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The Statue of Liberty is undoubtedly the most famous monumental statue in the world. She has an international reputation, and whatever the person with whom you interact, he will recognize it with a simple description. And yet, among the monumental statues, this is one of the smallest that exist. The record is held by the Spring Temple Buddha (China) and its 128m high, followed by Laykyun Sekkya (116m, Myanmar) and Ushiku Daibutsa (110m, Japan). The Statue of Liberty painfully dominates the statue of Genghis Khan (40m, Mongolia) and just over Christ the Redeemer, Corcovado (30m, Brazil). So it begs the question: Why do it seems so beautiful? The answer is probably not unique. Everyone appreciates it for reasons of its own, but in general it is its proximity to our lifestyles that spring. It was made by a French, delivered to a friendly country, western, which placed so highlight the relations between Europe and the United States. It is primarily a symbol which the West shared values, freedom, resistance to oppression. And of course, it has the features of a European, dressed according to criteria of beauty recognized by our people, namely antiquity. Where to begin to describe this statue? Perhaps its general beauty, bringing about the virginal incarnation of freedom than purely physical criteria which are necessarily dependent on the civilization from which the beholder is. Yet the comparison with her illustrious Greek predecessor, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Statue of Liberty is widely winner in terms of artistic beauty. And the comparison can be flattering: This antique statue was still one of the seven wonders of the world From a more practical standpoint, this statue is actually huge. High 46.50 meters, it is perched on such a high pedestal as tall as it. She quietly reached the venerable weight of 225 tonnes, while the dimensions of the parts of her body inspire respect: A nose of one meter 37, an index of 2m 44, a head of over 5m high ... It is Draped in large dress with many folds, hiding her breast which is not particularly generous. A pledge consensuality perhaps? At her feet, the sculptor has placed the broken chains of slavery, only elements representing freedom. And a discrete element. This statue has a fairer name her nickname: That it illuminates the world is more evident that it is the embodiment of freedom. (Reminder: "Statue of Liberty", it is only her nickname, its official name is "Liberty Enlightening the World") She wears a tablet, secular reincarnation of the tablets of the law of Moses. It is dated July 4, 1776, date of independence of the United States, which seems coherent with regard to its history.
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