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Q.1 define chemical equilibrium states?
Q.2 Give the characteristics of reversible reaction?
Q.3 how is dynamic equilibrium established?
Q.4 why at equilibrium states reaction does not stops ?
Q.5 what is relationship between active mass and rate of reaction ?
Q.6 write the equilibrium constant expression for the following reaction?
i. h2 +I2 _______> 2HI
ii. Co+3H2______>CH4 +H2O
Q.7 If reaction quotient Qc of a reaction is more than Kc what will be the direction of the reaction?
Q.8 Name three common household substance having
a. pH value greater than 7
b.PH value less than 7
c. pH value equal to 7
Q.9 define a base and explain that all alKalies are base ,but all bases are not alkalies .
Q.10 define Bronsted_ Lowry base and explain with an example that water is a Bronsted_ Lowry base and explain with an example that water is a Bronsted _ Lowry base.
Q.11 how can you justify that Bronsted _ Lowry concept of acid and base is non_ aqueous solution?
Q.12 which kind of bond is formed between Lewis acid and a base?
Q.13 name two acids used in the manufacture of fertilizers.
Q.14 define pH . what is the pH of pure water?
Q.15 how many times a solution of pH 1 will be stronger than that or a solution having pH 2?
Q.16 how are alkyl radicals formed? Explain with example?
Q.17 what is the differences between n_ propyl and isopropyl radicals? explain with structure.
Q.15 Expain different radicals of butane.
Q.16 define functional group? with example.
Q.17 what is an ester group ? write down the formula of ethyl acetate.
Q.18 write down the dot and cross formula of propane and n _ butane.
Q.19 define sฬคructure formula . draw the structure formula of n _ butane isobutane.
Q.20 what do you know about hydrogenation of alkenes?
Q.21 how are alkyl halides reduced?
Q.22 how can you prepare ethane from alcohol and ethyl bromide?
Q.23 why are the alkenes called 'olefins' ?
Q.24 why alkenes can't be oxidized with kMnO4 solution?
Q.25 what are the addition reactions ? Explain with an example .
Q. 26 justify that alkanes gives substitution reactions .
Q.27 both alkenes and alkynes are unsaturated hydrocarbons. States the one most significant difference them .
Q.28 write the molecular, dot and cross and structural formula of ethyl .
Q.29 why hydrocarbons are soluble in organic solvents?
Q.30 why colour of bromine water discharges on addition of ethenes in it?
Q.31 how plants synthesize carbohydrates?
Q.32 Given the characteristics of monosaccharides.
Q.33 what is the difference between glucose and fructose?
Q.34 Given an example of a disaccharides. how is it hydrolyzed into monosaccharides ?
Q.35 where are the proteins found ?
Q.36 how are the proteins formed?
Q. 37 why are the ten amino acids essential for us ?
Q.38 name two fatty acids with their formule .
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Q.39 states the major sources of CO and Co2 emission .
Q.40 CO is a hidden enemy , explain its action.
Q.41 which air pollutants is produced on anaerobic decomposition of organic matter?
Q.42 how does acid rain increase the acidity of soil?
Q.43 how is ozone layer formed in stratosphere?
Q.44 how is ozone layer being depleted by chlorofluorocarbons ?
CHAPTER NO 7 ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜™๐Ÿ˜—
Q.45 which forces are responsible for dissolving polar substance in water?
Q.46 how does water dissolve sugar and alcohol ?
Q.47 how detergents make the water unfit for aquatic life?
Q.48 why are pesticides used?
Q.49 what are the reason of waterborne diseases?
Q.50 how water born diseases can be prevented?


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