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chapter two

George has always been intrigued by the ocean. ever since he was a kid, he was always extremely drawn to it. his mother and father would constantly take him down to the beach on the days they didn't have work and they would spend hours and hours there. every time, George would boogie board or watch the waves crash on the shore while he ate a sandwich. on his tenth birthday, his parents got him a small foam surfboard. every day he spent at home, he would watch video on how to surf. on other days, he would beg them to go back. most times, they would give in to his pleads after a couple of hours and he would go into the ocean and ride as many waves as he could catch.
but this isn't the past anymore, this is the present.

he had just recently moved to another city, making 100% sure that it was close to the beach. he had been in said city for a couple of days, but decided to explore the town before the beach. but one morning, he had woken up exceptionally early, for god knows why, and randomly decided that today was the day he wanted to go surfing. he didn't check the weather or how the waves would be, just put on his wetsuit and left. he saw a car parked on the side of the road near a beach approach, so he thought to himself how this was the perfect spot. he had a weird feeling, not a bad one, but one that he has never had before. he grabbed his board quickly and walked down to the approach. the moment he got to the first stair down, he stopped in his tracks. he had now realized the reason for the od feeling from before, as his stomach dropped. he doesn't know why he didn't expect anyone to be there, even even though there was a car by the approach, but he also didn't expect the sight before him. the sunrise was stunning, even considering his colorblindness, but there was something else. something different but familiar about the sight before him. the other person was another surfer and he was about to catch a wave. George figured he was far enough away to where he could catch the person and play it off as if he was looking at the sunrise. once he had realized the tall, lean blonde boy had looked in his direction, he already could tell that he knew. he looked for a couple of seconds more, and in these few seconds the blonde had fallen off is board, pushed his now soaking wet longish hair out of his face, and gotten back on, paddling away. George had contemplated just leaving but for some reason he knew that if he did, everything that could potentially happen, would all be ruined.
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