the Securities and Exchange Commission were appointed by Frankin Delano Roosevelt, the President of the United States at the same time. Among the names in question were Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., who resided in Massachusetts, and William O. Douglas of Minnesota. These are just a few details to know about the SEC, specifically in regard to its history. In any event, understand that the SEC’s main function is to prevent market manipulation. Any signs of this being done today should be reported to a whistleblower attorney .

Now that you have a general understanding of what the SEC entails, it’s important to know how to report fraud concerning it. One of the most important things that you can do is speak to a reputable attorney. To be more specific, you should consult one that has experience handling these sorts of cases, assisting whistleblowers from beginning to end. Furthermore, they will keep your information confidential, which should provide you with peace of mind. Reporting illegal activity shouldn’t be fearful; if anything, it should fill you with pride knowing that you can make a difference in the lives of others.
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