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*TIMESKIP: UA Sports Festival*

Shizuka Suzuki's P.O.V

We were all in the waiting room and everyone was talking before Iida walking into the room informing us that we'll soon start the Sports Festival I was so nervous... like I said before, my quirk, "Symphony", It doesn't seem like something that would be useful in combat, but it's actually pretty good when it comes to fighting, I can easily hypnotize my opponents, but then again, I don't even know if we'll be fighting against each other, neither of us know anything about what will happen in the Sports Festival... I then overheard Midoriya and Todoroki talking, something about a declaration of war... it seemed they both wanted to make it to the top... that's not good, I know Midoriya's quirk, so his weakness will be easy to find... but he had to make it to the top if he was going to be the next number one hero... Todoroki on the other hand is way too ambitious, he'll try to get everyone out of his way... everyone including me... but he'll be too focused on fighting Midoriya, at this point, he's already caught on that Midoriya and All Might have similar quirks, they also seem to talk a lot, but while they're busy with their little rivalry, I'll focus on myself.

We were now there... all together... facing the crowd... Bakugo was supposed to represent us, and he really screwed up, he's the reason everyone hated class 1-A, all he said was "I'm gonna win", and that was it, like he's gonna get first place, he's far too aggressive, not to mention over-confident. We then found out what the first round of Sports Festival was, it was a stupid obstacle course. We got ready, and when it started everyone ran through, Todoroki's first move was freezing us all in place, I looked around, no one was getting through so far, I needed something, some idea... I took my time breaking through the ice, I knew that something like this would happen so I came prepared, my shoes would easily slide through the ice so I can get through, I thought it'd be hard but more people started getting through they were catching up, including Bakugo, Midoriya was nowhere in sight, I wanted to get first place, but that kid's supposed to be the next best hero in the world, not to mention I was the daughter of the hero that was rooting for him, so I was kind of worried... I just focused on myself for now though... suddenly we all saw some giant robots... this was not going as planned, I started singing which hypnotized students around, the robots would be busy trying to catch those standing around, too busy to notice me, Todoroki froze the robots, but they were clearly unbalanced so I got out of there knowing the ice would break, which would trap students there... Todoroki got ahead of me, clearly unaware I was here, though unfortunately Present Mic mentioned how we were ahead of group, making Todoroki aware of my presence, which was bad... my quirk only works to hypnotize people if I choose to hypnotize them, and they also have to able to hear it, Todoroki was far ahead of me, but if I could get closer to him, I could use my quirk and get in front of him, taking first place.

We got to the second obstacle... we had to walk through tightropes... and I had no idea what to do, I started walking through the tightropes, people started catching up and I saw I ran Bakugo getting through it easily, I don't remember where, but close to finishing this obstacle, I fell, and I held on to the ropes, I heard some students gasp or say "Did you see that?" or "Did someone just fall?" "Suzuki is that you? Ribbit." I recognized that voice, "Tsu!" I heard Uraraka say "Don't worry we'll help you!", no one was getting through, everyone was just watching me hang on for my life, bunch of assholes, when a minor is hanging onto a rope for their life, you don't just stand and watch! I heard that stupid guy announce "Oh no! Looks like someone fell and is hanging onto a rope in the second obstacle! And it seems to be one of your students Ereaser Head!" I saw a hand reach out for me, all I heard was "Take my hand.", I recognized the voice, I took their hand and got up, it was Todoroki, he simply said "Your welcome" and ran through the rest of the obstacle, I heard Tsu ask if I was alright, "Yeah! Of course! I was scared there for a second, thank god nothing too bad happened, thanks for worrying guys!" I just smiled, I honestly didn't get it, I almost died, could have died, and yet I smile like an idiot, we said our goodbyes and I got through the obstacle, it wasn't long before I got to the last obstacle, I slowly walked through avoiding the bombs, I could hear the explosions go off behind me, I turned to my right to see Todoroki and Bakugo fighting... that gave me an advantage, while they were busy bickering, I'd be able to make it through... or at least that's what I thought, they started running through, I did the same... they were at the end of this obstacle, they were tied, and I was only about four steps away from the end of the obstacle, when a huge explosion went off, and I looked back to see MIdoriya... he was holding some part of a robot, he got close to Todoroki and Bakugo, slamming the whatever he was holding on the ground causing explosions, I didn't get a glance at the situation since explosions went off and there was a lot of smoke, he then started running, he ended up getting first place, Todoroki came in second, Bakugo was right behind him getting third, and me? I got fourth... I went up to Midoriya "Hey... congratulations! Now I see why All Might choose you. You'll make a great hero!" he just said "T-thanks! It really was nothing! I didn't even use my quirk..." then Uraraka walked up to us and started congratulating Deku... I swear, he was the color of Kirishima's hair, he was so obvious... how had Uraraka not noticed this yet? Only the top forty-two got to advance to the next round, so luckily I was in fourth, which means I still get a chance to be in first! The next round was supposed to be done in groups, surprisingly enough, Ashido and Kirishima asked me to team up with them, Bakugo was absolutely against me being in their team but Kirishima said it'd be a great idea and they agreed, because my quirk was really helpful, they could use that to their advantage, and we could win! So I agreed, Uraraka and Midoriya asked me to team up with them, but I apologized saying someone else already had asked me to team up with them, I wished them luck and they found other teammates.

It started. We headed towards Midoriya's team, but he flew away, and Bakugo flew towards him in hopes to get his headband only to be blocked by Dark Shadow, we ran towards him, catching him easily, the game continued up until someone got Bakugo's headband, that same guy ended up provoking Bakugo, which didn't go well for our team, we charged towards that guys team but he dodged Bakugo's attack, he copied is quirk and then copied Kirishima's quirk to block Bakugo's next attack. Some guy used his quirk on us and we were glued to the ground, Ashido was trying to use acid to melt through whatever substance was keeping us in place, we were now at zero points and Todoroki was still trying to get Midoriya's headband... it was then announced he got it... Todoroki had Midoriya's headband... he was in first place... this wasn't good, I needed to do something, I started singing, my teammates noticed this, but the other team didn't they looked like idiots while they were hypnotized and we took all their headbands, advancing to second place... Ashido thought we could use my quirk to take headbands of other teams before taking Midoriya's headband, Kirishima said we should focus more on defense, but Bakugo thought that we should go straight for the headband we needed the most, I just kind of stood there hoping their bickering would end, at some point, Ashido melted whatever substance that guy shot at us that kept us in place and we started moving and got more headbands, but honestly all we needed was Midoriya's headband... or at least, what USED to be Midoriya's headband...

Bakugo rushed to the other two teams, looking for the points, and who had them, Midoriya and Bakugo were now getting ready to take the headband from Todoroki while their team clearly was depending on Yaoyorozu for defense since Kaminari looked like an Idiot and Iida already used up all he could, also we were too close to getting the headband before Todoroki could react, but before anyone could do anything, the game ended, and we finished in second place, Todoroki's team got first, and thankfully Midoriya's team got fourth, which means they advanced to the next round! Ashido was kind of upset we ended in second, I was just glad we made it this far, Kirishima was just worried about Bakugo, and Bakugo was... well... let's just say he wasn't really doing great right now... the other teams seemed pretty proud of themselves, and Midoriya was crying from happiness, I was kind of nervous, since I'm in class 1-A, It'd be better to go against someone in my class, Bakugo's made our class a target, so going against someone in another class was basically a suicidal act, "Hey, Suzuki!" It was Ashido, honestly didn't expect her of all people to talk to me... "You did great back there! If you hadn't used your quirk we would have lost badly..." "I-it was nothing really!" we talked for a while until it was announced we had to take a break and eat. I was talking to Uraraka and Iida when we noticed Midoriya was missing...

"I'll go look for him, you guys should go ahead and get lunch. I won't take long!" they thanked me and went ahead, I continued walking until I heard talking coming from an entrance to the arena where we'd fight, I put my back against the wall and listened close, "...the power coming from you felt the same as All Might's..." I recognized it as Todoroki's voice... this was bad, I knew he was going to find out sooner or later, and he totally knew something was up since before, but... "...Midoriya... tell me..." I swallowed heavily... this was it... "...are you really All Might's secret love child or something?" my eyes widened, and I tried to hold in my laughter, I'd get why he'd think that but... seriously...? This was hilarious, I could barely keep myself from laughing, "Well are you?" Midoriya kept trying to clear up the misunderstanding, and I just tried to not laugh, this was gold, seriously? Secret love child? I could barely believe this, I then found out something I clearly wasn't meant to hear, I heard everything... Endeavor, the number two hero... one of the best pro heroes... was actually nothing like how everyone thought he'd was, apparently he had done something, something very infamous, they called it 'Quirk Marriage', when you married someone just to create a cool new quirk that your child will inherit, apparently Todoroki's mother had to go through that, and he was just a creation his father made in hopes of defeating All Might with him, the huge scar on his left eye? It was his mother, she poured boiling hot water on his face... I heard footsteps after some seconds of silence, I started running, the last thing I heard was "I think someone..." and it trailed off when I ran, the voice got lower until there was silence, I got back to Uraraka and Iida, I said I couldn't find Midoriya, he then came back, I pretended to not know anything, and I asked where he had gone, he just said he was talking to someone, though neither of us mentioned anything, they noticed I acted a bit off, but other than that, they were completely oblivious to anything, and I stayed pretty quiet the whole time, I just used the same excuse, "I'm just pretty nervous about the next round." they just believed me and said it'd be fine, while brushing it off. Kaminari then told all the girls they had to wear cheerleading outfits for some 'Cheer Battle' or whatever, we didn't think much of it, and so, we believed him and all the girls from class 1-A went to get changed into the outfits.

We look like idiots! Kaminari's such a pervert, how'd he even manage to get all the girls from class 1-A to agree to this?! Hagakure actually liked the uniform, but then again she had no trouble showing off, that girl was just some floating pom poms with a cheer outfit, we on the other hand were way too exposed, Yaoyorozu was pretty much drowning in misery and Uraraka tried to comfort her, I threw the pom poms on the floor and just stared at the floor, I swear as soon as this Festival's over I'll kill that stupid Pikachu, I could hear Yaoyorozu slightly crying I looked up for a second and I meet the gaze of Todoroki, then it all came back to me, everything I heard him tell Midoriya... I felt bad for him really, he looked away and his face was slightly red, I didn't know why, I just brushed it off, I crouched in front of Yaoyorozu to face her, and told her we'd be alright, that it wasn't a big deal, I really didn't want to see her cry, she was probably one of the nicest students in our class. We all gathered ready for the last round, when suddenly Ojiro said he wanted to withdraw, and someone else from his same team also chose to withdraw, they didn't seem to remember most of the Calvary battle... which was strange, they moved up two students form Tetsutetsu's team, they showed our opponents, and I was against Todoroki... Midoriya was up first, he was up against some dude named Shinso... no idea who that was, I just knew my opponent was sure going to be hard to defeat. We all had time before the tournament started, I was in the second fight... and I was so stressed, the girls actually started cheering, well some, Uraraka and Hagakure were into it, seriously, they have too much energy... we were up on some bleachers, had a clear view of the fight, all of class 1-A was of course going to cheer for Midoriya, we were really hoping he'd win, I knew with One For All, it should be no problem, though this dude's quirk was unknown...

The fight started, and Shinso tried to provoke Midoriya, it worked, and Midoriya charged towards Shinso, but he didn't get close to him, he stopped dead in his tracks, turned around, and started walking back, a second before he was out of bounds he snapped back, ran towards Shinso and pushed him, Shinso fought back punching him and trying to get him to loose, int he end, Shinso was out of bounds and Midoriya won. I was so relieved, I really thought for a second he'd loose, Midoriya went up to Shinso before he walked out of the arena, I saw them tlaking but that was it, Uraraka reminded me that I was next up against Todoroki, "Hey aren't you next?" I tensed up a bit, I was kind of scared, I've seen what Todoroki can do, I'd need help from other's, but I have a plan, and I'll use the plan, "Y-yeah..." "Hey... you don't have to be nervous... I'm sure you'll do great!" "No, Uraraka, you don't understand... in the landslide zone in USJ during the attack, Todoroki was able to freeze all the villains in place, I've seen him fight... he's strong, I could easily loose..." she clearly felt bad for me, "But, even so, I'll still try my best to win. Because just like all of us. I also want to be a hero! And that's why, I'll do my best!" then Midoriya came back, "There you are Deku!" Uraraka looked back at him, me and Iida did the same, "You did great!" "It was nothing..." "Oh come on Midoriya... don't be so modest! You did great out there!" they announced it was time for the second round... I was so nervous... "Suzuki-" I turned back to face Midoriya "Good luck." "Yeah! You can totally win!" surprisingly enough Iida said something too "I'm sure you'll do great." "Thanks guys..." I slightly smiled, and with that, I walked off, I was ready...

I stood face to face with Todoroki, and then it began, as predicted, his first move was ice, ice after more ice, I had to get close to him, because my quirk was pretty useless, I learned many ways to attack someone, physically, without using a quirk, but it'd be hard to get close to Todoroki if he keeps attacking, someone like Iida would be able to do something, another attack came and I dodged again, this time running towards him, he kept attacking and I kept dodging, when I was close enough, I started singing, he stayed still, and did nothing, I took a second to recover myself, but I didn't see it, he could use his quirk still... but how?! I barely dodged it and almost got hurt badly, I was so close to the white line, if I don't dodge this next hit I'm out. And what happens next? I don't dodge it! Amazing! It hit me and I fell back, for some reason his guard was down, I stood up and I opened my mouth to say something but I got cut off by Midnight yelling "Suzuki is out of bounds! Todoroki wins!" my eyes widened and I looked down at the white line, I didn't get hurt that badly, but injuries on the battlefield shouldn't be taken lightly, so I simply said "Congratulations." and walked past him to go see recovery girl, I kept myself from crying, I knew this would happen, but, I really kind of hoped I'd get through at least this first round... I walked through the halls and stopped for a second, a tear rolled down my cheek, but I wiped it off and continued my way towards the nurse's office.
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