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Saldo Power Negara Kuat pakai PDB sama Jumlah Militer

🇦🇫Afghanistan 71693942320
🇿🇦Afrika Selatan 1370888723125
🇦🇱Albania 15059000000
🇩🇿Aljazair 1064867515659
🇺🇸Amerika Serikat 164642000000000
🇦🇩Andorra 54873170
🇦🇴Angola 357419250000
🇦🇬Antigua & Barbuda 43497000
🇸🇦Arab Saudi 4741601360496
🇦🇷Argentina 2249766766789
🇦🇲Armenia 18420036552
🇦🇺Australia 6733330813440
🇦🇹Austria 693771465250
🇦🇿Azerbaijan 168119224380
🇧🇸Bahama 1553125000
🇧🇭Bahrain 75506192496
🇧🇩Bangladesh 1203674399144
🇧🇧Barbados 166690816
🇳🇱Belanda 2788025486375
🇧🇾Belarus 146744146125
🇧🇪Belgia 896956210612
🇧🇿Belize 123200000
🇧🇯Benin 2642518917
🇧🇹Bhutan 141679504
🇧🇴Bolivia 52553571849
🇧🇦Bosnia & Herzegovina 10714913442
🇧🇼Botswana 19179053115
🇧🇷Brazil 11075676975138
🇧🇳Brunei 5064228864
🇧🇬Bulgaria 156870762488
🇧🇫Burkina Faso 3535164486
🇧🇮Burundi 943611500
🇨🇻Cabo Verde 84849625
🇹🇩Chad 10401112792
🇨🇱Chile 1363963581280
🇨🇳China 103768222910616
🇩🇰Denmark 809722134144
🇩🇯Djibouti 919084736
🇩🇲Dominika 1171001
🇨🇩DR. Kongo 83438751539
🇪🇨Ekuador 272670399488
🇸🇻El Salvador 23053565952
🇪🇷Eritrea 2744835417
🇪🇪Estonia 11966551937
🇸🇿Eswatini 82800536
🇪🇹Ethiopia 168378236928
🇫🇯Fiji 279807172
🇵🇭Filipina 1162092385280
🇫🇮Finlandia 785142202480
🇬🇦Gabon 11499840000
🇬🇲Gambia 120393000
🇬🇪Georgia 31658203125
🇬🇭Ghana 41673117008
🇬🇩Grenada 9480000
🇬🇹Guatemala 59125934231
🇬🇳Guinea 3638931537
🇬🇶Guinea Ekuatorial 2679668208
🇬🇼Guinea-Bissau 113615503
🇬🇾Guyana 404805877
🇭🇹Haiti 235548962
🇭🇳Honduras 19146109671
🇭🇺Hungaria 214533242000
🇮🇳India 20785720227036
🇮🇩Indonesia 5864120301906
🇬🇧Inggris Raya 18498313240099
🇮🇶Irak 989057151232
🇮🇷Iran 2964221402560
🇮🇪Irlandia 195970048000
🇮🇸Islandia 773523315
🇮🇱Israel 2090024414176
🇮🇹Italia 14014662261264
🇯🇲Jamaika 2301787297
🇯🇵Jepang 35742316353719
🇩🇪Jerman 24614888335360
🇰🇭Kamboja 44386588512
🇨🇲Kamerun 32153567808
🇨🇦Kanada 8713860342592
🇰🇿Kazakhstan 538215911976
🇰🇪Kenya 180110220424
🇲🇭Kepulauan Marshall 26750
🇸🇧Kepulauan Solomon 5644288
🇰🇬Kirgistan 4462221224
🇰🇮Kiribati 40824
🇨🇴Kolombia 1626075262000
🇰🇲Komoro 6905088
🇨🇬Kongo 5325000912
🇰🇷Korea Selatan 12954483863104
🇰🇵Korea Utara 102219376000
🇨🇷Kosta Rika 14410264192
🇭🇷Kroasia 99904560760
🇨🇺Kuba 146439067698
🇰🇼Kuwait 372255886512
🇱🇦Laos 22825981440
🇱🇻Latvia 12484651502
🇱🇧Lebanon 164843397004
🇱🇸Lesotho 126577728
🇱🇷Liberia 223855408
🇱🇾Libya 96342837787
🇱🇮Liechtenstein 71262720
🇱🇹Lithuania 41505627776
🇱🇺Luksemburg 2499526161
🇲🇬Madagaskar 2011473750
🇲🇰Makedonia Utara 4345810000
🇲🇻Maladewa 485514000
🇲🇼Malawi 1211926016
🇲🇾Malaysia 1441372476141
🇲🇱Mali 7247812500
🇲🇹Malta 2047252480
🇲🇦Maroko 624439956816
🇲🇷Mauritania 2298917312
🇲🇺Mauritius 2918435590
🇲🇽Meksiko 5005529088000
🇪🇬Mesir 1711725181000
🇫🇲Mikronesia 271188
🇲🇩Moldova 1500150159
🇲🇨Monako 84750000
🇲🇳Mongolia 9170941721
🇲🇪Montenegro 859281048
🇲🇿Mozambik 6831650592
🇲🇲Myanmar 319818669284
🇳🇦Namibia 7155475007
🇳🇷Nauru 7168
🇳🇵Nepal 30817480320
🇳🇪Niger 2008584000
🇳🇬Nigeria 1317178980514
🇳🇮Nikaragua 9563022000
🇳🇴Norwegia 1191354248000
🇴🇲Oman 256999544384
🇵🇰Pakistan 1991853245500
🇵🇼Palau 145408
🇵🇸Palestina 241472000
🇵🇦Panama 55776530625
🇨🇮Pantai Gading 14141655432
🇵🇬Papua Nugini 1974991040
🇵🇾Paraguay 23931573098
🇫🇷Perancis 19677604478976
🇵🇪Peru 872142305838
🇵🇱Polandia 3193737609216
🇵🇹Portugal 646968302719
🇶🇦Qatar 364855381888
🇨🇫Republik Afrika Tengah 268239720
🇨🇿Republik Ceko 382772282496
🇩🇴Republik Dominika 120303984640
🇷🇴Rumania 944867828224
🇷🇺Rusia 13060437916710
🇷🇼Rwanda 3853680240
🇱🇨Saint Lucia 20465456
🇼🇸Samoa 2909250
🇸🇲San Marino 15169518
🇸🇹Sao Tome & Principe 563013
🇳🇿Selandia Baru 221962357329
🇸🇳Senegal 13927358592
🇷🇸Serbia 108427114701
🇸🇨Seychelles 93901977
🇸🇱Sierra Leone 397325552
🇸🇬Singapura 1635757905375
🇨🇾Siprus 27551293952
🇸🇰Slovakia 123371569125
🇸🇮Slovenia 35598013677
🇸🇴Somalia 2899284125
🇪🇸Spanyol 7650684671875
🇱🇰Sri Lanka 265456963584
🇰🇳St. Kitts dan Nevis 6721820
🇻🇨St. Vincent dan Grenadine 3984443
🇸🇩Sudan 96100022322
🇸🇸Sudan Selatan 5458426328
🇸🇾Suriah 289816092787
🇸🇷Suriname 378998784
🇸🇪Swedia 2111084434368
🇨🇭Swiss 1550084562000
🇹🇼Taiwan 4110388910126
🇹🇯Tajikistan 2161969920
🇹🇿Tanzania 55163438748
🇹🇭Thailand 2799943408224
🇹🇱Timor Leste 107928784
🇹🇬Togo 1216164198
🇹🇴Tonga 488000
🇹🇹Trinidad & Tobago 5904793600
🇹🇳Tunisia 102584127935
🇹🇷Turki 5718900300750
🇹🇲Turkmenistan 91634437251
🇹🇻Tuvalu 1134
🇺🇬Uganda 45030951108
🇺🇦Ukraina 654312610827
🇦🇪Uni Emirat Arab 2144501649343
🇺🇾Uruguay 86070248947
🇺🇿Uzbekistan 87238080000
🇻🇺Vanuatu 1603584
🇻🇦Vatikan (TahtaSuci) 384
🇻🇪Venezuela 418507661736
🇻🇳Vietnam 1407098304000
🇾🇪Yaman 87643446093
🇯🇴Yordania 145605840741
🇬🇷Yunani 1404278624880
🇿🇲Zambia 24386622560
🇿🇼Zimbabwe 25722227871
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