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196 Negara dengan Saldo Kekuatan Populasi dan PDB Nominal

🇦🇫Afghanistan 587944696796
🇿🇦Afrika Selatan 20953201705200
🇦🇱Albania 43480500490
🇩🇿Aljazair 7513792300000
🇺🇸Amerika Serikat 7091167111545340
🇦🇩Andorra 244570622
🇦🇴Angola 2645852290000
🇦🇬Antigua & Barbuda 162603595
🇸🇦Arab Saudi 27133844599254
🇦🇷Argentina 20404251380869
🇦🇲Armenia 40577128800
🇦🇺Australia 35494824825210
🇦🇹Austria 3976794973400
🇦🇿Azerbaijan 486322557023
🇧🇸Bahama 5287408980
🇧🇭Bahrain 57980232234
🇧🇩Bangladesh 51132287674532
🇧🇧Barbados 1495113225
🇳🇱Belanda 15912134153550
🇧🇾Belarus 593481872000
🇧🇪Belgia 6157291140783
🇧🇿Belize 798993294
🇧🇯Benin 174480721779
🇧🇹Bhutan 1920259084
🇧🇴Bolivia 475746707045
🇧🇦Bosnia & Herzegovina 67198405252
🇧🇼Botswana 43551961320
🇧🇷Brazil 392643353263605
🇧🇳Brunei 6189005500
🇧🇬Bulgaria 472179414850
🇧🇫Burkina Faso 343947794190
🇧🇮Burundi 36953419200
🇨🇻Cabo Verde 1103133717
🇹🇩Chad 183091906023
🇨🇱Chile 5493431162580
🇨🇳China 20163788608295200
🇩🇰Denmark 2043631620152
🇩🇯Djibouti 3090354762
🇩🇲Dominika 41792256
🇨🇩DR. Kongo 4823500120200
🇪🇨Ekuador 1894491170660
🇸🇻El Salvador 182824177566
🇪🇷Eritrea 7024626000
🇪🇪Estonia 41824203696
🇸🇿Eswatini 5022335372
🇪🇹Ethiopia 9351889750000
🇫🇯Fiji 4894855808
🇵🇭Filipina 39380126836998
🇫🇮Finlandia 1482345756512
🇬🇦Gabon 36759047442
🇬🇲Gambia 4255288288
🇬🇪Georgia 65944494636
🇬🇭Ghana 2073967578798
🇬🇩Grenada 136260509
🇬🇹Guatemala 1293202724430
🇬🇳Guinea 155161582542
🇬🇶Guinea Ekuatorial 16037593936
🇬🇼Guinea-Bissau 2148177290
🇬🇾Guyana 3853688426
🇭🇹Haiti 94543029867
🇭🇳Honduras 233493416100
🇭🇺Hungaria 1597014645694
🇮🇳India 3964604318998010
🇮🇩Indonesia 301737429246000
🇬🇧Inggris Raya 188797233973887
🇮🇶Irak 9043109846400
🇮🇷Iran 50745120474708
🇮🇪Irlandia 1983941866000
🇮🇸Islandia 8901425880
🇮🇱Israel 3673107576600
🇮🇹Italia 118988441613160
🇯🇲Jamaika 43280692190
🇯🇵Jepang 639221623050000
🇩🇪Jerman 320947698544347
🇰🇭Kamboja 414272186433
🇨🇲Kamerun 946197382111
🇨🇦Kanada 66674140890280
🇰🇿Kazakhstan 3421854905288
🇰🇪Kenya 4542437832296
🇲🇭Kepulauan Marshall 13153500
🇸🇧Kepulauan Solomon 939334410
🇰🇬Kirgistan 55868259000
🇰🇮Kiribati 23299400
🇨🇴Kolombia 16310691636048
🇰🇲Komoro 883438140
🇨🇬Kongo 68407786524
🇰🇷Korea Selatan 85347199780778
🇰🇵Korea Utara 417257050000
🇨🇷Kosta Rika 315736504974
🇭🇷Kroasia 245174038475
🇨🇺Kuba 1179276838380
🇰🇼Kuwait 601027210583
🇱🇦Laos 136105834620
🇱🇻Latvia 64694904200
🇱🇧Lebanon 385016357778
🇱🇸Lesotho 4937714460
🇱🇷Liberia 11795345436
🇱🇾Libya 224003956200
🇱🇮Liechtenstein 264376112
🇱🇹Lithuania 152611122138
🇱🇺Luksemburg 44518783232
🇲🇬Madagaskar 370248462136
🇲🇰Makedonia Utara 26355980970
🇲🇻Maladewa 2161647670
🇲🇼Malawi 149425156972
🇲🇾Malaysia 11932803282960
🇲🇱Mali 353012520856
🇲🇹Malta 7647964732
🇲🇦Maroko 4322289075300
🇲🇷Mauritania 31686173661
🇲🇺Mauritius 17951880000
🇲🇽Meksiko 160563339821840
🇪🇬Mesir 32157996673411
🇫🇲Mikronesia 43325100
🇲🇩Moldova 31566436290
🇲🇨Monako 282816300
🇲🇳Mongolia 46453125264
🇲🇪Montenegro 3446420166
🇲🇿Mozambik 459899447808
🇲🇲Myanmar 4209139092496
🇳🇦Namibia 30970622268
🇳🇷Nauru 1452000
🇳🇵Nepal 921311825292
🇳🇪Niger 299854717854
🇳🇬Nigeria 97816532264892
🇳🇮Nikaragua 81726691320
🇳🇴Norwegia 2171793345536
🇴🇲Oman 339311293722
🇵🇰Pakistan 56768445497676
🇵🇼Palau 5012000
🇵🇸Palestina 87015450816
🇵🇦Panama 285748179500
🇨🇮Pantai Gading 1548563895138
🇵🇬Papua Nugini 223098015000
🇵🇾Paraguay 276225265792
🇫🇷Perancis 182355180254000
🇵🇪Peru 7401196303800
🇵🇱Polandia 22851903562000
🇵🇹Portugal 2458508630565
🇶🇦Qatar 498543169760
🇨🇫Republik Afrika Tengah 12506174640
🇨🇿Republik Ceko 2684241080520
🇩🇴Republik Dominika 929299949559
🇷🇴Rumania 4830944848800
🇷🇺Rusia 248435090468700
🇷🇼Rwanda 131126566180
🇱🇨Saint Lucia 379192912
🇼🇸Samoa 170915064
🇸🇲San Marino 53910504
🇸🇹Sao Tome & Principe 88511040
🇳🇿Selandia Baru 1057024328472
🇸🇳Senegal 395321507712
🇷🇸Serbia 356552139875
🇸🇨Seychelles 167188476
🇸🇱Sierra Leone 33381410478
🇸🇬Singapura 2115535267911
🇨🇾Siprus 21813720000
🇸🇰Slovakia 574157960740
🇸🇮Slovenia 113772225924
🇸🇴Somalia 25842374094
🇪🇸Spanyol 65957524282860
🇱🇰Sri Lanka 1831626424000
🇰🇳St. Kitts dan Nevis 55464150
🇻🇨St. Vincent dan Grenadine 91324200
🇸🇩Sudan 1503399081450
🇸🇸Sudan Selatan 65706373116
🇸🇾Suriah 356645889003
🇸🇷Suriname 2181599700
🇸🇪Swedia 5509387510623
🇨🇭Swiss 6330556517500
🇹🇼Taiwan 13546691181180
🇹🇯Tajikistan 77611895400
🇹🇿Tanzania 3523734025408
🇹🇭Thailand 36092915902080
🇹🇱Timor Leste 2620914004
🇹🇬Togo 56022620000
🇹🇴Tonga 51130708
🇹🇹Trinidad & Tobago 31718953800
🇹🇳Tunisia 454249630890
🇹🇷Turki 63316293590725
🇹🇲Turkmenistan 291161583612
🇹🇻Tuvalu 493829
🇺🇬Uganda 1355999612400
🇺🇦Ukraina 6408179140172
🇦🇪Uni Emirat Arab 3944765098718
🇺🇾Uruguay 197889963040
🇺🇿Uzbekistan 2003535058983
🇻🇺Vanuatu 275877000
🇻🇦Vatikan (TahtaSuci) 1650
🇻🇪Venezuela 3837714867280
🇻🇳Vietnam 25271180787501
🇾🇪Yaman 743710512080
🇯🇴Yordania 482360916168
🇬🇷Yunani 2202039014274
🇿🇲Zambia 412884966870
🇿🇼Zimbabwe 331758657920
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