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Hello and welcome to your official [HIA] Training Session!
Today you will learn the basic commands and rules of [HIA]
Remember to listen carefully because there will be a test at the end!
If you afk/idle during this training you will automatically fail and may be asked to re-take it!
Please don't walk around or talk while I am teaching you our commands and rules.
I will also give you opportunities to ask any questions you might have.
I also recommend that you take notes throughout so that you're ready for the test.
Also, if i am running through it too quickly for you, please tell me.

Any questions before we begin?

Alright, let's start by learning the commands.
Attention or ATT - Stand up behind your seat, wave and say: Yes sir or ma'am.
At Ease or AE - Sit back down or continue what you were doing.
FTF - Fill The Front - Go to the front desks, recruit new members and let existing employees in.
FTB - Fill The Back - Go sit on the sofas at the back of the room.
BTB - Back To Base - Go back to the HIA HQ.
BTW - Back To Work - Similar to AE, Continue working where you previously were.FTT: Fil the training, go to the training room and train the Recruits.
FTTD: Fil the transfere desk.

Do you need me to repeat any of the commands or have any questions?

Alright! Now, let's take a look at the HIA rules.
1. Respect everyone, regardless of rank, gender, orientation or beliefs.
2. Don't ask for a promotion, pay, room rights, badge admins etc..
3. Don't flood, spam, use effects, caps or dance when inside the HQ.
4. No Inappropriate Language, i.e Swearing
5. Never let anyone in without Badge, Motto and Uniform, unless special permission is given.
6. AFK (Away From Keyboard) only in back seating areas, not in work stations
7. Ignore & Report trolls and raiders to HR+
8. Do not double job.
9. Do not self promote.
10. If you see anyone breaking any HIA rules, report it to a higher rank immediately.

Do you have any questions regarding our rules?

Now we will begin the test.
I will be testing your knowledge of the Commands and Rules.
You need to get at least 60% correct to pass.
I also need you to whisper the answers to me.
Please send a test whisper now.
--Recruit whispers you..--
Any final questions before we begin?
Good luck!

1. What does FTF mean?
2. What does FTB mean?
3. What does BTB mean?
4. What does BTW mean?
5. What does FTT Mean?
6. What does FTTD Mean?

*Recruit must get at least 4 commands correct in order to pass!

Next i am going to call out some commands,
I need you to perform the actions.
Are you ready?

-Recruit stands up, and faces you.. then waves and addresses you with 'Yes Sir! or Yes Ma'am!'
At ease!
-Recruit sits back down and is now at ease!

Please whisper me atleast 3 HIA rules
-Recruit needs to answer atleast 3 correct rules.

-If atleast 60% of the overall test has been achieved, you may pass the recruit, if not the recruit will need to be retrained!

You have passed the HIA training course!
Please change your motto to: [HIA] Agent I <Trainers tag> (your promotion tag)
Please do not forget my name as you will need it to get through Security.

-If the recruit fails, they will need to be re-trained if they failed to achieve the minimum of 60% for the overall test.

Sorry, you have failed the test, you will now have to re-take training.
Please wait here for the next training session.

Please provide this information to the passed recruits:

Before I let you start work, I just need to tell you about recruitment.
When you FTF, and a newcomer comes to your desk be polite at all times.
Ask them how you can help them and if they want a job that pays coins.
If they do, tell them to join the official [HIA] Badge and then wear/favorite it.
Next tell them to change their motto to [HIA] Recruit
Make sure they spell and type it out correctly.
Once everything is correct and they have the uniform, you can let them through to security.
Welcome to the HIA family, and we hope that you have a successful career here!ers. Click here ...
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Regards; Team

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